Just kidding, he was definitely non-threatening. I guess the cops just needed the target practice.
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Exactly! Gotta plug that last duck before it goes out of sight..
Probably just testing the equipment. Or he didn’t like having his picture taken on a bad hair day.
That’s funny. He sounds like the “Don’t taze me bro” guy. Too bad the rest of the video was cut. Maybe he’ll make a run for the Oscar.
Best Sound Editing or Best Sound Mixing?
How did he know it was a “he”? Could’ve been Janet Napolitano in disguise.
… “Why aren’t you shooting?”
… “He hasn’t done anything, ma’am.”
… “Dammit! This is America. We can’t have anyone defying the gov’t like that. Gimme the gun.”
Where are all the gun nuts with their guns using their guns to protect our liberty?
guns, guns, guns.
Gun nuts.
Amusing how few recognize OWS “is” the only significant activity in YEARS attempting to return some liberty to our society.
but JACKBOOTS prefer the show of force: guns, guns, guns.
They are all simple minded like that. Cannon fodder all.
It’s Oakland, CA. The only people legally allowed to own and carry guns are the violent/career criminals and the cops. Everybody else is denied a gun permit.
In the states that permit Conceal Carry laws, after implementation, the injuries from gun shots have gone down.
Hmmmm. Yeah, no cause and effect there. Move on.
“Freeze mother stickers this is a Fuck up”
I strenuously object to the false and misleading headline. It is reckless and irresponsible to do such things and diminishes the value of this blog to very near zero. We don’t need another Onion News or even another FOX News, neither is anything but misinformation which is rarely funny and does not need to be repeated.
If you can’t help, please don’t make things worse.
The Onion is satirical fake news. They cant help it that reality is frequently so fucked up that their ridiculous headlines are plausible.
Saying the Onion is misinformation is like complaining that The Office isn’t a real documentary.
“Saying the Onion is misinformation is like complaining that The Office isn’t a real documentary.”
Fucking hilarious!
Neword — filarious.
I saw only ONE cop make a mistake (by shooting a rubber bullet) out of probably 50+ cops. So if you follow the liberal pin heads train of thought here that makes all those cops bad.
This is nothing new. But if you too think all those cops were bad because of the actions of a single individual then you might like to look up the word, prejudice.
Now, who’s the bad guy?
And you might like to look up the word accomplice. Never mind, I’ll do it for you.
n accomplice [əˈkamplis, (American ) -ˈkom-]
a person who helps another, especially in crime
Time we need NATO air cover to protect the citizens.
Bite your tongue Dallas. We don’t need no stinkin drones over head. That’s all NATO would bring.
I didn’t see the other cops jumping to arrest the one who was bad. They are just as bad because they refused to do anything about it.
#11-Anon==”All” the cops are guilty because the one cop who made “a mistake” has not been disciplined for his actions.
What do YOU take from this inactivity?
More details here:
#6–JB==Ive read that statement before and 2-3 years ago read a good response to it but I forget what it was now as likely it was just opinion and not a data review. Still, you gun nuts have a basic logical problem: how many guns deaths are there when there are no guns?
So–I find it “hard to believe” that more guns do not cause the balloon to pop out somewhere else. Statistics on one isolated criteria can run quite counter to the total picture all summed up.
Personally, I don’t like seeing guns on idiots hips.
BUT the point of my post was that the OWS issue is one of protecting our FREEEEEEDOM as opposed to our personal safety and by inference you understand that guns do not help with that false justification at all.
Same as it ever was.
#5–Drive By==you imply that if guns were legal in Oakland that “what” would be better?
Why don’t you play that scenario out for us?
Gun nuts: can’t argue/think their way out of an open paper bag.
Wonder why the Occupy people aren’t carrying guns like the Teabaggers did?
It’s Oakland, CA. Don’t you ever pay attention? Geeze!
Dallas you such a damn moron 1 just 1 man carried a gun to a single tea party gathering in Arizona he was respectful and was fully with in his rights to carry the one gun
But as usual your dumb ass makes out like every tea partier out there came armed to every gathering.
leave the this blog and got sit in a tent with the dumb ass OWS it will make this place instantly better
Wonder why the Occupy people aren’t carrying guns like the Teabaggers did?
There were lots more than just one moron. Here’s one example. There are plenty more.
Actually I thought having somebody on the occupiers side get hurt or killed was the idea. They need a few badly injured or dead bodies as martyrs to stir up the mob.
If provoking the cops wasn’t the idea then a lot of them were at the wrong place and doing the wrong things even according to the video.
There is a growing list of people, members of the occupiers have injured, terrorized, or put in the hospital including a 78 year old woman. Some of the people running with them and using them for cover aren’t above robbing, sexually assaulting, or harassing occupiers either.
I’m afraid that so far as I can see this movement never matured beyond the level of a two year old throwing a temper tantrum and now they are providing cover for a lot of seriously dangerous types who don’t place any value on the rule of law, or respect the rights of others in any way shape form or fashion. In fact they act like they were raised by trolls.
Any of you that want to run with this mob, run with it.
I admire people standing up for what they believe in. You on the other hand, sit safely and cowardly behind your TV set and hope for the best.
I don’t remember any conservatives blaming/disavowing the whole tea party movement when a Rand Paul staffer beat up a protester. In fact I remember several folks on this very blog say that she was an agitator that got what was coming to her.
I don’t know what happened to that old lady. There’s not video of the actual incident from what I can tell. Regardless, its unfortunate that anyone got hurt.
To claim that or any other injury is the objective of the OWS movement is either dishonest or stupid.
OWS has been going on for nearly two months. If violence and destruction were the real aim there’d be a lot more than an old lady who fell down some stairs.
