“I switched back to Windows, this time”

When the California Christian group known as Family Radio predicted the beginning of the end of the world as we know it back in the spring (not for the first time), Harold Camping and his followers splashed dire warnings on billboards around the globe.

But then nothing happened on May 21. There was no rapture and true believers weren’t swept to heaven while everyone else was left waiting to be consumed in the total destruction of Earth by Oct. 21.

Despite that setback, the California-based group is still looking on Friday as a day of reckoning, even if its predictions have been toned down.

There aren’t any billboards this time, and the 90-year-old Camping has shifted from definitive language to adding the word “probably” to his vocabulary.

So, if history repeats itself, the world will be just fine on Saturday. In fact, one observer expects Family Radio, which describes itself as a “non-profit, non-commercial Christian radio network,” will keep sending out its signals, too.

Like most nutball evangelicals, Harold will continue to roll in the cabbage.

Thanks, Cinaedh

  1. Dallas says:

    Then, I’m definitely gonna eat two slices of that key lime pie & whip cream I’ve been eying at Whole Foods !

  2. Somebody says:

    Thank God! Finally! The suspense has been killing me!

  3. scandihoovian says:

    Woe is me, I’m so special I get to be the first human generation to see the end of the world! See you soon Jebus!

  4. dingdongdell says:

    Entropy, the world as we know it ends every day, then there is a new day.

    This stupid b-tard is….. hell I don’t know what he is, other than a senile idiot.

  5. This is what you have to look forward to when you get old, beside drooling and shitting in your pants.

  6. dusanmal says:

    Important factual correction: “California Christian group known as Family Radio” Family Radio is not “christian group” (well, no more than NBC is “liberal group”). It is broadcasting corporation. It indeed promotes Christianity from various Christian groups and in general does a good work of that.

    As for Mr. Camping, he is good Biblical scholar partly overreaching, partly senile in his late years.

    • SayWhat says:

      This is of no importance whatsoever. Crack pots are just entertainment for the masses.

  7. JimD says:

    Why is anyone listening to this BLOWHARD ???

    After this THIRD STRIKE, will he be out ???

  8. spsffan says:

    Today Quadaffy, tomorrow the world ….muahahahahahahah!

  9. deowll says:

    Um the Bible says no man knows the day or the hour. That means that if you actually have a clue what the Bible says and are a believer you immediately discount everything somebody claiming to know the day and the hour says.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    Bwahahahaha… This old fool makes me favor euthanasia.

    Fuck what a senile, feeble-minded cretin. He should hurry up and die.

    Put him in jail already as a waste of our fucking time.

    I look forward to reading his obituary as much as I enjoyed reading Gene Scott’s.

    At least his rants were entertaining, demented, off the wall, but fun car wrecks. (I wonder how his last wife Melissa is doing. 🙂

    I’ll never forget his comparison of Jesus Christ and Spiderman.

  11. Anonymous says:

    For him, the world as he sees it may very well indeed be ending. THE MAN IS IN HIS NINETIES! Death has already passed him by several times and sooner or later he is eventually going to be right! But only as far as his own ass is concerned. So can you really blame him for saying this bat-nuts crazy sh*t?

    It’s the bat-nuts crazy people who follow him – and those like him – who the rest of us should be concerned with.

    Mentally weak people especially need kindness and understanding. Frankly, all people do. But they don’t need a pulpit or a congregation of believers!

  12. norm says:

    I dunnoooo…. Earthquake in San Antonio, tx…

    Blahhhahahh! I couldn’t say it with a straight face.

  13. jescott418 says:

    OK thanks for the info. I’ll guess I will cancel that Monday meeting and won’t buy the lotto tickets this week. Maybe go see a show Thursday night instead of Friday night.

  14. Skeptic says:

    Eh, just let the old guy be. What else has he got to do?

    I guess he could post on Dvorak all day…

  15. Drive By Poster says:

    I’ll never understand the obsession some people have of being the ones to be alive when the End Of Days begins.

    Is it a subconscious way of saying their current life sucks and they want a religiously honorable (aka, Sin free) way to end it prematurely so they can stop their suffering?

    Or do they hate their own kids so much that they want their own spawn to suffer the Tribulations in full?

  16. Nugget Coombes says:

    It is already 2:45PM here on the South East Coast of Victoria, Australia, and we are all still here happily catching fish, just like NOTHING happened!!!

  17. Grandpa says:

    I fail to see where this Christian is any different than any other Christian. He truly believes. His faith is pure. Some day he will pass away a happy man and knowing he will be with God.

  18. Haiku Herman says:

    A hat tip to Eitard, the poster child for confirmation bias.

  19. sargasso_c says:

    Something in the water?

  20. Dallas says:

    This loon is entertainment for the masses but a danger to the mentally unstable, a predator for the miserable to give him money, a reason for troubled youth to act on their fears.

  21. DC says:

    Doesn’t this guy look like the Jeff Dunham’s “Walter” dummy? The resemblance is stunning.

  22. Dan Wally says:

    Does anyone else smell sulfur? 😉

  23. Kevin says:

    On the other hand, it only takes one of these crazies to be right only one time, and they will be called genius in the afterlife.

  24. World Full of Crap says:

    Maybe the Rapture DID happen, there were just no “True Believers” left.

    Where does that leave poor old Harold Camping now?

  25. Glenn E. says:

    By “end of the world”, I’m sure Camping means His World, for getting money for nothing. After Saturday, it’s not very likely he be getting any more support of any kind. And even the most gullible of his flock, will soon see through this guy’s con. Maybe he was referring to Qaddafi’s end.

    I just wish the media wouldn’t lump his shenanigans in with the main stream Christian faith. Buy that logic, all Catholic priests are child molesters. And all atheists are shameless hedonists. But you can’t judge them all by the example of Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s life. And so Camp, and some other cultist kooks, aren’t the norm either.

    But anyway, how many times have scientists predicted some end of the world, like from a huge meteor collision? And it didn’t happen. But it doesn’t deter them from predicting future doom and gloom, if we don’t fund all their speculative preventive measures NOW! Same con, just a different bunch of soothsayer con artists, doing it. And their proof is always, their own research, which the rest of us aren’t “learned” enough to understand it. So we can’t refute it. Sound familiar?

  26. So what says:

    Well its saturday and the crackpots are still around. Better luck next time.

  27. Todd Peterson says:

    I really love the Christians and their never dying HATE for human kind!


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