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Executive Producers: Oscar Nadal, Baron Steven Pelsmaekers
Associate Executive Producers: Ville Meloni, Nolan Waugh
Art By: peekasso
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  1. Publius says:

    Adam and John:

    Great digging on the international humanitarian award that was in the works for Ghaddafi just 3 months before he was No-Flyd by NATO;

    and the refurbed weapons shipment to Libya before the No-Fly event;

    and the 80/20 – 20/80 oil revenue rights deal flip between Libya and BP before the No-Fly event;

    and the NATO strike (aka No-Fly) at the Chinese oil company facility in Libya at the onset of the No-Fly.

    By the way, you should know that a Texas PD (Montgomery County) has already purchased a drone for use domestically in the USA. It is a helicopter-style drone, and it will be armed with tazers among others. Tazers from teh sky!!!

    • pedro says:

      Gahdaffy (written like that on purpose) was playing the double edge sword.

      Although those facts are accurate, is not less true that he was playing nice also with venezuela, cuba, north korea, belarus, etc.

      He had his days numbered when the middle east coalition turned its back on him; those were behind the droning too.

      The guy was a douche among douches and he had it coming.

  2. Publius says:

    >these drones could be used to conduct searches without warrants and spy on private areas such as backyards, Click2Houston notes.

    Smoke up the grill, honey, I hear that blasted government whirly bird spy-cam coming our way again.

  3. Publius says:

    This article has more about the Texas drone.

  4. ECA says:

    how many old commercial songs you rememeber??

    Oscar meyer..
    Mickey mouse..

  5. ECA says:

    Suggesting that $50 million puts Michael moore into the TOP 1%, is misguided.
    that is saying that he is in the top 3 million people in the USA that make TONS of money. There were lots of recent wage earners that received Much more then that.

    60% of the USA makes under $10 per hour..39% are above that..and 1% earn more then ALL those below.. The money that MM made, is probably made over TIME, not in just 1 year or less.

    • e? says:

      No. You are wrong.

      235,000 Americans have a taxable income over $1 million a year.

      So there are not 3 million people making “Much more then that”.

      Michael Moore’s wealth puts him squarely in the top 1% by wealth. Just the interest on his wealth puts him way in the top 1% of income earners. Any way you slice it, he is the 1%.

      • ChiefDanGeorge says:

        Yeah, however how many people have earnings over a million through stock options and other monetary sleight of hands?

      • ECA says:


        Iv said this to others..
        A janitor making $10-15 per hour, cleans up all these offices and buildings..
        He gets paid 1/2 compared to those IN THE OFFICES.
        But if he didnt show up for a few days..He would be fired.
        The benefits and compensation of those in the offices is so much greater compared to this 1 persons ESSENTIAL job.
        Why is the difference in compensation so great?

        If you lowered the Wages of those in the offices, you could pass on the savings to the consumer.
        (makes the world go round)

        If you raised the Janitors wages, he could participate in purchasing more goods.(makes the world go round)

        Also think of something really WEIRD..
        Taking money from the poor, by over pricing things..Corps get to make Contributions. Insted of the Poor/lower income having (a small) excess and giving to local church or charity..the CORPS gets to do it. THEY get to pick who the money goes to, and THEY get the credit.
        NOW if you think those Contributions are going to REAL charities…think again. many of those charities only Launder the money, and about 50% goes into someones POCKETS. Look at the charities, look who controls/runs/administers them. Check out the salaries.

        have fun.

        • e? says:

          1. Why a janitor is paid less:

          The janitor cleans the office where other people produce stuff. While the (say) engineers there are responsible for designing a bridge that won’t fall down, the janitor’s responsibility ends at vacuuming the floors and washing some tiles. His job is an overhead, a cost of maintaining an office, not an input into whatever product is sold by the people whose office he cleans. That is why he gets paid less.



          Firstly, almost nobody receives $50 million a year from any source. So it’s a moot point.

          Secondly, even if M. Moore “earned” his over 20 years, he still had to make about $4 million a year to get there, assuming he paid his taxes along the way and spent some on living costs. $50 million is not a sum that a salary earner amasses over 20, 30, or 40 years.

          He is the 1%. He is the people he is agitating against.

  6. pedro says:

    FatsoMoore apologist are so funny.

    Keep at it.


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