Capitalism great system. We won Cold War because people behind Iron Curtain look over wall, and see how much more plentiful and delicious cookies are in West, and how we have choice of different bakeries, not just state-owned one. It great system. It got us out of Depression, won WWII, built middle class, built country’s infrastructure from highways to Hoover Dam to Oreo factory to electrifying rural South. It system that reward hard work and fair play, and everyone do fair share and everyone benefit. Rich get richer, poor get richer, everyone happy. It great system.

Then after Reagan, Republicans decide to make number one priority destroying that system. Now we have system where richest Americans ones who find ways to game system — your friends on Wall Street — and poorest Americans ones who thought working hard would get them American dream, when in fact it get them pink slip when job outsourced to 10-year-old in Mumbai slum. And corporations have more influence over government than people (or monsters).

  1. Post #02- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist CANNOT FIX this blog all by hisself, but tries nontheless says:

    Yes, it is all true==and all true by design. The trick is you actually have to rank your priorities and screw over “other” groups of people. Something many are loath to do for many distinct and even conflicting reasons. Millions have been lifted out of bone crushing poverty in China while the American Dream has gone flat. Good for the Chinese, bad for Americans? Is your equity model based on what is good for China, America, or Hoomans?

    Its exactly the same “economic warfare” talking point raised within America today played out on the World Stage. China has been at war with the USA for decades now just as the Super Rich have been within the USA. And those actively engaged in war are winning while the losers variously claim it is some other activity.

    Bottom line: which OX are you on? Can you recognize your own economic interests or do you allows others to take what could/should be yours away and give you magic beans in return?

    All you have to do is look, just LOOK!!!!! Its right there.

    Yea, verily.

    • Arianwen says:

      How is the American dream going flat good for the Chinese people. It’s not. It’s good for the Chinese elites. Yes, people were lifted out of crushing poverty in China, but if more of that wealth had been spread to the workers who actually did the lifting in the form of wages, perhaps two or three times the number would have been lifted out by the boost domestic spending and the building of domestic businesses. Perhaps they’d have the internal demand to avoid recession now. We’ll never know but this assumption that this zero sum game was the only means to lift China out of poverty only serves to pit American workers against Chinese workers. I’m not saying ‘workers of the world unite’, but going to war against each other won’t help anyone but the elites.

  2. notatall says:

    Note to author: Please refrain from using cherished characters from my childhood to put forth the lie that both wings of the fake two-party system didn’t work together so their bankster masters could gut the economy like a trout.

    • LibertyLover says:


    • Cursor_ says:

      I have no passion for Sezme St stuff but I agree, don’t lie that both sides of the political fence since the 1870s have been cohorts in corporate greed.

      And just for fun. C is for commie. And that’s good enough for lefties.

      Had to do it to make fun of conservatives.


    • LtSiver says:

      Agreed. Although I would argue that this problem started much earlier than Reagan. The writer picked Reagan to continue with the left / right bias. This happened around 1910, and has been continuing to get worse since then.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Funny how the people closest to Communism are not pining for a return to it, despite current troubles.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Communism is how we did our defense (is still is) our food production (seen anybody accuse the USDA and the F part of the FDA of being champions of capitalism lately?) our communications (seen anybody asking for a return to the days before the FCC?) and our electric grid (like Enron was such a huge success. [The Smartest guys in the room suddenly got indicted for engaging in the same activities as Bernie Madoff.])

      Federally chartered banks got unregulated and look at where that got us.

      Capitalism has its place, like my supermarket, my electronic store, and the like, but it really doesn’t belong everywhere.

      Health care for profit is a mugs game, and >i>you are the mugs.

  4. Speed Racer says:

    And you can let me know when you find a Cookie Monster toy not made in China and NPR getting a nice huge chunk of the profit. And, while you are at it, let me know how much the CFO of NPR makes, ducko.

    • Sales Geek says:

      NPR? Huh? Sesame street is run by PBS (Public Broadcasting Service).

      Best do your homework and get your organizations straight, ducko (I assume that’s a term of endearment).

      And for the record, my research indicates that the CFO of PBS made around $400,000 a year in 2010. That’s pretty sad in CFO-land. Perhaps the cookie monster business isn’t as good as imagined.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Waiting for Mickey Mouse’s angle.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      You really mean Calvin and Hobbes.

    • Cursor_ says:

      Mickey’s angle is:

      Ho Ho! I just love copyrights that never die.

      But really don’t tell anyone that Walt never created me. It was Ub who was my daddy. It would be as crushing as telling people that Jobs never made the Apple, Ipod or Iphone, he just sold it.

      Be like telling 5 year olds there is no Santa.


