You know where this is heading if it works: exporting prisoners for all crimes to other, cheaper labor and everything else countries, especially China. Everything seems to eventually get exported to China.

Assemblyman Brian Jones, who represents much of inland San Diego County and a wide stretch of the border, says Sacramento should explore the “wild idea” of building state prisons in the countries of illegal immigrants to relieve overcrowding in the state.

“Let’s build their prisons in their home countries and send them to those prisons,” he said Friday morning in a meeting with Patch editors in his hometown of Santee.

“They’ll operate at a lot lower expense than being here in California. And let their home country take care of them.”

  1. jescott418 says:

    Call me crazy, but who would really want other Countries criminals?

  2. moss says:

    Premise interesting if out of date. Average earnings in China already exceed Mexico. Shipping to Mexico is cheaper.

    If the reasoning was correct – just saying – we might be subcontracting lots more criminal warehousing to Mexico – and also the manufacturing jobs would be going there, too.

    Neither is happening, of course. Golly, could there be more involved than reasoning capable of being understood by the Kool Aid Party.

  3. Lil' Tommy Paine says:

    Great. Another politician on crack.

  4. So what says:

    So if you build it in another country and deport criminals tried and convicted in this country back to their home country. Do those pesky civil rights thingy’s still apply after they are deported?

  5. Grandpa says:

    Hmm, I think I have an interesting idea. How about all the free world countries get together and pass an international law that states: Any citizen that unlawfully enters another country illegally and without proper documentation shall be imprisoned for up to five years and forfeit up to $100,000 American dollars or it’s equivalent. Imprisonment shall be completed in country of origin.

    Perhaps something like this would bypass Obama’s unwritten amnesty eliminate the need for prisons in other countries.

  6. Milo says:

    In hindsight we never should have gone with prisons. Prior to the 19th century, most crimes were swiftly punished, as in a flogging; or confinement was cheaply done, say the stocks. This idea of building hotels for miscreants would have seemed a joke through most of history.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    We could build them and save a fortune on locks.

    The crap on the inside would still be better than the crap on the outside.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    Part of me is leaning toward this and perhaps going a step further — exile for felons.

    Think about it — they’ve already proven they can’t live in a civilized society.

    And felons already suffer a sort of internal exile — no voting rights, no second amendment, etc. They inevitably turn back to crime because it’s the only way to make a living they know of. There’s lots of land in various parts of the world where no one wants to live. Send them there with a month’s worth of survival supplies. No need to keep them in prison, just kick them out!

    I’m sure there are a few drawbacks to this idea so, flame on!

    • Steve S says:

      Hmmm…. Banished to Austrailia?
      It has some merit, although probably not to the Austraian people 🙂

      • LibertyLover says:

        There are some spots in S. America that are so isolated it takes sunlight three days to show up. Work a deal with the governments down there.

  9. Steve says:

    The other country probably would do it by the book. ISO9000 or something. We trust them to build our crap, why not to babysit our other crap?

    My personal favorite idea is a offshore rehab + factory. Send a loved one to camp, the camp keeps them clean and makes them build stuff. Win win.

  10. Milo says:

    Or we could just build a huge wall around Manhattan island…

  11. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Any cost savings would be rapidly chewed up by the massive number of class action and civil rights suits. The early result would be expensive facilities sitting vacant while the cases wormed their way through the courts. And, if I understood Mr Jones’s suggestion, he thinks it would be cheaper to build a prison (or several) in Mexico for Mexicans, a prison in Guatemala for Guatemalans, in Indonesia for Indo’s, etc. That would be a MASSIVE program, probably far beyond our current financial capabilities. And also lead to even more lawsuits such as what about the one prisoner from Easter Island who doesn’t get to be incarcerated in his homeland? Stupid, idea.

    Personally, I think deowll has the best idea. San Francisco wants to be a sanctuary city? Send ’em all there with a warrant to shoot on sight if they leave the city limits. Sorry deowll – the shooting part was my addition.

  12. GregAllen says:

    Clearly, the idea is ridiculous but it would have one compassionate side to it — it would allow the families of prisoners to more easily make prison visits.

  13. GregAllen says:

    >> Grandpa says:
    >> Any citizen that unlawfully enters another country illegally and without proper documentation shall be imprisoned for up to five years and forfeit up to $100,000 American dollars or it’s equivalent.

    Have you walked may borders in other countries? I have been on several and most aren’t marked in the least. Quite possibly, I’ve “illegally” entered several countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia.

    Secondly, do you realize that most of the world’s people don’t have documents? That’s a luxury of the rich.

    Your ideas seems like a gigantically expensive solution, worse than the problem it’s trying to solve.

  14. GregAllen says:

    How about this for a wild and zany idea:

    Start busting businesses who hire illegal immigrants?

    Crazy, right?

    Dry up the jobs that attract the illegals here?

    But that would mean that businesses would have to pay Americans wages instead of exploiting foreign labor! Horrors no!

  15. GregAllen says:

    What’s the deal with Republicans just making wild proposals with no attempt to even consider whether they actually would work?

    Cain’s popular 9-9-9 plan is just like that. He floats an idea that can’t possible work and the GOP love him for it! Or the border fence. A gigantic boondoggle with no attempt to estimate how much it would cost or if it would even work. Or privatizing social security and the post office. Conservatives demand we do it, without doing any sort of serious homework on the subject.

    Heck, “supply side economics” was proposed AND IMPLEMENTED with no idea how much it would cost or if it would work. (it didn’t.) The same for using military contractors — that was a gargantuan failed money waster.

  16. spsffan says:

    And what is to stop the country in question from “nationalizing” and “liberating” these prisons?

    Well, what do you expect from a politico named after a dead Rolling Stone? Oh, and Inland San Diego County makes Ronald Regean look liberal.

  17. sargasso_c says:

    The more I read this blog, in particular some of the responses, the more I feel that Americans came from another planet.

    • Dr Peppermint Fur says:

      I like my American friends, individually. As a group they are bat shit crazy. And they actually don’t know why the wheels have come off the donkey cart.


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