“Your firm reprocesses moldy applesauce product … using a method that is not effective against all toxic metabolites,” read the FDA letter sent Oct. 20 to Jimmie L. Davis, Snokist’s president. “Several foodborne molds may be hazardous to human health.”

  1. llsee says:

    Another example of excessive government regulation. Obama is stifling free enterprise. Companies should be allowed to make a profit regardless of how many people they poison! Thank god that the common sense republicans and tea party congressmen are fighting this over-regulation of American businesses!

    • deowll says:

      Please extract head from your rear orifice and consider the fact that they had been allowing this stuff to be sold until _after_ at least 9 people actually got sick at which point in time they pretty much had no choice about doing _something_.

      They had not been checking the product for safety unless you think feeding it to school kids is the right way to safety test food.

      Apple sauce is an almost daily item on our school menu. The same menu as every other school in the county. There is absolutely no freaking way to even began to guess how many people actually ate tainted food and got sick.

      • #12- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

        Do-ill==yuk, yuk!!! Your sublime subtlety does crack me up. I have to review your entire posting history. Here I thought you were a flaming rightwingnut but you are a performance artist.

        Imagine criticizing this most excellent post by emphasizing its well executed sarcastic point. The stupidity of the right cannot be better demonstrated.

        Well done. Do you write for Colbert?

        Ha, ha. Whadda dolt.

        • llsee says:

          Thank you Bobo, but I’m surprised you had to check my history to detect the not-very-subtle sarcasm. And, I think snioer describes me better than performance artist!

        • llsee says:

          oops, can’t type… meant sniper!

    • Dallas says:

      While process also improves the sheeple immune system long term and culls the weak, this is wrong.

      Rethink your position because what if junior is accidentally served this by Maria, his Mexican illegal alien maid? Junior might get sick and miss the tether ball finals.

      We NEED regulation!

  2. jpfitz says:

    Do a barrel roll! The new Google easter egg is a tribute to Starfox. So do a barrel roll, in honor of one of the best SNES games.

    Found at http://www.zgeek.com/content.php/9481-Do-a-barrel-roll

    Whee, enjoy.
    It’s kinda lame but hey it’s Friday.

    • jpfitz says:

      I meant to include in my post above, “I know I’m off topic but could’t help myself it’s Friday”.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    “reconditioned for human consumption”

    This phrase disturbs me beyond measure…

  4. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Finally, a fruit flavored soylent product.

  5. AdmFubar says:

    soylent mold! it’s made from reprocessing!
    many years ago, while shopping in a local asian market, i found on the shelf, Mutant Gelatinous Coconut, i’m not kidding… that is what was printed on the label..
    i think something was lost in the translation.. 😛
    i wish i had bought it just for that label. 🙂

    • msbpodcast says:

      Heyyyyy. Wada ya want? Good grammar or good taste?

      Its made by Snookie’s brothers… Yoo evah seen the Joyzee Shore?

      Let ’em poison a few kids and everybody’s in your fuggin’ grill like they was sellin’ ’em crack-based designah steroids…

      Ease off or they’ll come around to a little chat…

  6. I guess that stuff would be a little more filling than these communion wafers when you have the munchies.

  7. Skeptic says:

    This is the type of news I would expect about imported Chinese product. Sad.

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    And of course it is forbidden for children to bring lunch from home because that might be unhealthy.

  9. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    “Let’s give it to Mikey!”

    BigBoyBC says: “reconditioned for human consumption”
    This phrase disturbs me beyond measure…

    Grow up, little man. If you live in the west, and don’t grow your own food, a substantial portion of what you buy at the supermarket has been processed in ways that would make you nauseous to know about. That’s why your convenient microwavable Salisbury steak TV frozen dinner still only costs a buck. Sort of like sausage – tastes great until you find out how it’s made!

    The problem here is not that the food was reprocessed but that it was done improperly and then fed to kids! In the words of Paul Simon: “When I think back to all the crap I ate in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all…” or something like that. (Apologies to ‘Kodachrome’)

    PS: I love sausage here in the developing world. Just spit out the occasional chicken beak…

    • Gazbo says:

      I hauled into canneries for a time; I still won’t eat “fruit cocktail”. Pretty much everything unsuitable far any reason (bruised, rotten, dropped, ugly) gets dumped into “fruit cocktail”.
      Kids love it.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      Animby, it’s you that needs to grow up and stop passing your opinions about food as fact. “If you live in the west…” you said, really? So people in the east have it better? Is this the same east that puts melamine into milk, so it can help conceal its fraudulent dilution with water (China)?

      I was referring to “reconditioned” not “reprocessed” there is a difference. The FDA loves to use cryptic terminology to protect the food industry.

      You have to keep your eyes on the food industry, many will cut corners to make a buck, but you can’t paint the entire industry with one brush. The majority produce good products. Unfortunately they get lumped together with the bad by bigoted food Nazis like yourself, little man…

  10. UncDon says:

    If they find a way of deep-frying the can’s contents, then I think it would be safe to eat.

  11. Speed Racer says:

    That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

    We need stronger citizens.

  12. Cursor_ says:

    It doesn’t matter the schools can fall back to serving catsup seeing we all know it is a vegetable thanks to the Reagan administration.


    • Animby - just phoning it in says:

      Yes. So right. Any idiot knows catsup is a fruit!

      • BigBoyBC says:

        “Ketchup” is a condiment, a tomato is a fruit. Idiot!

        • Animby - just phoning it in says:

          All in your perceptions, Grasshopper. My son thinks catsup is a main course.

  13. Dallas says:

    Why do Republicans hate America and harm innocent white children by wanting to kill government regulation?

  14. Rick says:

    Moldy fruit is good for you! Deregulationists say so!

  15. msbpodcast says:

    Ask any, any of the politicians if they send their kids to public school?

    The sneer on their lips should give you the answer.

  16. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    One must keep in mind that self-interest is the driving force behind capitalism. Here is an excellent example of a food processor that derives a demonstrable competitive advantage over its more ethical, law-abiding peers by minimizing input costs. Without government interference, ethical competitors would eventually be driven out of business by producers more willing to risk the health of consumers.

    That’s why capitalism must always be balanced with government regulation. Without regulations that deter unethical cost-cutting measures and other bad practices, most ethical businesses wouldn’t stand a chance to survive in the marketplace. The “honor system” doesn’t work in capitalism.


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