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How to cut down on the roads and maintenance, and Supply more security..
knock out the back roads.
You cant have security if there are 12 ways around a Road block.
Truckers, Can. border, mex border, interstate…DEA and others will join in to stop DRUG trafficking..
I love polls..
WHO THE F$%^ Are they counting??
THE COUNTRY?? WHO did they call? the 20% unemployed?? they DONT HAVE PHONES..
who owns WHOM..
Episode #350 1:23:10
Where in the world did you get the news that the interest rate for government bonds in Italy is 100%
Last time I’ve checked it was 4.153%, which is the highest that it has even been in 15 years but it is not 100%
Of course if you can show me where I can buy those 100% bonds I’ll be investing heavily in those and make a very nice contribution to the show.
But I get the feeling that proof is more like a mission impossible kinda thing.
Adam got it right this time, Ron Paul did a very good interview on Meet The Press:
How it is possible to vote for anybody else than Ron Paul???
Well I watched Meet the Press and saw that Interview and said how could anyone actually vote for him.
We have no idea what would happen if the Gov cut 1 trillion in spending in one year but I am fairly sure it wouldn’t be pretty.
The thought that money would still be in our economy just in the private sector not the public sector is false as most of our current yearly deficits are financed by foreign money and it they weren’t buying treasures we have no idea where the money would go, but not likely into our economy. More likely into building foreign factories and putting more of us out of work.
Plus I a fairly sure all the people that would be without food and shelter under his plan are not just going to go and die under some bridge, so we would have hire more cops and build more prisons anyways.
I’m getting a terrible habit of starting this show while in the recliner and…..huh what happened. I guess I must have gone to sleep.