House Republicans are trying to pass a resolution to reaffirm that “In God We Trust” is the national motto of the United States.

The proposed resolution, sponsored by Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., is aimed at “supporting and encouraging the public display of the national motto in all public buildings, public schools and other government institutions.”

Estimated at a $90 billion tab.

Republicans argue the resolution, to go to a vote Tuesday, would help reverse what they see as an informal effort to remove mention of God from public buildings, The Hill reported…

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee argued that the resolution is a waste of time better spent working on problems such as high unemployment and budget deficits.

“Instead of addressing any of these critical issues, and instead of working to help American families keep a roof over their heads and food on their tables, we are debating whether or not to affirm and proliferate a motto that was adopted in 1956 and that is not imperiled in any respect,” they wrote in a committee report.

Republicans got this passed in 1956 courtesy of McCarthyism and the Cold war. What are they afraid of?

  1. god says:

    In Gold We Trust. Just ask Ron Paul.

  2. Lou says:

    That should get the USA back on track/Idiots .

  3. notatall says:

    Good. Let them and the other wing of the one government party fight over this for a while. The time they spend on this is time they aren’t spending on screwing over me and mine.

  4. skunkman62 says:

    this is one of those posturing resolutions. GOP gets it passed: “Look how awesome we are!” It doesnt pass:”The Dems worship the Devil” They win either way. What garbage!

  5. Likes2LOL says:

    Can an anti-flag-burning amendment to the Constitution be far behind?

    • msbpodcast says:

      I can’t see ’em passing a resolution against burning the president in effigy, (a small suburb outside Flagstaff, Arizona. 🙂

      In fact, let ’em pass a law that says: “If you want to go to war, the entire Washington elite has to go and occupy that country for the next three generations…

  6. usagi says:

    Whatever happened to Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! ?

    • msbpodcast says:

      That very question is what “Occupy Wall Street is all about.

      Kids are graduating without any jobs or even prospects for jobs.

      Young people got laid off through no fault of their own and are now treated like lepers by HR departments.

      Older workers are seen as technologically challenged hicks despite the fact that nobody could have five years in HTML 5.0. (Its only fifteen years ago that HTML 1.0 was created.)

      The handicapped are left at the bottom of a long staircase.

      The only growth industry is in HR … firing people.

    • Skeptic says:

      He died recently.

  7. Skeptic says:

    In God We Trust. What exactly does that mean?

    • theBadSteveO says:

      Since our currency is a fiat currency, I always took “In God We Trust” to mean our currency is backed by God.

  8. Special Ed says:

    I think this is great. The more time politicians spend on things that don’t matter, the less time they will be spending screwing things up. Maybe they can debate flag burning for a few months after this critical issue is resolved.

  9. t0llyb0ng says:

    If we have to keep resolutely reaffirming our deity to ourselves in our public buildings, it betrays the fact that our connection to Him is tenuous at best.

    Our deity hangs on a mighty slender thread if He needs continuous approbation from the likes of us.

  10. Thomas says:

    Even if they pass this, since it is not an Amendment, and thus this bill and the change to the Pledge will still be vulnerable to a Supreme Court with the balls to actually hear the case. Given how the last challenge to the Pledge went down, I think the SC knows that if it hears the case, it will have to strike down the Pledge and any other silly bill like this one.

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    Another interesting psychological angle to stuff like this is the aching need of the adherents of a belief system to have us all singing out of the same bonehead hymnal as they are.

  12. ???? says:

    Umm, isn’t there something written somewhere stating that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”

    In effect they would be doing just that….

    Just sayin ya know….

  13. Grandpa says:

    Why would the Repukelicans want to divert our attention from the rotten economy and outsourced jobs to religion again? Oh, never mind. Since 84% of us believe in this rubbish they want to make sure we vote for Pope Perry. That way we won’t even discuss how they plan to rape Social Security.

  14. LowTechNo says:

    In God We Trust …… ALL OTHERS ….. Pay Cash

  15. dadeo says:

    Separation of church and state then becomes fortification of c & s. Dialing thru the channels today I see one bunch of TV Christians now campaigning against the latest threat to holiness: Chrislam.. Yes, the moral right is getting a touch paranoid..soon to turn desperate and dangerous, I fear. Linked article has them fighting each other..

  16. ben-in-the-woods says:

    maybe they could empower the TSA to search people for evidence that they aren’t trusting in God ….

  17. admfubar says:

    this is just secret code… the ‘in god we trust’ means that they really trust money…
    that is why it is printed on every every bit of currency

  18. Jambe says:

    Dirty commies.

  19. #26- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Like the poor, it seems the ignorantly aggressively religious will always be with us. Such fools always believe it is “their” religion, their god, that will be ensconced.

    History teaches nothing.

  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    One side of the coin says “E Pluribus Unum,” a phrase meant to exalt unity out of diversity. The other side of the coin says “In God We Trust,” which seems to recognize reliance on an unspecified supreme being. The irony is that the latter is so often used for the purpose of promoting division rather than unity. This latest congressional resolution is an excellent example of such a “wedge issue” used in an attempt to divide us.

    Unity is merely a noble ideal, but division is something we can believe in.

  21. Dr Peppermint Fur says:

    Mandatory belief systems are the basis of a free democracy.

  22. UncDon says:

    If this passes, will Jesus Toast be served at school breakfasts?

  23. dcphill says:

    In God we trust, all others pay cash.

  24. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    In god we rust.

  25. Holier than thou says:

    Jesus H. youknowhowtherestgoes.

  26. Dallas says:

    I don’t see how this creates 100,000 jobs but whatever.

    If not jobs, let’s get back to top issues like Planned Parenthood and Michele Obama’s vacation exorbitant vacation travels.

  27. mjayc says:

    In God we Trust – All others we monitor

  28. generationofswine says:

    Which one? Hairy Thunderer or Cosmic muffin?


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