Whether you are a devout Christian Evangelist or an Atheist this guy, Michael Dowd, will impress you.

  1. JimD says:

    If you can “Re-Imagine” Religion, it shows you that it is ALL MADE UP !!!

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I understand that. Watch the video and then comment. His religion is reality itself.

      • Mr. Fusion says:

        Reality is not a religion.

        • Noah says:

          That’s not the point, the point he is trying to make is that we can have the connection and personification of the universe that we crave, in an updated fashion that doesn’t leave us feeling conflicted between what we think, and what we feel to be right. I think it’s amazing, and about damn time!

  2. Matthew says:

    Not impressed. It assumes all reality is material. Which science can’t prove because it is not a scientific question.

    • Cat2 says:

      Me neither. Why is the shift to naturalism – “that which helps us to live in right relationship to reality, that which helps us to grow in integrity, love, compassion, care …” important? Are those qualities any more “natural” than hatred, selfishness, dishonesty, etc.? Possessing these qualities is thus not in *right* relationship to *reality*?
      In fact, if the overriding force of nature is to survive and reproduce (has been for billions of years according to the argument), then having right relationship to reality is exactly the opposite of what he preaches?

      The narrative is good but ultimately failed!

    • Noah says:

      But by that argument you’re saying that we will never be able to prove anything right or wrong because books written thousands of years ago say that something exists that science has not been able to touch, and that even discussing it is a waste of time because on earth everyone is right, and wrong at the same time. In my opinion, that’s a load of bs.

      Like with Wall Street, we need to knock down the retaining we needed in the past, so we can keep working on that building. A construction crew can’t just stop working on something and say “looks good to me, I can’t see how we could possibly ever improve on this.”

  3. Improbus says:


    Spoken like a true Sophist.

  4. Jambe says:

    The audio is horrible.

    I’m an atheist and wasn’t really impressed, but only because what he says is pretty basic stuff. Props for being passionate and well-spoken though.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Yes – but he’s saying it to a Christian audience and they like what they hear. I don’t think I could say the same thing to Christians and have them like it.

      • Hyph3n says:

        He’s saying it to a Unitarian audience. If he said there wasn’t actual snake in the Garden of Eden in a Baptist church, he would be stoned to death.

    • denacron says:

      “The audio is horrible.”

      Then open and play this while listening, it sounds quite appropriate then. 😀


  5. Zealous says:

    This fellow must watch a lot of Glenn Beck.

  6. rockhound says:

    I’m an atheist and was impressed not so much because he enlightened me but because he said it so clearly that some will be challenged to think about their world in a different way. I think that most fundamentalist won’t be impressed, but it is refreshing to hear someone move the world slightly toward a better understanding of its situation.

  7. Dallas says:

    I heard half of this and must say he sounds rational and a good speaker. He does admit that most current religo-sheep are still worshiping 16th century thinking and tradition.

  8. Grandpa says:

    I only listened to very little in the beginning. I’d rather get my “religion” from a professor in a science class. Anything else is fancy words and a lot of BS.

  9. #15- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist CANNOT FIX this blog all by hisself, but tries nontheless says:

    Heh, heh==when you are “guided” by experience and evidence you are only half right. “Experience” is not evidence, not reality because individual’s perceptions of their experience is in fact the basis of religion===believers misinterpret their experience.

    No. SCIENCE is about evidence that results from repeated/confirmed testing and the results therefrom.

    Good example of how many words can be put together and still say nothing.

    Stopped listening after 8 minutes by which time he was only talking about science as the way to understand the natural world. That is not imagining religion. I don’t care if he word plays the issue back closer to the title by the end of his talk or not.

    We travel in space, or used to, and create life with designed dna, and still most people believe in the occult, and whatever our leaders pump out while transferring our wealth to the Super Rich.

    Silly Hoomans.

  10. deowll says:

    Reality is. When you go further than that not so good.

    I find for some reason that most of the the great thinks seem to be long dead. It seems we are out of the habit of thinking deeply and speaking briefly and to the point.


  11. Wattaru says:

    Wow, This guy is incredibly lost. Talk about baffle them with &^#%. But hey, keep watching him I am sure that he is laying the foundation for his new “Reality” religion as we speak. he will be Joseph Smith in another 50 to 100 years.

    The fact is, you can deny it, try to rationalize it away, or ignore it completely, but you cannot escape that there is only one true God (the God of the Bible), the path to which is his only begotten son Jesus Christ.

    The majority of you so called “atheists” out there spend more time researching what your going to have for lunch than you do searching for the truth. Its much easier and more convenient to just not believe than it is to actually seek the truth. While others find the truth’s that aligns closest to how you would like to live your life to justify your lifestyle.

    Truth is not subjective and there can only be one right answer.

    Your eternal soul is at stake. Isn’t is worth your time and effort to research and seek truth? Investigate..! First research all the religions on the planet and then look at the Bible and truly study it. It is time tested and proven.

    You can mock this post, and be disparaging and condescending if you like, but I know where my salvation lies; do you?

    God Bless you all and I pray that each of you finds your path to the grace of God.

    • Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says:

      @what r u

      It’s ok to believe in fairy tales.

      What ever floats your boat.

    • John Cage says:

      Based on the conclusions you’ve reached, it’s pretty clear you’re the one that needs to keep investigating.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Since God doesn’t exist there would be no path.

    • Noah says:

      The Church has been trying to prevent atheists from discovering the truth since atheists existed (usually by killing them). Your argument is invalid because God does not exist. The bible is a storybook, like a Shakespearean play full of pretty language not meant to be taken literally.

  12. dan says:

    I like what he says, and I like how he uses the stage as a timeline. Old, primitive thinking on the audience’s left, new, scientific thinking on the right edge of the stage.

  13. shooff says:

    The reason right wings are so anti-tax is that they are paying 10% to their church and being good Christians they can’t save any money at the grocery.

    Levi says bacon, pulled pork, bbq=hell.

    Sucks to be a sucker.

  14. Skeptic says:

    So, basically what he is saying is…

    I am one with the universe.

    I can dig it.

  15. Bob73 says:

    It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
    He speaks as though nobody before him has ever formulated this kind of dialog.
    Life belongs to everybody and continues on forever. The only difference between a Christian and an Atheist is that one has essentially signed a spiritual contract to go by faith to a “known” place after physical death, whereas the other hasn’t a clue, not even realizing that their underlying reality is Spirit, and that Spirit is non-physical and therefore not subject to the laws of physical reality.
    Silly hoomans


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