At CIA headquarters in Langley, one of the newest artifacts in the agency’s private museum is a message from a father to his 3-year-old son. The gold-embossed letterhead features a swastika and the name Adolf Hitler.

“Dear Dennis,” the seven-sentence letter begins. “The man who might have written on this card once controlled Europe — three short years ago when you were born. Today he is dead, his memory despised, his country in ruins.”

Dennis is Dennis Helms, now a 69-year-old intellectual-property lawyer in New Jersey. The letter writer was his father, Richard Helms, the CIA director during the Vietnam War and Watergate eras, who died in 2002. Right after Germany’s surrender, Lt. Helms, an intelligence operative, sneaked into Hitler’s chancellery in Berlin and pilfered the Fuehrer’s stationery. He dated the letter “V-E day” for May 8, 1945.

The letter astounded the CIA museum’s curatorial staff when it was acquired in May — and not only because Helms wrote with such paternal tenderness. It also conveyed a certain historical intuition about the evil that one man could do. The letter happened to arrive at Langley the day after Osama bin Laden was killed in May…

The Hitler letter arrived in a brown envelope, postmarked May 29, 1945, and bearing two 3-cent purple stamps with the words: “WIN THE WAR.” The recipient: “Master Dennis J. Helms c/o Mrs. Richard Helms,” of Orange, N.J.

After his introductory lines, Helms wrote of Hitler:

“He had a thirst for power, a low opinion of man as an individual, and a fear of intellectual honesty. He was a force for evil in the world. His passing, his defeat — a boon to mankind. But thousands died that it might be so.”

Helms stayed on with the OSS after WW2 as it become the CIA. He became director in 1967…refused to coverup Watergate for Richard Nixon in 1972 – leading to his transfer out in 1973 to be Ambassador to Iran.

  1. JimD says:

    Helms apparently knew something from his experience in Europe about “the rule of law” in not going along with the Nixon Thugs !!!

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Wondering how that passed wartime mail censors. Then it hit me. The OSS mailbag.

  3. #03- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    While I agree with the letter whole heartedly, its still an excellent example of the winners writing history.

    Imagine if the American Indians wrote ours?

  4. War Baby says:

    I wonder what we would have done about Hitler today?
    Probably the same thing we are about to do to the rest of the

    Where is an armed drone when you need one?

  5. AdmFubar says:

    IP lawyer??? i cant wait for germany to claim ip rights on the document…, after all it was written on their paper, i’m sure anything written on it comes into their copywrite… 😛

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    Could have just been writing about communism.


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