1. /T. says:

    He’s a Chicken Joker !!!

  2. ± says:

          er… Foghorn Leghorn with his ‘first prize’ winning human?

  3. Borkt says:

    Native son of Petaluma. (and yes, I was born there.)

  4. Larry Budd says:

    I’m going to feed your eyes to my rooster.

  5. LoneSQRL says:

    Fowl play = suspected

  6. theBadSteveO says:

    How’d you like to stroke my cock?

  7. ECA says:

    Clown makeup anyone??
    GET that kid out of his mothers Makeup..

  8. seetheblacksun says:

    Vote for me…

  9. PMitchell says:

    The beginning of the bestiality gay marriage movement

  10. Anonymous says:

    Texas! It’s like a whole other country!

    (Ya. I messed with it. Now, whatcha gonna do?)

  11. Kelvington says:

    Well you got your wish! It’s 14 Inches!

  12. john R says:

    Wholesome American.

  13. Buzz Mega says:

    Young Dvorak was always showing girls his cock.

  14. Chris Mac says:

    we are justin bieber’s baby too!

  15. Chris Mac says:

    my gramma died saturday..
    i hope to god she meets hopper in line

  16. honeyman says:

    Ronald McDonald – The Early Years

  17. Dallas says:

    Lipstick lesbian with a cock

  18. msbpodcast says:

    This is the internet. Why are you surprised to see an old picture of some guy stroking his cock?

    At least it wasn’t a picture of the ass from goat.se…

  19. Drive By Poster says:

    The love child of the Joker and Ace Ventura, pet detective.

  20. Power Bear says:

    Child of androgyny, you have not yet found the cock you are looking for.

  21. MacBros says:

    Heeeh. Any Cock will Dooooooo!

  22. McCullough says:

    Kenneth’s little brother.

    • pedro says:

      And Kenneth and him are not in good term because the guy in the pic is too gay

  23. canamrotax says:

    It’s just a photo of a young man grinning and holding a huge cock. I’m sure if I do a google image search I’ll find lots just like this one…

  24. Billy Bob says:

    Could you hold my cock and pullet?

  25. Jim G says:

    Say….. nice cock!
    why thank you

  26. John E. Quantum says:

    Anthony Weiner was inspired to action by this picture he saw in French Farm and Family magazine.

  27. Rob Leather says:

    “If I pose for this picture, at some point in the future I’ll end up a popular website and end up being famous”

    – 50% correct.

  28. Dallas says:

    That’s not a well groomed cock. Again, he’s a televangelist.

  29. feltz says:

    The rainbow sticker version of “Of Mice and Men”

  30. Reverse Engineer says:

    Rooster: “Cock a doodle doo!”

    Guy holding rooster: “Any cock’ll do!”


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