1. Mule Acid says:

    …better search ’em, he might be a terrorist!

  2. In Da Mornin says:


  3. Skeptic says:

    Damn that seat looks comfortable! Can I try?

  4. Skeptic says:

    Where’s my daddy?
    He’s right over there chewing leaves off the tree.

  5. Skeptic says:

    The odds were ten to one, but little Joshua said, “Are you gonna move, or am I gonna hafta kick all your asses?

  6. jescott418 says:

    All I did was take some candy! Honest!

  7. #6- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    No, we aren’t going to make Dvorak easy to access and follow. We have our reasons. Our own private reasons. Now, move along.

    • jpfitz says:

      There were 39 comments then I made a reply to the comment about King then all disappeared but one. Censorship? 36 comments now. WTF. Is the blog now cherry picking comments not PC towards the cops.

      • #44- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

        Post numbers but not seriatim as the flock has not formed as yet:

        jp–I have seen several complain about missing posts. Its never happened to me. “A few times” I thought a post of mine was censored but a few times it was the first sign DU’s server was going out, but most times I had written the post but forgot to actually post it to the website. I use Firefox and what’s nice in those circumstances is that 90% of the time if I “go back” in my web history my draft missive is still there==almost always.

        There is a spam filter that automatically holds some postings. Evidently when showing multiple links to other websites—I don’t know as I never post more than one link at a time, so the spam filter has never affected me===but I do modify pron type words so that filters around the next don’t f*ck with my posts although I don’t think that is a problem here at DU either.

        If anyone is under DU’s skin, its probably me? Your posts haven’t struck me one way or the other so you are probably a “reasonable guy?”

        Don’t let the FUD get you down—I bet DU isn’t “doing” anything.

        Keep posting.

  8. Joe says:

    Another stolen bike recovered.

  9. wowjustwow says:


    “don’t tase me bro'”

  10. LibertyLover says:

    Leroy, pimping for his mother, was proud to show off his new bike to her customers while they waited in line.


    Susej and his twelve apostles.

  11. Skeptic says:

    Today, the French National Police made several arrests of a suspected terrorist bike gang. An unidentified suspect is shown here being interrogated after he tried to speed through a road block. He was taken into custody when a replica of a bear stuffed with a suspicious white fibrous material was found in his backpack.

  12. Rodney King in his younger years.

  13. Steve says:

    Get off the bike and on the ground. NOW ! MOTHERFUCKER !!

  14. EnemyOfTheState says:

    “Nice, with training wheels…training wheel…….zzzGentlemen WE are HERE to TRAIN not bother this child”

  15. McCullough says:

    “My daddy over there says you guys are nothing but jack-booted thugs. What’s a jack-booted thug?”

  16. Burntfinger says:

    Another Lone Wolf!

  17. John says:


  18. LoneSQRL says:

    “He’s resisting!”

  19. Dallas says:

    Wanna see my black night stick?

  20. xjonx says:

    Out of the way, PIGS, before I kick all your asses!

  21. John E. Quantum says:

    The last remaining free black youth is photographed being cast into the prison industrial complex by representatives of THE MAN.

  22. jim says:

    Occupy this! Muthaf_cker!

  23. ghandi_kahn says:

    He fits the description.

  24. honeyman says:

    “Hello? Sergei? He’s BLACK!”

  25. Miguel says:

    Guten Morgen! Papiren, bitte…

  26. Duder says:

    stop resisting

  27. Dallas says:

    “Security is tight around the new Republican front runner”

  28. LotsaLuck says:

    A young Barrack Obama is detained as he attempts to organize at the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago…

  29. ArchtMig says:

    Gary Coleman getting into trouble again?

  30. sargasso_c says:



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