Livid Producer Screaming During Report – Watch MoreFunny Videos
Geez, Are People Paid to Work Here? Real or Hoax?
By John C Dvorak Friday October 14, 2011
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This is an overdub. It’s funny, but not real.
Yeah, its a fake.
Not much difference between what is said behind the scenes and what is said on-camera at MSNBC.
Oh JB–reality is just the opposite of what you post. I often get irritated at every msnbc talking head that get all cutsy pie with the “N” word, or rhymes with “witch and we’ll leave it to your imagination” and all the rest of the 8th grade level communication.
When the NEWS is about a rock with Niggerhead written on it, it is prudery or pc not to tell the news straight on.
Silly for you to be so partisan about “everything.”
Only idiots are.
Guess I hit a nerve, Bobbo. Didn’t realize you felt so strongly about MSNBC. They’re the ones with the 8th grade level communication.
Kind of ironic when you respond with “Silly for you to be so partisan about “everything.””
Bobbo, take a look in the mirror, silly human.
Says the guy who posts links to Michelle Malkin.
Care to point out the errors in the link?
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Gallery and all who sails in her.
If he talked about my wife/girlfriend like that he’d get a visit from me pronto.
Fake. Over dub. There is no way the PL line can get on air, since it is not a feed into the board. It’s a totally separate system.
We had a director like that once at our place. The crew would place bets as to which story block, (a1 a2 a3, etc) the director would let fly with “fuck!”. She’s gone now, happily.
I know you all know this, but for the three who don’t;
Crews in the field listen to a dialed up phone number which is a feed of the program, (minus the field audio), mixed with the control room PL. (private line). When the cell phone in the truck drops out, the reporter hears nothing, and sits there waiting. However, the reporter should hear program audio at all times, so if that goes away, the camera operator should put up color bars or black so the director does not take the feed. The reason the ifb is mix minus is so the reporter does not hear her own voice delayed a second or two. IFB stands for “interrupted fold back”, sometimes incorrectly referred to as “interrupted feed back”. Fold back is what a performer hears in a studio, and their own mikes are absent, for obvious reasons. “Interrupted” means the genius producers or directors can communicate by keying their mike and interrupting the program audio.
Hey, how are you guys changing your avatar picture on this site?
Maybe through this?
Ive not tried it. Right clicking the ava images gave that address though.
What’s even more funny are some of the replies I’ve read here. I suppose if there were a story about how lollipops might fight breast cancer that some people would see that as an invitation to argue about (more) politics.
It’s pretty plain to me that the director was having a bad day and was yelling at everyone when things weren’t going well. If you ask me, this clip gives a little insight into the ugly side of television.
I remember about 20 years ago watching the BBC 10 o’clock news and their was an open microphone in the booth.
The lead story was about Yasser Arafat and a voice sounded out over the reporter, “Oh, not this prick again.”
Rapidly followed by, “An open what!”
Then ALL the sound went off and we were greeted with a test card and the message “We are currently suffering technical difficulties”…..
Given how straight laced the BBC reporting was back then, it was pretty bloody funny.
Total fake. Knew it in the first 5 seconds. I’m a producer and that’s not how it happens. Poor quality, too – so poor effort all around. This video should be removed.
You’re all wrong! This IS real, I know one of the techs at this station and this has been confirmed… the “f-bomber” has been placed on suspension, pending termination. What an idiot, he had a great job and he blew it because of his lack of anger-control. The newscaster was credited for her poise under duress.