Former Air Force Flight Surgeon, Ron Paul

First of all, the way the media — led by Fox News — treats Ron Paul as a viable candidate is appalling. I watch all this stuff and they actually refer to him as a lunatic or a loser or nuts or not serious as a candidate. The mainstream media wants Romney to be the candidate and they frame all the coverage around him. Fox News and the conservative talk show folks all want Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry (who was a Democrat until recently) to be the candidate. They’ll even accept ex-Federal Reserve banker Herman Cain! This is largely because the Christian Evangelical base of the Conservatives hate Mormons. They also hate Ron Paul because he is not constantly promoting religion. I just wish they’d just say it and get it over with. Meanwhile, the public likes Ron Paul the more they listen to him. Apparently nobody in the big media game wants to deal with this reality. They do not want to hear it. But it keeps coming up. Now they are thinking it was mistake to include him in the debates. Thus he gets no attention by the dipshit moderators of these debates. Charlie Rose was the dipshit for this one.

On October 12th, the Republican presidential hopefuls met at Dartmouth University for a debate on economic issues which was sponsored by Bloomberg. Several questions that included the taxation, job creation, housing, and welfare benefits were asked of the candidates, and in a readers poll conducted after the debates were finished, Congressman Ron Paul was voted the candidate who understands the economy best by a landslide.

Below are the results of the poll:

Ron Paul – 2843 votes

Herman Cain – 342 votes

Mitt Romney – 151 votes

All other candidates received negligible votes.

During the debate, two very telling issues stood out amongst the candidates, and the moderators. First, Ron Paul was once again relegated as a back of the bus candidate as the Bloomberg moderator saw fit to only ask the Congressman two questions, while everyone else received substantially more opportunities to provide their plans and opinions. Secondly, candidate Herman Cain scored very well with his 9-9-9 taxation plan, as it was mentioned and addressed over and over by other candidates, and the moderators throughout the evening.

  1. Dallas says:

    Only Rupert Murdoch decides what to feed the FOX sheep.

    On tape: Why Rupert Murdoch is Carpet-Bombing Ron Paul

  2. spsffan says:

    It’s not that nobody in the “big media” game wants to deal with it. They purposefully repress that which scares the zhit out of them.

    I DO find it interesting that the “Christian right” dismisses Paul. He is a Christian, and is as far as I can recall, an OBGYN who is opposed to abortion because he thinks it’s murder. What the “Christian right” can’t abide is his anti-war and anti-control the bedroom/anti-warondrugs stances.

    I of course am still wondering when Roman Catholics got excluded from the “Christian” nomenclature. The term “Christian” has come to mean “born again evangelical Protestant” over the last 25 years or so. (Of course, if the Flintstones premiered today, they wouldn’t be inviting us to have a “gay old time”. Note that Fred and Barney don’t hock Winstons anymore!)

  3. Nathaniel says:

    I think it’s a shame that the media has ignored Ron Paul they way they have. He is one of the few, if not only politician that has stood his ground on every single issue he stands for…never backing down or doing a 180 for a popularity contest. Apparently, the media only likes those politicians that lie, cheat, steal, backtrack and are surrounded in scandal.

    America needs something better!

    Ron Paul 2012!!!!

  4. Jambe says:

    hahahaha gold standard hahahahaha

    I like Ron Paul’s no-bs attitude but that one idea of his really tarnishes his image in my mind.

    Right, Ronny ol’ boy, we’re just gonna magic new gold into existence as the population grows. We’ll need a Chief Government Alchemist office, I suppose. I suppose we’ll also enter into total global economic isolation to prevent our third-world wage slaves calling our gold-backed dollars, too.

    Or I guess we’ll go to a gold standard and manipulate the value of gold… just like we currently manipulate the value of the dollar. And even if we go all SINGLE SUPERPOWER WORLD TYRANT on earth’s ass and fix the rate of gold to dollars for perpetuity, what happens when some Nicaraguan or South African finds an obscene cache of gold in the hills? WOOP now we can’t trade with them NOR CAN ANYONE ELSE! SEND IN THE TROOPS!

    Yeah Ron, that’d be better.


    He has plenty of other good ideas, though. Better than his claptrap-peddling competitors, anyway.

    • LibertyLover says:

      You need to read up on what the “gold standard” really it is. Go to

      • Jambe says:

        How about giving a link which you think describes the system well instead of pointing to an entire website?

        I’m familiar with the history of discrete monetary systems — why do you think a gold-backed currency would be viable in a growth-dependent, capital-negative, net-importing country such as ours which is necessarily part of a global economy?

        Perhaps you would like to critique what I said?

        • LibertyLover says:

          As an American citizen, you should take it upon yourself to do your own research instead of listening to the talking heads.

          I’m not going to do it for you.

          You like getting fucked, keep listening to the media. Keep thinking inflation is the answer to our problems.

          You want to stop getting fucked, get off your lazy ass and do some research.

          • Jambe says:

            So you have no retort to me other than “you are wrong”.

            You are the problem with modern America.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Jambe — Actually, I’m not. What is wrong with Modern America is people don’t think for themselves anymore. They listen to the talking heads.

            Think for yourself, man!

  5. Drive By Poster says:

    First of all, all the so called Presidential “debates” I can recall seeing since the 90’s, primary or general election, were really just alternating monologues of pre-scripted verbiage. They may as well just use prerecorded video performances that are run on a contextual basis. I remember one Dem primary “debate” in the last 2 decades where every candidate gave essentially the exact same poll driven answer to every NERF BALL question the liberal moderators asked (the non-FOX MSM never ask the Dems any other types of questions). I think that was the cycle where the Dem candidates were being called “the seven dwarfs”.

