An end to this for real, at least in Iraq?

Abandoning plans, although still negotiating. So, that’s a definite maybe? Although other sources are reporting it, this is from Fox News’, take on it.

The U.S. is abandoning plans to keep troops in Iraq past a year-end withdrawal deadline, according to The Associated Press, but Obama administration officials insist to Fox News that discussions with Iraqi leaders are “ongoing.”

On the other hand…

Regardless of whether U.S. troops stay or not, there will be a massive American diplomatic presence.

The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is the largest in the world, and the State Department will have offices in Basra, Irbil and Kirkuk as well as other locations around the country where contractors will train Iraqi forces on U.S. military equipment they’re purchasing.

About 5,000 security contractors and personnel will be tasked with helping protect American diplomats and facilities around the country, the State Department has said.

  1. jpfitz says:

    This information is released the same day parts of the world revolted and Times Square was occupied. Seems a bit obvious.

  2. Publius says:

    War is a racket.

    — Smedley D. Butler

    Therefore I don’t expect these wars to stop any time soon.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    Out of Iraq, right into Iran…

  4. Dallas says:

    Obama administration talks to Fox News?

  5. Derek says:

    Obama has to rally his base. Of course they are coming home. It’s convenient!

  6. Lou says:

    My cash is on staying.

    • Dallas says:

      We got to protect the oil tit the sheeple suck on.

      • deowll says:

        You are sucking on the same oil teat as the rest of us. For reasons that escape me you fail to grasp that basic fact. Next point, that isn’t where we get our oil from.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Ohhh. Iraq, Iran. Missed it by that much, chief.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Just bargaining.

    You guys want us to stay a little longer??

    How about some of that oil you got, cheap!

  9. Harry says:

    I would not believe a word of anything that is on Fox.

  10. Grandpa says:

    Ending one war to make room for another.

  11. chris says:

    Iraq is being held together by US guns and money. Once the underlying tensions come bubbling back up at least the Dems can’t get blamed for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    >Iraq is being held together by US guns and money.

    But liberals told us that was impossible, and that the surge had failed!

  13. Buzz Mega says:

    Always Trust Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Everything Newscorp.Com.

  14. NA FAN says:

    I love how, of all the images to choose from, you decide upon flag draped caskets. That is why you are, were, and always will be a joke.


    and Iraq War vet.

    • Steve S says:

      I think for many people, this picture symbolizes the total waste of human life that is the Iraq war. The trillions of dollars wasted on this war is nothing compared to the loss of human life. The money just adds insult to injury.
      I hope there is a special place in Hell for the people ultimately responsible for making this atrocity happen.

  15. Milo says:

    I wonder if anyone has calculated the money that we spend on stopping Muslims from killing each other v the savings in oil price?

    I bet the 3 trillion or so we’ve pissed away on jizyah would buy a lot of oil!

  16. Dallas says:

    We should stay but add the military cost to the price per barrel of oil. Everyone’s happy!!
    – oil industry keeps using US government to protect their product
    – sheeple can continue to suck on oil tit
    – GOP military jobs program has new assignment
    – US empire has great outpost
    – DOD revenue from oil

    What is there not to like?

  17. dadeo says:

    This airs, Iraq (over)reacts, we stay..

  18. deowll says:

    Going in was a foolish mistake. Anger and fear do not help people think more clearly. There were no weapons of mass destruction. I didn’t believe it when Bush made the claim and I was right. Of course I think and thought at the time that every craven, gutless congress critter that voted to give him the authority to do it should have been bared from holding public office for life. I believe that did include, Harry Reid, Nancy P., and H. Clinton.

    It’s way past time to get our rears out and let them mess up their lives their way. They don’t need us doing it for them.

    The angry self congratulatory views just expressed do not represent those of my employer, denomination, relatives or anyone but me.

    You take care and may the God many of you don’t believe in find us a decent President.


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