Thanks to Kenneth Geiger

  1. Buzz Mega says:

    “It’s so… fuzzy!”

  2. whatevs says:

    that is not Miss Kentucky

  3. G-Man says:

    I should be so lucky

  4. pwuk says:

    The bear necessities of life

  5. Christopher says:

    The bear: “Thank goodness I decided not to put on pants.”

  6. ubiquitous talking head says:

    She didn’t get that round mouth from eatin’ square meals.

  7. MacBros says:

    Wanna sing into mah mic? Huh? Huh? Huh? Go on, sing into mah mic!

    PLEEEEEASE Can you sing into mah mic!?!?

  8. kemp says:

    Scandal: Shocking photos of Ms. Kentucky trading favors for votes from the judging panel. This judge happens to be a well known “furry.”

  9. JimD says:

    “Why is this Bear smiling?”

  10. AdderV says:

    The bear: “I am not moving, stay cool, just play dead …”

  11. jeremy staffordshire says:

    “So…you mind speaking into the mike, please”?

  12. jeremy staffordshire says:

    The funniest thing about this photo is that it looks like she is giving the bear a hand job.

  13. Steve says:

    The better to ____ you with, my dear.

  14. I can ‘bearly’ compose myself….and it’s finger lickin’ good, too!

  15. The Overlord says:

    I’m almost there, baby, oh ya, here it cums…


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