New York (CNN) — A Long Island couple wants to trademark the slogan “Occupy Wall St.” with the intent to sell sweatshirts, T-shirts, bumper stickers and hobo bags, among other merchandise.

“I’m no marketing genius, but when you got something that’s across 50 states, it’s a brand now,” said 44-year-old Robert Maresca of West Islip, New York. Maresca’s wife, Diane, filed a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on October 18 and paid a fee of $975.

The move has some Occupy Wall Street supporters perplexed. “The goal of OWS is not to become a profitable business,” said Tyler Combelic, an Occupy Wall Street spokesman. “Anything that misconstrues it as such, such as trademarking for the sake of profiting, is missing the point of protest.”

But Robert Maresca sees things differently.

“I’m the best person they could imagine buying the slogan, because no one has their interest more than myself,” he said. “This is an important slogan; somebody else might have gotten a hold of it.” A former union iron worker, Maresca is now a stay-at-home father of three after suffering a stroke and sustaining a work injury nine years ago. He said he became a supporter of Occupy Wall Street once the union began backing the cause.

“I’m also really against corporate money distorting elections,” he said. Maresca, who calls himself a “fiscally conservative but socially liberal” political independent, said his idea stemmed from creating shirts drawn with markers down on Wall Street. But it was his wife — whom he describes as apolitical — who filed the application because Maresca does not have a credit card. Trademark privileges would give the Marescas’ ownership of “Occupy Wall St.” the brand, as well as the use of such text on merchandise labels.

Mancinelli said he, too, was confused that “someone from the OWS gang, which has demonstrated anti-capitalist ideals, would engage in a fundamental capitalist activity, like trademarking.”

  1. sargasso_c says:

    Irony. Stop to tie your shoe laces in London and they form a polite queue behind you. Stop to tie your laces in New York and someone has put a For Sale sign on your ass.

  2. Quinn says:

    Maybe if the protesters had that type of ingenuity / business sense they would have jobs.

    • msbpodcast says:

      As an unemployed person (former IT slave/middle manager,) who used to work for a bank on Wall Street and was disposed of along with the entire department, I can wholeheartedly say fuck you you ignorant, prejudiced, cock-sucking troglodyte.

      I hope you get your fuckin’ ass handed to you on the next round of “my Rolls’ needs a wash” eliminations.

      I had a job, I lost it because the bank I was working for has no loyalty to anybody.

      I am an older worker, handicapped and out of work for some time, so you know that my resume immediately get thrown into the circular file.

      It doesn’t matter the kudos I’d won before, the solutions I found before, I’m not getting passed some know-nothing Gen Xer in HR and that’s all there is to it.

      I’ve made my peace with that, but that doesn’t make it fair or equitable.

      • LibertyLover says:

        If another company had offered you more money for the same job and the commute was about the same and benefits about the same, would you have taken the job?

      • GregAllen says:


        Not how I would phrase it but certainly my sentiment!

        It doesn’t get said enough — conservatism has become an excuse to be a jerk.

      • Badda bing says:

        “I had a job, I lost it because the bank I was working for has no loyalty to anybody.”

        So you were stupid enough to think that that your employer held some type of reciprocal loyalty to you? Wow, what color is the sky in your fantasy world? Welcome to reality 101.

  3. spsffan says:

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Mr. Maresca finds himself beaten up and left for dead in some Brooklyn alley.

    Such a finding might uplift my view of humanity just a touch.

    • Post #6- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist CANNOT FIX this blog all by hisself, but tries nontheless says:

      You mean he might run into a cop protective line?

      It would be something to consider: ordered to keep your job to go beat up protesters fighting for your job to be kept.

      Ironic? How many cops “really” get that?

      At heart, we are all short sighted, short goaled, security loving, mercenaries. No heros among us. OWS wouldn’t even be there if those good folks had jobs.

      And so it goes.

    • jpfitz says:


      WTF. Someone should be killed, your a shining light of democracy and capitalism.

      • spsffan says:

        Buying an exclusive license from the government, to market things that are currently in the public domain is hardly democratic or capitalism. It’s fascist.

        And, no I wasn’t thinking the cops would beat him up, but rather the OWS protesters. The point being that when you mess with people, you just might get messed up.

        Oh, and left for dead isn’t the same as killing. It’s a euphemism for beating the shit out of someone.

        • jpfitz says:

          spsffan says: Buying an exclusive license from the government, to market things that are currently in the public domain is hardly democratic or capitalism. It’s fascist.


          Misinterpreted your strong words. mea culpa.

    • deowll says:

      Don’t you care about the environment? What about the greenhouse gases this would release?

      Of course burning other people’s property is okay as long as a progressive does it.

    • Dr Peppermint Fur says:

      Hemp clothing?

  4. Post #7- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist CANNOT FIX this blog all by hisself, but tries nontheless says:

    To the issue–can this movement be trademarked for means of merchandizing exclusivity? My common sense tells me NO, but that still leaves the law.

    Seems to me the dude had an excellent idea. If they have the money, they should have TM “We are the 99%” as well.

    I wonder if all such related political terms and phrases are not “in the public domain” and if that concept even applies to merchandizing?

    How about “Let them eat bread.” Can I TM that phrase now years after the French Revolution? “Frankly, I don’t give a damn”—must be already copywrited by the book/movie whatever but was it TM’d?

    So, I can still TALK about OWS and the news can still report on it, but if I want to support my local OWS I can’t mark up my own teeshirt and go out and protest. I gotta pay these guys???

    Lets see—is this free market and helping a very few get rich?

    Such a close question.

