On the one hand, no one has seen evidence other than these statements about the sexual harassment charges. The payoffs could just have been because lawsuits going to court to prove innocence would have cost more than the payouts, plus Cain wasn’t involved in the settlements.

On the other, many of those who have poured money into Cain’s campaign this week apparently are assuming the allegations are false. The women making allegations like this must be lying despite not wanting to come out into the public eye.

What do you think? Did he or didn’t he sexually harass the women? Should the women be forced into the spotlight to back up the allegations because Cain is running for President? Has this whole thing been blown out of proportion or should it be taken more seriously? Does this help or hurt his chances of winning the nomination?

  1. Somebody says:

    Really, who cares?

    The man is an ex-member of the FED.

    How far does your head have to be up your ass that you can’t see that this man is part of the problem?

  2. Grandpa says:

    I can remember a time when the same question could be asked of Bill Clinton. The same scrutiny should be applied to a possible President today as it was then. I wish the Republicans would drop the double standard and order a full and open investigation.

  3. Dr_Wally says:

    Herman Cain is not a real candidate. He never was. He is not raising money (at least nowhere near enough), he is not putting together any kind of organization in states that matter. He repeatedly demonstrates his ignorance of things that matter if you are president (foreign affairs, for example). his tax plan is hopelessly full of holes and doesn’t stand up to scrutiny by experts (they are all wrong, you know — his accountant said so). His latest is to arrogantly state what he won’t answer questions about.

    The best you can say is he is running a very good book tour, and doing self-promotion so he can get one of those Fox “commentator” jobs.

    Nothing he says matters. Nothing. In two months he will be as irrelevant as Bachmann, Santorum and the rest of the dwarves.

  4. deowll says:

    If the “victim” says it’s time to move on then it’s time to move on. Of course some people won’t because they can’t stomach looking at the issues in this campaign that concern most of the rest of the public.

  5. McCullough says:

    A fool and his money…….

    Playing the race thing…poor pathetic Alfie.

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    All these supposedly unracist liberals, when the time comes to settle down, they don’t go to the inner cities where the blacks are, but to very white parts of town, and white suburbs. Even Hillary and Bill, though to atone, ‘maintain his political viability’ he set up an office in Harlem for his affairs.

  7. Mark says:

    The women who Cain settled with are under non-disclosure agreements and can not talk about the case. Considering that there were no criminal charges, I can’t think there would be anything in the case that would change someone’s opinion on Cain if they were already a supporter. Did he make a tasteless comment? Did he grope someone? If he is such a pervo, how come there hasn’t been another settlement or charge in the last ten years?

    Although it would be interesting to know the details, it really just caters to the gossipy side of discussion that distracts from some of the bigger problems with Cain as a candidate (Look out! China’s about to acquire nuclear capabilities!)

  8. McCullough says:

    A chairman of the Federal Reserve…that’s all you need to know.

    Let’s move on people.

  9. sargasso_c says:

    No he did not sexually harrass those women. And my follow up sentence has been deleted four times by me.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      Personally I think the whole story is over-hyped. However his crappy handling of the shit storm is noteworthy.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      OK, we’re up to 4 now. He’s boned.

  10. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    I’m waiting for the guys that Cain sexually harassed to start talking.

  11. Dallas says:

    Who would of thunk that the 33 GOP presidential contestants would eat each other up like unbound lobsters in a tank?

    Businessman Cain is the big winner because he gets to sell allot of books. Not so good for the other TeaPublican loons.

    The REAL questions are as follows:
    *Who will challenge Romney after Cain fizzles out?
    *Will the losers support Romney or remain strangely ‘quiet’?
    *Who will be Romney’s VP choice? It might be Cain (if he wants it). This will add a little black to the ticket de-pussify the Romney campaign.

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    Was Gloria Allred one of the ‘feminists’ who endorsed the idea of a one-free-grope rule for sexual assault? Clinton supposedly only went after Kathleen Willey once, and stopped when she rebuffed him.

  13. Animby says:

    Just a side comment:
    As soon as the newest accuser hired Gloria Allred, I discounted her accusations entirely.

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    That’s not a reason to discount. If you want to get the story out, that’s certainly a name to use. What does discount it is all the joking while giving the details.

  15. Anonymous says:

    SO WHAT?!!!


    Why is it that ancient history is always more interesting to the reporters when it’s NOT their guy? And why do these same pin heads always seem to forget how to report news when it IS?!

    It’s interesting how news reporters (a.k.a. “press”) claim to be unbiased most of the time. Damned interesting…

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    The newest accuser is still using a story that is less than what Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of doing, and for which feminists gave him a pass. Not just ignoring the story, but actively defending the behavior as not troubling, since he stopped when she said no.

  17. Animby says:

    NewFormatSux ” he stopped when she said no ” Exactly. He’s a sensitive, post-feminist, modern man.

    Truth is, she should have accepted his offer. She’s been unemployed for over a dozen years! Even before I got my medical degree, I was never unemployed any longer than I wanted to be. Sure, times are tough right now, but a decade ago? This reeks of a shakedown.

  18. Dallas says:

    It seems like this TeaPublican token negro is not working out.

    Guys, let’s save time and find a way to accept the Mormon. Sure it’s weird stuff you better find the right lipstick for him pronto.

    Teabaggers are urged to rally around the Mormon,

    • Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

      Great idea, Dallas! If they rally around the Mormon, they’ll be choosing someone who wears a special Mormon tunic that can actually shield their “junk” from any arousal not specifically targeted for procreational purposes, thereby creating an extra layer of scandal protection as well.

