Both would be banned as too scary

From Christians who want to replace Halloween with Jesusween to the dentist who wants to pay kids $1/lb for the Halloween candy they collect (as opposed to the dentist who says they should gorge themselves on candy), there are just too many who want to sanitize childhood.

Children wanting to wear scary, violent or blood-drenched costumes will have to trade them in for more caring and community friendly outfits at two public elementary schools this Halloween.

The principal of Colonel Walker and Ramsay schools said her staff has chosen to use the day normally known for scares and frights as an opportunity to teach community values.

But some parents say it’s political correctness gone too far.

Speaking of Halloween, here’s a nice, simple, yet effective example of what one can do to get their car into the spirit, so to speak. Boo!

  1. Drive By Poster says:

    Cranking up the suckage of grade school, one nannystate edict at a time.

    The real problem is is that most kids will only have a single outfit for Halloween on any given year. If they want to show up in costume at these schools to show off, then they’re stuck with the mandatory “community friendly” costumes for when they’re actually trick or treating unless they can do some quick alterations. I say “trick” those two schools’ offices with lots of vandalism.

    Several years back a principal banned the game of tag because as a kid her own feelings were hurt because she was never “it”. So she made sure that nobody had the opportunity to enjoy “tag” at her school.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Kids need boundaries to charge at.

  3. Nhattu Korect says:

    Let’s all march around in a circle, and then we’ll each get a “certificate of accomplishment”. We’ll feel so good about ourselves that it won’t MATTER that we can’t read or do the most elemental arithmetic. Skul r gud.

    • deowll says:

      So how do you do “elemental arithmetic”?

      Yeah I know it’s just a typo but it’s still funny.

  4. Dallas says:

    That picture is outrageous! Love it !!!

  5. deowll says:

    Some of our scholars are becoming so insulated that they aren’t allowed to make any choices much less learn how to deal with the consequences of (modestly) bad choices.

    They aren’t being allowed to mentally and emotionally mature and then the real world shows up and they don’t have a clue how to cope. They expect somebody else to fix everything for them.

    Of course we aren’t any better. No masks. They can’t see and might fall down. No paint because they make a mess in the bathrooms. No costumes all day. It would be distracting.

    We are about down to eat and run around outside if the weather is nice. It’s just a matter of time till they ban every thing that tastes good.

  6. Skeptic says:

    Halloween will just go underground.

    (Pssst… hey kid. Want some candy?)

  7. denacron says:

    Jesusween ? Here is the site for it.

  8. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    “Both would be banned as too scary” Well, one is truly scary. The other just looks like nicotine withdrawal to me…

  9. spsffan says:

    Well you have to make sure that the schools are decent so that the kids can go home and watch “phuck my whorry bioch doggy style with a coat hanger” music videos and movies with their parents.

    Heck, when I was in grade school, girls couldn’t wear pants, boys had to have their hair above the collar, and when we got home, Leave it to Beaver wasn’t allowed to show a toilet tank and Jack Parr walked off the Tonight Show because he couldn’t use the term “water closet” in a joke!

    Who exactly do these administrative fools think they are?

    • spsffan says:

      Make that who do these administrative fools think they are fooling?

    • Animby - just phoning it in says:

      “girls couldn’t wear pants,”
      I liked girls in skirts back then. Now I just like girls.

  10. pedro says:

    Although I love the Obamamask, the Palin mask sure looks scarier.


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