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Executive Producers: Gary Blatt, Wiley Harp, Bryan Barrow, Baron Steven Pelsmaekers Sir Thomas Nussbaum
Executive Producer and 347 Club member: Baron Steven Pelsmaekers
Art By: Sir Nussbaum

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Stes to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. Panasonic P2 says:

    Don’t ya kinda wanna see a butcher knife sticking in that mask?

  2. ECA says:


    Why not get the money FROM THE BANKS..not the people.

    WHERE do you think the people WILL GET the money?
    most of the banks are setup from RICH groups or the WHY THE HELL do the people need to PAY OFF THE STOCK HOLDERS IN THE BANK??

    Look up the controversy of the trojan Nuke plant in oregon.
    it was not efficient over its working period, and they were requested to decommission it… but, they wanted to PASS the cost onto the customer..not the SHARE HOLDERS in the nuke plant.


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