      But now the tough question — which Mormon? The good news is that even if Trepublicans decide to go Mormon, they can still show their vague but persistent dissatisfaction with Romney, showering love on Jon Huntsman instead, at least for awhile. Romney is apparently an acquired taste that too many Trepublicans still can’t swallow, but that’s why election seasons last so long. With time, they can learn how to hold their noses, and even Michele Bachmann will endorse him rather than seeing the anti-Christ be re-elected.

      Thus I have prophesied with my Magic 8-Ball.

      • Dallas says:

        Yup. Everyone knows this is what will happen.

        The next couple of months is just GOP campaign process masturbation to pretend the selection process is still active.

        The fact is, the Mormon is the least ugly of the pageant and Cain is already lost the independent female voters (Republican wives do as they’re told)

        • pedro says:

          Still the god ol’ sheep that keeps arguing that is good when his team does it but bad when is done by the other team.


  19. Animby says:

    Dallas “rally around the Mormon”

    I am trying to gauge whether I cringe more thinking of a Moron err… Mormon in the WH or is a fundamentalist like Perry more cringeworthy?

    I just know either would be preferable to the severe cramps that would be brought on by four more of O’Bama.

    The only thing that scares me more than four more years of Hope and Change is the ever-present chance that something would happen to the Bamster and we’d end up with a Biden Presidency!

    • Dallas says:

      Although a moron, err mormon, Romney is still flexible. I’d rather have him than a strange bird like Perry.

      The point is moot because I think Obama is gonna win no matter who wins the TeabPublican beauty (least ugly) pageant.

      • Animby says:

        Agreed on Perry. I do not want a good ole boy who believes the world is 5,000 years old and man lived with the dinosaurs in the WH.

        I don’t think O’Bama will win. Politics aside, I think the economy is about to get worse, his and Biden’s inability to speak coherently without a script and I fear the stink on Eric Holder is about to erupt spreading crap on the entire administration.

        The next few months will be interesting…

  20. So what says:

    Apparently cain likes the white girls. I guess we have something in common.

  21. #101- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    What do you guys have against Gloria All Red?

    I don’t recall a single client of hers being liars. Might be one or two?

    Were there any?

    Whats the Animus???????

    Do you think Cain is telling the truth?

    Do you think Cain thinks much of your intelligence when saying he won’t reply to anonymous complaints when HE IS THE ONE keeping them anonymous?

    How stupid are you?

  22. Animby says:

    bobbo – “he won’t reply to anonymous complaints when HE IS THE ONE keeping them anonymous?”

    I just turned on the news this morning and heard Cain make a very specific and firm denial if any misdeed in this matter and, further, stating he has never met the latest accuser! Maybe he’s lying – I don’t know. But, I’d also say the onus is now on the accuser to back her statements. After all, if she waited 13 years to make a claim, she lacks some authority. Cain says he doesn’t know her? Okay, she only needs to provide ONE witness that saw them together. She doesn’t need to provide evidence of what happened in private, just show he’s lying about something to do with her.

    Personally, I’m trying to keep an open mind but the accusers are accusing stupidly and Cain has been responding very guiltily. Americans love a good sex scandal whether it’s pertinent or not. Truthfully, Cain doesn’t have the political savvy to be prez. OTOH, the politicians don’t seem to have a handle on the country right now, so maybe he’s what we need!

    BTW, I hear Cain has offered to submit to a lie detector on the matter … THAT would be interesting and foolish. If he fails, bang. He’s dead. If he passes, his opponents will repsond that it is proof he’s a sociopath! Ha!

    As I said to Dallas, the next few months are going to be interesting.

    PS. Sorry to ignore your self-numbering suggestion. If they’re not linear, it doesn’t help. But I will rejoin your previous “movement”: DVORAK FIX THIS BLOG!

  23. #105- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    104–Animby==your mostly irrelevant comment reminds me of an old unfunny linguistically oriented joke: “What do you call a man without a horse?”===A foot. ……. Ha, ha.====it does still make me laugh. Ok, a personal failing.

    So by inference you have no reason at all to defame Mzzzz All Red? I never liked her either, do like her daughter. Do you think I’m ageist?

    Dithering on…….Yea–its he said, she said. The history of such allegations is that the women tell the truth 99% of the time. Related, CEO’s remember underlings about 1% of the time. You can’t relate to that Animby because YOU are a professional. Not a spinner of fairy tales that is the sociopathic hallmark of any CEO/politician.

    don’t quit your day job Animby—I don’t think you’d keep your candy for very long.

  24. Dallas says:

    Cain might be be right in saying he sexually molested some, but not all of the women.

  25. CitizenSlave says:

    Who cares? Cliton LIED under oath (a Felony which bars him from office) and got re-elected. ITs all about which side can spin it best.

  26. NewFormatSux says:

    There was one guy who made a press conference at the National Press Club that he had a drug and sex tryst with Obama in the 90s. Somehow it didn’t get the same level of reporting, with Politico saying they wouldn’t go with unsubstantiated allegations.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    They don’t shoot assassinate presidential candidates any more (like they did George Wallace). The character assassinate them. they load up in advance with whatever damaging ammo they can get on them. And when the wrong one out shines the pre-chosen candidate (Perry?), they take aim at the new popular guy, and fire their privately funded lawyer backed gold diggers at them. Let’s face it, they did the same thing with Clinton. None of those women said a thing until he became president, and the GOP secretly funded their claims. Which I don’t remember ever being proven true. After the GOP get Cain out of the way. They’ll start on Romney next. It’s clearly Perry that they want. One more Texas bumpkin, that they can push around.

    I’m not saying that I like Cain. Cause how does having run a Pizza business, lead to qualifying as experience to be president? But I guess after nominating Palin for VP in 2008, anything goes in the next election. Frankly I think Clint Eastwood would make a pretty good president. He’s sure scare the crap out of the country’s enemies. “Go ahead Iran. Make my day.”


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