  5. jpfitz says:

    Why is it all the nuts or assholes come from my locale(Long Island).
    Gosh dammit. At least it’s not the Jersey shore.

    Why is this “news” on DU. This is just a distraction. The assholes even live in my town. Maybe some eggs for Halloween would be appropriate.

    • jpfitz says:

      Forget I mentioned anything about eggs.
      Wouldn’t want my house messed. Violence is not the answer .

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    These guys are more interested in protesting Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers than Wall Street. So really they are upset at corporations who produce products they dislike, which is not what they are claiming.

    If they want to be anti-corporate, then they should ditch the iphones and laptops produced by big corporations, and any corporate branded cereal or coffee.

    • deowll says:

      A major hunk of these people are young elites who wear designer everything and seniors form the sixties reliving their young. A modest hunk is really the working class. The other hunk is criminals and the professional homeless.

      The movement is going in the sewer fast and taking the locations they have chosen to soil with them.

  7. Micromike says:

    Every time I see somebody defending the federal government policies I think they are a synthetic computer generated personality, which we all know are common on the internet now. How can anybody who knows what is in the Constitution support either the Bush or Obama administration. The obviously unconstitutional behavior continues unabated by both parties and nobody, in government, seems to care what is or isn’t legal. They do whatever they want.

    As an example I cite the now common murder by remote control that is happening on a regular basis and directed from the Oval Office. American law says all those people are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. By denying them trials Mr. Obama is simply murdering innocent people and there is nothing legal about it.

    • jpfitz says:


      You say that “synthetic computer generated personality” are systematically leaving comments on the Internets?
      Can you back that up with an article or experience?

  8. Speed Racer says:

    Occupy your toilet bowl.

  9. Milo says:

    I am against all IP law but this neither surprises nor upsets me.

    Was anyone really expecting anything else?

  10. SayWhat says:

    These people are NOT douche bags.

    They are clearly enema nozzles, how do you think they got to be so full of shit?

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    If you don’t understand what OWS is or if you got your opinion about it from the wingnut press, you should read this:

    In this country, we cheer for people who hit their own home runs – not shortcut-chasing juicers like Bonds and McGwire, Blankfein and Dimon.

  12. Skeptic says:

    I think they just wasted $975.

    Even if they get the trademark, who is going to buy anything? Apparently not the OWS.

    Besides I have a better product. It’s an OWS marker that is preloaded with the words “Occupy Wall Street!”. All you have to do is apply the pen to a T-shirt and carefully write the letters as described in the handy instructions, and “Occupy Wall Street!” will appear on the shirt. I’ve installed enough slogans to do about 100 T-shirts… less than .05 per shirt. Order yours today!

  13. Speed Racer says:

    I had to spend time with the Oakland Occupy dirtbags, and with the Occupy SF dirtbags over the past week or so.

    It is amazing how much they have bullshitted all of you people who have never actually BEEN FUCKING THERE.

    The bunch of shitheads are the same fucks who protest everything, want free stuff, don’t have jobs, hate cops, hate people who own homes, and generally, are a bunch of dickless weasels.

    The MAJORITY of people ignore these crapbags, but the press and the Internet tappers seem unable to get their fill.

    I got tear gassed Tuesday night at Oakland, and was in the middle of the shit. I can assure you, they are all rotten mouthed hate mongers, interested only in whatever drug-clouded social utopian bullshit mythical agenda they seem to support.

    Ya know that 99 percent they keep whining about? Well, 99 percent of them should be shot, put through a wood chipper, and bagged up and made into hog feed.
    At least, then, they would be contributing something to society.

    • Skeptic says:

      You sound upset.

    • Bob says:

      You know if these jobless (if they had jobs they couldn’t sit their for weeks on end) morons are the 99% then we as a nation are totally and truly screwed on epic proportions. A society can only take so many moochers before it collapses.

  14. jpfitz says:

    The shit hits the fan in Oakland. Who’d of guessed this city’s OWS is the first to throw bottles at coppers in full riot gear.

  15. Mextli: ABO says:

    Why be upset with these people? What do you think every politician, celebrity, and “news” organization is trying to do but take advantage of the situation?

    BTW the NFL tried to trademark or copyright the phrase “Who Dat”.

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      The strong emotions about OWS from some quarters reminds me how the insurance industry spiked the discussion for health care reform…they realized that Sicko hit much too close to home, then used GOP opposition to Obama to wage a massive propaganda war against meaningful reform. No doubt, the banks are doing the same thing and it appears to be working. Just watch Fox for any ten minute span and the narrative is clear.

      The other fun observation is that the “tea party” had unified messaging and were embraced and promoted by a particular end of the “news” community. Their big name pundits led tea party rallies. On the other hand, OWS has a disjointed and poorly-focused message and no organization, which to me is indicative of an actual grass-roots effort. This is very much unlike the huge PACs that funded “tea” and provided messaging as a way to co-opt their original issues and build ongoing opposition to the new administration.

      Yet, the two organizations have a great deal of overlap in their ideals–when you strip away the PAC influence.

      As for OWS, people are pissed at how certain groups are not being held accountable, starting with guys like Cheney, the Wall Street trading houses, to mortgage companies being let off for obvious fraud and the congressional and administration weasels (Geithner) who think this is just fine.

      • jpfitz says:

        @Olo Baggins of Bywater,

        You hit the nail on the head. Nice to hear an echo of my own thoughts. Try and watch Fox’s “Red Eye”.
        Some sinister characters spewing hate and boots on the ground in the US of A.

        Never in my life would I expect to hear Red Eye’s rhetoric in this country, maybe China or North Korea but the Country I love, never, scary just scary. But hell it’s Halloween season.


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