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IMHO if you plan to sell out a theatre, you should have seat assignments.
Ohio restricted General Admission seating after a crowd stampeded killing people at some concert in Cincinnati, I don’t remember Who was playing.
I just don’t go to the nickelodeon much anymore
Wow. Way to miss a point!
the who?
Self preservation is always on ones mind.
The couples that left the theater watched Mad Max once too often.
Good Add!
I used to play music for biker events, it is not so bad, the best part was their wet tee shirt contest.
“How’s your own tolerance level?” /// Tolerance? Of what???
I’ve posted before I was having a great time in Jamaica in an off road honky tonk. Band was doing sound checks and playing around. Locals with their kids and pets were in an out. Vendors brought some good snacks. I bought beers for all around. We talked about local fern grottos (my interest at the time and why I was there on a collection trip with government approval), mopeds, Bob Marley and so forth. Then it started getting dark and one of my table mates looked at me smiling and head down said “Its time for you to leave.”
Tolerance, acceptance, recognizing the world is made up of people with different agendas.
There are different levels of different things, all good and bad, in everything we do. How were the couples who sat down any different than those who left? Why did either do either? What were the pro’s and con’s.
Silly to think any one thing means only one thing.
Widen your horizons.
We need to keep in mind that those were paid actors / maybe part-time biker type guys, they were not really bikers from a gang. So while it all turns out good in the end and everyone has a good laugh, it would probably turn out much differently if the theater was filled with a real biker gang. It would be funny to see bobbo widen his horizons with militant hells angels or rock machine in Quebec, when they would slit his throat without even a second thought. Aside from funny commercials to sell beer, there are unfortunately people in this world who would rather hurt you than be your friend.
Hey Reality—I love you (Reality that is, not the different part!). What in my little Jamaica story made you think I would sit down in that theater of “other agenda’d” people? I might, might not. In fact, I agree with your assessment that the crowd did not look that dangerous to me. If I was told it was full of bikers, I would avoid the place. Comes from traveling the world and dealing with reality in its many guises and conflicts.
WhoosH=======subtlety flying high over head.
another reality.
The video is nice.
I was screamed at in the military and I was fine and came out OK; I was cussed at at the commune and I was fine with it but when my dad dated a colored married women then it was not fine. It did not stop him because he was a Latin lover (ladies man) but it hurt me. Go figure. He is dead now and it is history. You never know.
LOL – I went to a movie last night.
I carry…
1. A flashlight
2. At least one handgun, and many rounds of ammo.
Problem solved.
Plus, having had a 95% morbidity rate cancer, I am prepared but not scared.
You need lots of extra clips and/or fast loaders.
I mean look at the target rich opportunity in that theater.
Its like being in the movie From Dusk ‘Til Dawn. 🙂
Looks like a gay S&M convention.
If you mention it first, I sure you’ll be right.
Let us know how that turned out for you, after you pick up the pieces of your teeth and tuck whatever’s left of you well fisted colon under your arm for the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Ever seen the original gape pictures of the guy?
I’d probably be more comfortable there than in a theater filled with teens (or tots for that matter).
Well I would say its pretty high, as is the tolerance level of the people who post on this blog. We put up with alfie, bobo, and the new suck ass format.