1. Kenno says:

    Guess which of us really has gonads…

  2. Cassius says:

    Gay All Day!

  3. CitizenSlave says:

    We’re expecting in the spring

  4. Al Schmidt says:

    A Boy And His Cock

  5. wounder of it all says:

    I’ve heard of lipstick on a pig…..but this is just confusing

  6. Old MacDonald says:

    Well, no surprise here. You wouldn’t expect this guy to have a chick in his lap now would you?

  7. pedro says:

    Lil’ Dallas wondering “what, me gay?”

  8. john says:

    i’m not a chicken plucker …

  9. Hunnybuns says:

    I would Smile too if I had a Big Cock between my legs


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