The California Public Utilities Commission is subsidizing indoor pot grows with the state’s low-income electricity program, which means that even non-toking, non-stoner power users are contributing to the high … rate of electricity use, according to the Willits News which reports from the land of Mendo Gold.

North Coast law enforcement is finding a growing number of indoor grows where gardeners have qualified for the low-income CARE electricity assistance program. Under the program, law-abiding electricity ratepayers pay a subsidy to assist those who qualify for CARE. In a recent series of Humboldt County indoor grow raids, deputies found electricity bills showing most of the locations were being subsidized by CARE.

  1. #01- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Its a good sign that FREEEEEEEDOM is alive and well in Liberdrool California—-unlike Repiblican led TeaPartyFascist Florida where you get drug tested to qualify for welfare—courtesy of the free market drug company testing governor.

    In California, as should be the case most, but arguably not all the time, programs are compartmentalized for…………FREEEEEEEDOM.

    I think we can all agree, that is a good thing.

    Mindless to post otherwise.

  2. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Wait one damn minute. Pot is not legal? Since when? Oh well, back to stage5 kidney failure.

    They act in YOUR name!

  3. Skeptic #03 : ODB says:

    All they have to do is investigate when the power usage rises above that of a hot plate warming up a can of beans. Is that so hard to do?

  4. Skeptic #03 : ODB says:

    It’s like pot calling the nettle crack.

  5. Skeptic #05 : ODB says:

    Oops, sorry Bobbo. screwed up the numbers already. I was too distracted trying to be clever. Out to the sunshine for me.

    Occupy Dvorak Blog!

  6. Steve S says:

    Hey, why not!
    We have so much extra money in the State of California that the State can’t spend it fast enough. Pile it on. The more the better. Spend! Spend! Spend!

  7. #07- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Hang in there Skeptic. I repeat when on a roll as well. Every little bit well help.

    The more important question of Federalism is that as pot use is legal, or mostly legal, or not flatly illegal in California====whats the issue?

    So silly we hoomans are. All worried and upset about what other people are doing.

    Ever caught yourself looking at “other cultures” in time or space and think: “boy, how can people be so weird.”//// The thing about truths is that to be true they usually apply to yourself as well. Look at OUR culture—-its right there, just look. LOOK!!!!

    I think about that whenever I call someone a flying dickwad.

    Ha, ha. Where’s dismal?

  8. sargasso_c says:

    Someone explain why this is a bad thing?

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      How about the last sentence of the article?

      “Abusing rate payer dollars to waste massive amounts of energy and create a huge carbon footprint is theft from those who are truly in need…..”

      It’s not about the furry freak brothers blowing dope it’s about fraud.

      • Dr Peppermint Fur says:

        Furry freak brothers? Wow! When was the last time you “blew a jay, man?”

    • Another Derek says:

      Because they should be using renewable energy source normally deployed for agriculture… the sun.

  9. Chris Mac says:

    is the background really cyan?!? get me outta here

  10. George says:

    Why is this news? What government subsidy or welfare plan has NOT been abused?

    The solution of course is to completely legalize MJ. Once industrial production of pot is started, the economic reality of growing pot in mom-and-pop energy-intensive operations will be realized. Most will fail. Growing pot at home will be like making beer or distilled spirits at home, nearly unprofitable.

    Government prohibition has created the perceived value. How many people grow tobacco at home for goodness sake?

    BTW. I hate pot. I hate the pothead culture. I’ve never smoked a joint. I don’t want my kids to use the shit. I think it destroys ambition but I’m a libertarian and a realist. Pot is not a drug, its a plant. Why government has set out on a vendetta against a plant is beyond logical comprehension.

  11. #13- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #12–George==you overstate. Let’s parse:

    Why is this news? What government subsidy or welfare plan has NOT been abused? /// Correct and all such abuse is newsworthy.

    The solution of course is to completely legalize MJ. /// The subsidy and its abuse would still occur and still be newsworthy for slightly different reasons.

    Once industrial production of pot is started, the economic reality of growing pot in mom-and-pop energy-intensive operations will be realized. /// or outdoors.

    Most will fail. Growing pot at home will be like making beer or distilled spirits at home, nearly unprofitable. /// big home grow and use will develop.==Its easier than making beer.

    Government prohibition has created the perceived value. /// No, the value is inherent. Prohibition has merely created an additional profit incentive.

    How many people grow tobacco at home for goodness sake? /// Again, tobacco is harder to grow/process than pot to get anything good but its a fairly close analogy otherwise.

    BTW. I hate pot. I hate the pothead culture. I’ve never smoked a joint. I don’t want my kids to use the shit. I think it destroys ambition but I’m a libertarian and a realist. /// Agreed.

    Pot is not a drug, its a plant. /// Please. Pot is a drug. Simple truth.

    Why government has set out on a vendetta against a plant is beyond logical comprehension. /// Its totally logical but for ends we don’t agree with.

    Words and facts have meaning. They should not be corrupted for political goals.


  12. legendinmyownmind. says:

    “deputies found electricity bills showing most of the locations were being subsidized by CARE.”

    Fine by me as long as the savings are passed on to the customers…


  13. spsffan says:

    Well, sure, it’s an abuse of a welfare program. The existence of the welfare program in the first place is just as much of an ethical problem for me.

    And, since we’re going to have welfare programs, and we’re going to have abuse of them, at least this is going to a good cause. Rather than paying some ho to have yet another child with whoever spent the night last night. You wanta know what one act does the most damage to the environment? Human reproduction!

    At least the pot is useful.

    • deowll says:

      If you truly believe humans should be dispensed with why don’t you start with yourself?

      How can you have any credibility if you don’t practice what you preach?

      If you aren’t willing to walk the walk don’t talk the talk.

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    What a dumb story. So everything a welfare person spends on is something being supported by the taxpayers?


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