I guess I need to change my nom de blog from Uncle Dave to Parent 1 Sibling Dave to be PC. Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, though.

Traditional words ‘father’ and ‘mother’ will be replaced with official terms Parent 1 and Parent 2 in Britain reported the BBC and the Daily Mail. The terms will be used in official documents. The authorities decided to make such a “politically correct” move to accommodate same-sex couples. Experts are sure, though, that the matter is not about the requirements of certain social groups. The decision is another step towards the destruction of traditional families.
“Indeed, this is a serious international trend. It started back in the seventies and the eighties as a powerful movement to defend the rights of sexual minorities. There were organizations that tried to defend even the rights of pedophiles, who, as they believed, also had the rights for their own sexual preferences.
European officials already try to avoid the use of the word ‘family’ in top-level international documents. Instead, they use “family in all of its forms” expression, which implies all forms of cohabitation.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    I noticed Uncle Dave tagged this post as +humor.

    Yeah, I guess Political Correctness to the extreme is a real laugh riot for the far left.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      I assume you meant the far right. The far left takes political correctness very seriously. It’s no laughing matter to them.

  2. Buzz Mega says:

    Maybe it should be Parent A and Parent B. You know, to avoid the “Nyaa, nyaa. I’m ‘Parent Number One’.”

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    It’s happening in the US as well. Check out the passport applications.

  4. moss says:

    The whining is a little late. Mail me a penny postcard when crap like “Under God” disappears from the schoolday loyalty oath.

    Political correctness was invented by Republicans decades ago. Spread nationwide by newspaper barons like Hearst.

    Perish the thought that respect for individuals requires the wrenching of a few gray cells into new positions in your brain – when complying with the lowest common denominator of language, society’s petty vulgate, is easier.

  5. Likes2LOL says:

    Doesn’t this discriminate against 3 parent families?

    • deowll says:

      The norm for many Muslims is four parents. We often say parents or guardians in the school biz and let them sort the rest out. Many of our students have had half dozen or more people playing parent so the numbers thing is for the feeble minded.

      In fact the term guardian would be much better than parent 1 and parent 2 when in fact they might be grandparents or not even related.

      We now have stack of legal papers in the office 4 inches thick relating to who has legal custody so I guess you could say that guardianship is now the name of the game.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    Parental Care Unit

  7. deowll says:

    Small observation touched on by another. The people pushing this crap aren’t passing reproduction. They belong to groups going extinct. They have no future and they and their foolish belief systems are going into the dark. They are in the process of being replaced by people who don’t share their views.

    If this offends someone check out the demographic data that is available. In this case the hard numbers are in and the trends are clear to read by anyone with a working brain.

    Have a great weekend and may God bless and keep.

    • Animby - just phoning it in says:

      deowll, it’s just one more instance of how we are allowing a minority to lead society.

  8. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    So, will baby’s first words be mandated to be: “wun-wun” or “too-too”? Will, “I’ve gotta go do a number two,” become an obscenity? If M&D become obsolete designations, will aunt and uncle need to go bye-bye, too-too? Brother and sister seems to be very sexist! Sibling1 and sibling2? Of course, the logical extension is that all first names will be dropped. Mr and Mrs One and Two Smith?

    The most popular baby name will be One. I suppose one side-effect would be those baby name books will be reduced to a post card-sized publication listing the numbers one through ten. Larger families may need to hire a mathematically-gifted first grader for naming help.

    Will the first child of Parent1 be known as One, junior?

    BTW: Dvorak – I still hate the new format. Have I missed an explanation of why you refuse to listen to the community or do you think so little of us that you can’t be bothered to address the issue?

  9. ben-in-the-woods says:

    They aren’t ‘replacing’ the term ‘mom and dad’ they are adding Parent 1 and Parent 2 for gay couples with children, which makes sense.

    RTFM: http://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15150526

  10. So what says:

    May I suggest breeder and sperm donor as replacements, or is that too vulgar?

  11. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Here’s one more thing for parents to squabble over, both in the marriage and in a divorce settlement. Which of you will have the right to call yourself “Parent 1,” thereby relegating the other to the lowly position of “Parent 2”?

  12. Jess Hurchist says:

    There’s more than one reason for parent 1/parent2
    1/ Saves the government department getting into a debate about which parent gets priority
    2/ Allows fractured families to put the natural parent first and step parent second if they want
    3/ Allows single sex families to complete the form without having to jump through a logical hoop

    When it was explained to me 1 was the main driver with the other two being roughly equal and a convenient byproduct of the decision to use parent 1/parent 2

  13. Holdfast says:

    Can I explain something about the paper that it is reported in.

    The Daily Mail , or to give you its more accurate name the Daily Wail, is famous for being a complete load of garbage. Some of its comments are so right wing that they would not seem out of place coming from some of the commenters here. It can be embarrassing to explain DM headlines to people from most countries.

  14. Piku says:

    This BS was also considered in Spain (progenitor 1 & 2 vs padre & madre) some years ago – courtesy of Zapatero’s PC to the max. It was soon abandoned as people obviouslly laughed at it.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    What gets me is that these governments are bending over backwards to accommodate these so-called “sexual minorities’ ” demands. Which probably amount to less than 5% of the total population (I hope!) . While at the same time screwing over the other 95% of the population, about all they’re concerned about. Like having a job, and the gov. wasting too much tax money on stupid things. Like rewording forms to not have “family” in them.

    I’m a little surprised the same-sex couple didn’t object to being referred to as a “1” or a “2” parent. Rather than say an “A” and “B” parent. Give them time, and the UK will probably realize the unintended “bathroom humor”, at everyone’s expense. Besides, who wants to be thought of as a Number Two parent, anyway. I heard that the US Census had a similar number designation, for family members. And the Tv comedians made fun of it.


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