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Executive Producers: James Howard, Baron Steven Pelsmaekers, Dirk Modrow
Associate Executive Producers: Gene Naftulyev
Art By: Thoren

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Stes to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. Publius says:

    Drones are killing people young and old and they are beginning to protest in public

  2. TThor says:

    There is one thing that really irks me, and this goes for both John and Adam, it how you without exception make fun of people that does not have English as their mother tongue. Stop being such DOUCHBAGS! Take people down on the ideas or opinions they express, not on how they do it. It is f…g annoying! You do you show in French, Greek, Italian or even Dutch, Norwegian and some other obscure language and I’ll accept your superiority. But until that, please focus on content and not form.

  3. Publius says:

    There are many cities across the USA who are allowing corporate owners of foreclosed residential and commercial properties to become delinquent on their property taxes.

    The solution to the revenue shortfall in your own town from these delinquent companies is for a tax sale to be held by the township administration.

    Tell your local mayoral challenger. He or she can help tremendously. The election is coming next week for many cities. We can get commitments from the local mayoral challengers to fix these revenue shortfalls in our towns which were caused by sloppy and lackadaisical incumbent administrations.

    Don’t let your own city or town let these banks get away without paying their property taxes like everyone else. The economic damage to our towns from delinquent banks needs to be fixed.

    Get a commitment from the mayoral challenger in your town:

    1 – Identify the bank-owned properties in your city which are delinquent on property taxes within 30 days after the election.

    2 – Have a tax sale on every single one of the delinquent bank-owned properties within 90 days after the election if possible.

    3 – Win elections by cleaning up the town

  4. MIB says:

    Drones have been around a long time, Adam should just get over his childish paranoia. Its getting old real quick. If he doesn’t like technolgical advances in science he needs to move to somewhere it don’t exist.

  5. julio says:

    the vagina thing is boring. we get it is not funny move on.

    i finally know why donations are so low: the slide whistle was missing.

  6. The Overlord says:

    I was sincerely hoping people were waking up and the donations would get so low the show would go away. Now I see that rich sob Pelsmaekers has stepped up again and given away more of his money to these losers. The show has become so bad, it’s actually irritating and painful to listen to, put it out of it’s misery.


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