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Grandma Clinton
By John C Dvorak Thursday October 20, 2011
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President Obama has proven himself to be the True Desert Fox.
Nazi General Erwin Rommel utterly failed to take the oil fields of North Africa.
The many ironies may now be savored.
Channedvorak RSS feed on iTunes is down and has been so for about a week. Any fixes coming soon?
I think the rss is down completely.
Most amusing!
now this, good sirs, is some cover art I will make good use of!
OK let’s all now start talking about the topics in the podcast, what a concept.
Regarding the State of LA law saying the police officer is the judge and jury — Adam and John are CORRECT: This type of legislation is an attempt to cut out the courts. It’s not just in LA.
The problem is much bigger than you might have realized. This type of centralized policing by the legislature, where the state legislatures attempt to adjudicate the cases in advance of a trial, and remove the judge from weighing the evidence on a case-basis, is a real big problem in the USA.
Deciding what is Prima facie evidence in a case is NOT the power of the legislature, it is the power of the judiciary. Furthermore, it is not legal to pre-decide or pre-judice a case — the evidence must be presented first, and the case must be decided on a case-basis. Lawmakers can’t just say everyone is guilty, on up high straight from the State Assembly — they have to make a case — and a case cannot be made in the absence of evidence, in advance of the actual case.
What you have here is another blatant attempt by a state legislature to cut out the court system and cut out the jury of peers — a violation of the US Constitution — and to replace our court systems with merely the decisions of officials.
I woulda let phalanx slide.
Thanks for the heads up on Portugese MILFs: Waiting for cheaper good stuff in the US.
Oh the irony of this post!
A $1 challenge..
First person to pay $1, get notice..
NEXT person to get to $2 gets a notice..
Obama has been blackmailed/inducted/controlled, AS every president is.. its NOT HIM you have to worry about..its your representatives.. GET THEM to fix things..
This is probably off topic here. So sue me. I can’t wait for the proper negative item about Obama, to appear.
Anyway, I was watching a FOX news station (God knows why), and they miss-reported something about the Energy Dept, giving 530 million dollars to an Electric Car manufacture who plans to build cars in Finland. Not the USA. Well it’s NOT entire correct. FOX left out some details, that would probably soften the blow, they hoped this would be to the Obama camp.
The company, Fisker Automotive, is based in Anaheim Ca. (that’s where Disneyland is). It is renovating an old GM plant in Delaware, right now. But that will be for its second model of electric cars. It couldn’t find a suitable factor to build the first model in the US. But it eventually will build them in the US, after the initial model run. Most of the 530 million dollar gov. LOAN, will be spent on the US plant. It had raise 500 million in private funds, before 2009. Wikipedia has the details, that FOX news left out.
And BTW, money also went to Tesla Motors, and they make their cars in the UK. Plus Nissan got money from DoE’s fund too. So the only thing that singles out this deal, is it happened on Obama’s watch. FOX news regurgitated it now, as part of its pre-election smear Obama campaign. It’s old news.
Im going to give you the Ron Paul stance.
The government shouldn’t be giving money to any corporations, a free market will sort out who wins and loses.
With PErks like 550 Million from the government who needs the Dow?
Hey Adam, you sound like a creep when you always go on about how hot or not some woman is then tell us if you’d f*** her or not. A Really uneducated creep.
What the hell Adam? What is the reason for the vitriol about Rand Paul??? He is the f…g only man standing up to anything in that geriatric clinic. And you call the man creepy… why, because he does not have the hair you do, or the fancy Dutch twang you can play with. Selv jeg kan vaere veldig ‘smart’ near get gjelder, men get gjelder ikke her. So, lay off and don’t be so frigging emotional and shallow.
And – stop mocking people that don’t have English as a mother tongue. It does not become you AND having been in Holland a long time, you should know better!
Best from a pissed off Sir!
Well, Naomi Wolf is hot. Which is ironic.
* Immediately saving lives by effectively repealing Roe v. Wade and preventing activist judges from interfering with state decisions on life by removing abortion from federal court jurisdiction through legislation modeled after his “We the People Act.”
* Defining life as beginning at conception by passing a “Sanctity of Life Act.”
–Ron Paul
*We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measures – not printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.
–Ron Paul
ADDING MONEY TO THE POT..DEFLATES The worth of lower our wages didnt go up, to give us the SAME value.
The only ones that got/get an equal share are at the top..
In the last 20 years, inflation went UP, the rich got comparable raises..the lower income, DIDNT..