Hungarian police have seized a stockpile of weapons that was shipped to the Hungarian capital for the production of a film about zombies starring Brad Pitt…
Weapons expert Bela Gajdos, who has worked on the filming of zombie movie “World War Z” to ensure the safe handling of the weapons used, told national news agency MTI that each firearm had been converted to restrict its use to blank ammunition. Gajdos added that the weapons were completely harmless and had already been used on a shoot in London…
“We had a police permit to bring these guns into the country,” Gajdos told MTI, adding that the production had contracted arms experts to establish whether the guns complied with Hungarian laws. But the guns were seized before experts could inspect them…
Janos Hajdu, the chief of the Hungarian Anti-Terrorism Center on Monday said the agency seized a large stockpile of weapons, which arrived from England on a chartered plane…Hajdu said the firearms had not been properly disabled and could not be allowed into the country less than two weeks before a national holiday commemorating the 1956 uprising, MTI reported.
Are anti-terrorism laws and the enforcers any less demented than the terrorists they say they’re fighting?
The seizure was probably based on a tip from the CIA.
Brad Pitt is one of the most versatile actors alive today (he should have won an oscar for “Inglorious Basterds”).
Lt. Aldo Raine: You didn’t say the goddamn rendezvous was in a fuckin’ basement.
Lt. Archie Hicox: I didn’t know.
Lt. Aldo Raine: You said it was in a tavern.
Lt. Archie Hicox: It is a tavern.
Lt. Aldo Raine: Yeah, in a basement. You know, fightin’ in a basement offers a lot of difficulties. Number one being, you’re fightin’ in a basement!
I like Zombie movies, too.
This ought to be a fantastic movie.
Agree on Brad Pitt. He’s hotttttt too!
Well, my wife thinks so. I’m more of a Angelina fan, myself. Other than her tattoos.
Serves the production company right for shooting in Poland instead of Hollywood.
Heck, if they need extra zombies all they would have to do is send the scoops out to Hollywood Blvd. at about 1:00 AM. They could pick up a whole zhitload of beings that looked more like zombies than the make up crew can do, and they can pay them off in pop tarts and meth!
I can’t believe you are against the charity this production company is showing the poor, downtrodden masses around the world.
Hungarians are . . . um . . . hung(a)ry, too!
seized in Hungary, not Poland
Once again, authorities have overlooked the REAL threat, that actual zombies may have infiltrated the film crew, posing as actors portraying zombies. It happens a lot more often than people realize.
I enjoy Zombie films immensely. I wonder if these Zombies will be the slow moving Zombies of the Night of the Living Dead genre or the fast Zombies of the newer films.
Doesn’t matter. No matter how fast you run, they are always right behind you.
What’s wrong with mummies? Don’t they get any respect any more?
I just thought that they’d decided to appoint themselves as arbiters of taste and seized the weapons in order to halt the commission of another awful cinematographic turkey.