Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups, mate. The kid doesn’t look troubled to me. You might want to go see the movie Up. Great, great film. I cried.
“Mom, I cant do this properly unless I have a talking dog. Pleeeeze may I have a talking dog?”
Helped make a bunch of homemade walkers like that once, we used schedule 5 pvc and tennis balls with the casters from old office chairs. Supposed to be better than the old fashioned walkers that the kid is trapped inside. Kid looks adorable by the way, reminds me of the kid from A Christmas Story.
For Kindle and with free ePub version. Only $9.49 Great reading.
Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
If any of you makes fun of what I assume is a troubled child, I hope you go to a bad place when you die……. like hell, or Newark.
Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups, mate. The kid doesn’t look troubled to me. You might want to go see the movie Up. Great, great film. I cried.
“Mom, I cant do this properly unless I have a talking dog. Pleeeeze may I have a talking dog?”
Epic fail! Love the sanctamoneous warning.
Quite how you could have missed the blanket of advertising Disney put out for “Up” I don’t know.
Maybe you live in Newark.
Or hell.
It’s Professor PoopiePants to you!
Tiny Mr. Fredrickson!
Get off my lawn!
Yeah, this is John C Dvorak at age two… 🙂
The real Benjamin Button
That Tuesday, Daredevil Dan left the helmet @ home
Helped make a bunch of homemade walkers like that once, we used schedule 5 pvc and tennis balls with the casters from old office chairs. Supposed to be better than the old fashioned walkers that the kid is trapped inside. Kid looks adorable by the way, reminds me of the kid from A Christmas Story.
Michael Jackson’s transformation finally complete.
Thank you for the adventure of a lifetime. Now go find a new one.
Jobs’ message to his wife?
You’ll poke your eye out!
One Child Left Behind
isnt the balloon boy story over with yet?
Buzzkill Jr out for a stroll
That is early-onset Alzheimer’s
Hindenburg prototype revisited
Hi, I’m famous cause I starred a Pixar movie. My name is Lightning McQueen.
JCD, the early years…
Whaaaaaaaaaa’ss Uuuuuupppp…….
Happy Halloween, and jasontheodd he does remind me of The Christmas Story kid.
Yeah, yeah, I’ve been watch too much of the “Up” annimation, I know I need more balloons 🙂
Whatever………………………………………….Time to smack the beaver.
Hopper was quickly reincarnated!
DIY Rapture kit.
Wait a minute…this doesn’t look like Paradise Falls!
The kids at school were mean to nerdy young Carl, but their “Balloon Wedgie” planted the seeds that would later lead to a great adventure.
“Up Jr” the prequel.