  6. PMitchell says:

    More liberal lies. The democrats of the 40’s and 50’s were conservative that is why our economy flourished not because of any liberal progressive policies.
    the Democratic party went liberal in the mid 60s

    but dont let the truth in the way of a good lie the ends justify the means for any good liberal

    • Sales Geek says:

      The notion that our economy flourished in the 40’s and 50’s because of *politics* is completely laughable. We were the only major world power left standing after WW II. The United States had the only real manufacturing, educational and scientific infrastructure left in place in a world that was now a global economy.

      Worse, the Republicans were big boosters for the Marshall plan. How much more liberal can you get? But they voted for it because it was the right thing to do for the world at the time and knew when to put dogmatism back in the kennel.

      But please, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.

      • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

        Get with the program, SalesGeek…everything bad that ever happened is the fault of liberals, and credit for all the good stuff goes to conservatives…

        …except for suffrage, civil rights, slavery, medicare, Social Security, etc.

  7. Jim G says:

    Clinton Democrats did it, not Republicans. The Dems were college liberals in the 60’s who swore an oath that when they got older they’d destroy the USA one way or the other. And they’re doing so today.

    • notatall says:

      Yeah, just clinton democrats…

      Tell you what…take a look at this picture and see if (1) you even know what was happening and (2) tell us when the John “Banker-Bitch” Boehner and Phil Gramm were part of the clinton administration:

      • Mextli: ABO says:

        Looks like about 155 Democrats and 207 Republicans voted for it. What’s your point, the Dims had nothing to do with it?

        • notatall says:

          Um, no. More like there isn’t any difference between team d and team r. But lots of people seem to think there is. They worked together to make this mess.

      • jpfitz says:

        The signing of the beginning of the end.

        Three Republicans (Gramm–Leach–Bliley) had Bill sign the banking industry into ruinous territory. Why and how is the question to be answered.

  8. soundwash says:

    lol -very funny.

    Too bad no one told cookie monster his cookie’s and tv were spiked with “the kool-aid” all these years..

    Had he go into kictchen, he plainly see both parties standing over pot stirring up next batch of kool-aid-cookie batter whilst big bird and banksters sit at table writing script for next episode of “As The World Burns”

    silly monster.


  9. dcphill says:

    And who said “And the meek shall inherit the earth”?

  10. Steve S says:

    It’s the D’s fault!
    No it’s the R’s fault!
    The D’s are trying to destroy our way of life!
    No, the R’s are trying to make us all poor!
    Vote the D’s out of office!
    No, vote the R’s out of office!
    This worst part of this is that although the beings manipulating us could be classified as inhuman, sadly they are members of our own species.
    Yes there is something very wrong on Maple Street as well as Main Street.

  11. ECA says:

    And as with ANY WAR…
    POINT FINGERS, dont solve the problem..just POINT and say…”THEY DID IT. NOT YOU”

  12. ECA says:

    AND who do you point to??
    99% of those in washinton and work for the gov. WERENT ELECTED..
    Those helping the congress/reps and president were NEVER ELECTED..
    What education you need to run a country?? NONE…
    HOW easy is it to take over the gov?? Start back about 40 years, and see WHOM gets elected..
    Go back 60 years… The more people that can SEE a candidate, the better chance they will vote for him…(who has enough money to BACK 1 person??)
    The ELECTORAL is BROKEN.. Count how many states have Cities/areas with OVER 1,000,000 people in them. Those are the areas that can control a VOTE, tha is the ONLY areas you need to RUN for election.(farming states dont get much vote, NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE)

  13. Jim G says:

    Maybe all the farmers should start not producing food.

  14. Drive By Poster says:

    I lost interest in reading it when the “cookie monster” switched his interest from “cookies” to “money”. From that point on, it sounded exactly like every other Leftist anti-Repub screed ever written except it left out psychotic paranoid phrases like “Republicans want women to die on the floor” and “‘raise taxes’ is code for racism”.

  15. tomdennis says:

    Cookie Monster forgot to tell us that the rich we not follow a Green Cookie Monster!

  16. ECA says:

    part of the reasoning in the USA was like this..

    The GOV. was taxing us, and we were doing great..
    Corps saw we had EXTRA money, and thought about HOW to get it..
    In the 70’s this SAME thing happened.
    Prices increased, then SLOWLY FELL..
    until they could make the most profit.
    Every 10-12 years, it happens again.

    Raise prices, then lower the get the MOST PROFIT.

    They also found a way to get the Products, that you HAVE NO CHOICE, except to buy them. FOOD among them. many dont remember the farms going out of business, and HOW/WHY..

    We have made society to REQUIRE certain things..
    the STORE isnt close anymore. Stores used to be .5 to 1 mile away..NOW its 20..
    GAS and FOOD.. then a CAR, then insurance..
    information?? TV??
    MANY do not remember the OLD way, thats STILL available.. BROAD cast tv… they are spoiled that there is alm0ost everything ON THE BOOBTUBE. but they WONT give it to you FREE. as they did on broadcast tv.


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