Time to move on to the next war to liberate oppressed people (or is it liberate the oil under their feet — I can never remember which) since oil production is on the rise in Iraq.
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I know its constantly said but who actually gets the oil that is pumped out of Iraq? Anyone got a break down? Until then, I put this idea down to lazy spin.
At a guess China and Europe but you left out who gets paid.
Right now I’d say we are not making war pay though various special interest groups many of which aren’t even located inside the US are.
For example the people who wanted to over throw the government of Iraq told us that he had weapons of mass destruction and we over threw government for them. They got the gold and we got the …
The same can be said for what has happened in Egypt and Libya. The US and its tax payers are not going to be any better off because of our roles in these operations.
As a super power are becoming like the big stupid giants of fairly tales who get conned into doing all sorts of things while being robbed blind by the more astute Jacks of story.
Oh please, only fools don’t get it’s ultimately about oil.
The use of the military to protect oil supplies is the biggest , most expensive tax paid subsidy we give to any industry. If only the sheeple knew.
One Million in training per military service member. High tax indeed. And that’s not accounting for all the no bid contracts given to the most dishonorable company’s in the world. Oil for blood, blood for oil.
I’m going out on a limb and will guess Xe will be in charge of the Diplomatic security force in Iraq.
Baaah, Baaah
Since when was Iraq in Africa? Sure, it’s close. But last time I looked, Iraq and even Saudi Arabia (which is closer) were part of the Asian/European continent – not Africa. (Traditional teaching says that it splits right up the Red Sea into the Suez region).
Anyone got access to Google Maps care to do a second or two of homework? This is pretty typical of Liberal press fact checking…
…And just who the hell is “we” anyway? Earthlings???!!!
Never heard of Nigeria?
They got lots of oil and lots of, dare I say it, Niggers… (Yes I went there.. [That’s where we got the expression, {from the b>British slave traders..}])
“Today marks a harmful and sad setback for the United States in the world,” said McCain, an Arizona Republican who faced off against Obama in the 2008 presidential election. “This decision will be viewed as a strategic victory for our enemies in the Middle East, especially the Iranian regime, which has worked relentlessly to ensure a full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.”
I say were getting out so when Iran does cross the border into Iraq with military might the US than can bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. McCain should be jubilant that his cover of the Beach Boys song will make it to the top 40 hit list.
there is a bigger problem in the african continent, china
and what they are doing there will make U.S. corporate work pale by comparison..
should be an interesting show down in african countries and who gets the control..
They do it so your American middle class can have cheap gas to go to the drive-thru in their Escalades. So don’t complain. The only people who have to die are the ones with the bad luck of having American oil under their country. So your 3 bedroom utopia is safe for a little while longer.
well said.