For the first time in my life I’m giving money to the candidate of my choice and I expect to vote and dude I do have a bad side.
I’m going to be tactful and leave it at that.
#18–Doi-ill==you disingenuously but revealing say: ” I’m afraid that so far as I can see …..” /// and thats the very issue with you Jackboots: you are afraid, and you can’t see very far.
Ha, ha.
Every single pin head of them is a dolt.
…..and they vote like lemmings.
Yea, verily.
Again the left/right morons are revealed right here on DU. Do you guys ever snap to the fact that you are being played like a fiddle. Both OWS and Teaparty are just symptoms of our failing country, and you fucking idiots want to argue about which movement is good and which is bad based solely on Liberal vs. Conservative viewpoints?
Both movements are good in my opinion. ANYTHING that gets people away from the “Kardashians” and awake to the problems in this country is a good thing. Neither movement is 100% correct, but most certainly a step in the right direction.
#24–General Panick==you said about exactly the same thing on some other post. Is this your generic post on all things political?
why don’t you put one ounce of effort into this and actually reply to a comment/statement made rather than making a useless generalization?
I see the main point and comment of this thread as Police abusing their power. Not a left/right issue.
Pull your head out of your ass and try……just try…..to be relevant.
As always,…….we’ll all wait for it.
Actually I did. Think about it for a moment. The generalizations are being made by asswipes who are brainwashed into thinking YOUR party is the correct party. When both are just flip sides of the same coin.
Of course the cops are wrong here, it’s some of the commenters who will turn this into a left vs. right battle. Teaparty bad, OWS good. As long as we are fighting each other, nothing will be accomplished. But, yes I do realize that pointing this out is a big fat waste of time.
OWS isn’t trying to protect liberty, it’s trying to destroy it, just as all communist protests.
#26–General Panic===no, you didn’t. Prove me wrong by copy and pasting the generalization you are responding to.
Stop being so lazy—just tell the truth, or take the 15 seconds to prove your point. I can make your argument for it but of course being accurate it wouldn’t read close at all to what you posted.
It takes a total fool to double up on an error once called on it. Kinda like Herman Cain.===not to get all political.
I’ll keep waiting, the night is young.
OWS(before co-opted)=awesome
Tea Party(before co-opted)=awesome
co-opter(is that a word?)=DOUSCHE
lakeaccess, you douche-nozzle! (note the spelling)
How has OWS been co-opted, and by whom? In particular, as compared to how quickly and thoroughly the tea party was taken over by Koch’s PACs.
was it officer Anthony Bologna again? (a.k.a Tony Bologny)
Liberal Pinheads? Only saw one cop make a mistake?
Fine. He just lost his career in my book.
Unless I am missing something, these people (not cops) have a right to be there. They are not being disruptive. Mouthing off is not supposed to get you SHOT BY THE COPS- with anything… -Just because a weapon is non-lethal, does not mean it can’t mess you up. Hammers are non-lethal, but I bet if you started chucking dollar store hammers at the cops, and they got hit, they would retaliate with automatic weapons fire! A few more of these, and people, in the US, with guns ARE going to start shooting back. Anyone with a deer rifle can lay back two blocks and start clipping the cops in the legs with a deer rifle…. I am really surprised it has not happened already. And I say this with the whole hearted belief the the vast majority of cops are GREAT at their jobs, well intentioned people that KNOW better, but they let ONE FUCKSTICK like this guy get away with it, then they are as bad as he/she is. The COPS need to clean house internally and get rid of the trigger happy, beat down, tune-up cops. If they don’t, after all the history there is in Oakland, it is just a powderkeg, and the cops there can’t seem to stop fucking up.
Cops always show their true colors, when there’s enough cameras around.
Yet another example among hundreds, if not thousands showing abuse of power by so called “Law Enforcement”.
Marshall Law is very near. Start praying to your higher power, for chaos is coming soon! Godspeed.
“Marshall Law” made me giggle.
He’s a pron actor, I think.
Marshall Marshall Law (isn’t that Jude Law’s brother who became a US Marshall?)
This video should prove to all that the Cops are acting like PIGS.
Forget about Dems or Repubs. D & R is only useful for splitting up the people.
We are the people with rights GUARANTEED by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. If the PTB won’t give us our rights. Then GUNS and more GUNS.
Remember your second amendment. Maybe time to feed the tree of liberty? I’m a peaceful person but what I viewed in this video was actions by the PIGS that I’d expect from some third world Country. Fuck those PIGS.
The part about D&R being divide and conquer is absolutely right!! Screw the parties – be an AMERICAN and think revolution!
We want democracy, end fascism!
@jpfitz Nah. In a third world country this guy would be splattered all over the street. All he got was a little contusion.
Yeah, that’s how sliding to third world country status begins.
@two to the head, Yea you’re right about the real dangers faced daily in uncivilized Nations.
I disagree that “All he got was a little contusion”. His rights as a citizen were shattered besides the big welt or broken bones left by the projectile.
After seeing this and watching MSM not cover this or other atrocities perpetrated by the PIGS, then directing the peoples attention to Cain instead. I am very concerned that a martyr will be sacrificed or manufactured and then the SHTF.
Bad days ahead. All Peace Officers are not bad although one rotten apple will spoil the bunch.
The zombie apocalypse is very real, beware…..
zombies are very dangerous, unlike the in the movies.
They are highly organized, carry weapons and wear uniforms.
This video of the OPD reminds me of OCP in the Robocop movies.
What a nice evidence for the upcoming lawsuit.
Why do they need so many cops there, and is OWS being billed for the cops like the Tea Party was in some places?
Nothing surprises me anymore. The US is broken.
Legalize Liberty!
Any time an OWS creep is shot is a good time.
Build a wall around them, and call it a jail.