    When Fox was hosting the last debate, their reporters openly said that their marching orders from Above was to find “gotcha” questions rather than prodding the candidates to get specific about their proclaimed stances.

    If FOX isn’t going to be friendly to the Repub candidate, they have NO friends in the MSM outside the right wing pundits with a soap box.

    Personally, I find either Cain or Paul to be acceptable. Both are far from ideal, but both seem to have a stronger grasp on Reality than any other candidate in either party. In this economy, Cain has the advantage of actually knowing how private industry works. For most other politicians, the extent of their private enterprise experience, IF ANY, is as a lawyer in a low overhead business office or maybe a burger flipper type job in their teens.

  6. scandihoovian says:

    If you’re voting for him, tell your friends! Ron Paul’s only chance at winning is going to be determined by viral social media, not with support from the lamestream media.

  7. fromunda says:
    Oct 19th moneybomb

  8. john,

    i am for this guy.


    can you do a share button?
    i frequently post your blogs material,
    a share button would be cool!
    i like to atribute where due is may.



  9. oh,

    and how are you doing with spam?
    we got hit by a bunch of chinese spammers recently.
    we instituted a captcha system.
    but, you seem a little naked?


  10. dusanmal says:

    Clarification up front: Ron Paul is the only political candidate of any kind to whom I have donated money to. Quite obvious that I support his cause and stands on essentially everything econo-politically relevant.
    However (yes, there is however), as a rational person I understand that he can’t win Presidential nomination or Presidency in his lifetime, that he can’t attract majority of Americans to vote for him and that he can’t but irritate and provide left/right spin for the mass media.
    So, why give money to his campaign? – Understanding how politics actually works. As long as he and similar candidates have serious amount of monetary support, political and media machines can’t completely ignore him or his ideas. Hence, his ideas are heard (no matter how weakly) on national scale and opponents are nudged by the amount of his support to absorb some of those views in their own campaigns. Love affair with media and trumpeting from high hills is not needed. Slow erosion does what is possible and needed to steer general opinion in his philosophical direction over time. At certain point (maybe in his son’s lifetime) hill will give way and opinion will landslide to his side.

  11. Higghawker says:

    Ron Paul has stood for the same ideals for 25 years. He has not wavered. If there ever was a time when we need solid leadership. now is the time. He is the only candidate I would even think about voting for!!

    • Named says:

      Sometimes, changing your mind in 25 years is a sign of maturity and intelligence.

      Then again, dogma is pretty attractive.

  12. woah!
    is that really him???

  13. rw says:

    What we should take from this specific example, is not how abysmally Ron Paul is being treated (whcih he is), but rather that the media of this country is choosing our candidates for us. They, the media, have all of the power to legitimize or de-legitimize the stories of their choice. This sort of behavior was expected from networks like FOX, but this slanted (via omission) news reporting has spread to virtually every venue. Even NPR seems to resist even mentioning Ron Paul’s name. Sadly the internet is not a whole lot better, because even though most of the information is out there, search engines and aggregators tend to return the results we wish to see most; ie. likeminded opinions. While this may be comforting it tends to skew ones perspective of the world and fails to challenge ones views.

  14. Publius says:

    The state-access-loving media will back RP as soon as RP gets on board with Washington’s love of global militarism a.k.a. “the world’s police who save the kittens from trees everywhere.”

    In other words, the media will never back RP.

  15. James B says:

    Go Ron GO!

  16. jbenson2 says:

    Here’s just one more reason why Paul is toast.

    Headline: Iran Bomb Plot Sinks Ron Paul’s Credibility

    • LibertyLover says:

      Why is Iran attacking us? Could it be because we give trillions in military aid to Iran’s rivals?

  17. Mr Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Ron Paul is consistent, I’ll give him that. He is also a Liebertarian.

  18. jescott418 says:

    Anybody who says the media does not manipulate politics needs to see the best example happening with Ron Paul. But the best will come when a Republican is chosen to run against Obama. The media I guarantee you will favor Obama. Someone needs to investigate the US media. BBC? are you reading this?

    • jpfitz says:

      I believe your absolutely correct about the media. The media is rife with money from special interest groups, or should I say large corporations who have a stake in controlling government policy. War.

      Cain’s 999 and Romney’s religion will be regurgitated by the talking heads over and over. People will have no choice but to vote for B.O. for POTUS. We have no say in the matter and it’s disgusting how Ron Paul is marginalized.

  19. notatall says:

    Do you really want to make a difference with these media outlets…? First thing tomorrow, call and disconnect your cable or satellite service. Cut off your revenue to them. They don’t care what you think, they only care that you pay them. It’s also the only weapon you have to use against them.

  20. Jim Flack says:

    I was tempted to donate to your website, but after this, no way. Ron Paul is a total nut-job. His views on the Fed, the wars, etc etc are so totally off-kilter, he off the reservation. Just listen to the way he even speaks when interviewed or in the debates! It is totally embarrassing! He is living in a dream world. A complete wacko living in some fantasy world. So long, John C D, but you’ve lost me as a follower for any of your content–which is usually a day late and a dollar short. You practically just copy and paste from Drudge anyways.

    • jpfitz says:

      Adios .

      You are corrupted by the neocons media manipulation.
      Your vote doesn’t count anyway and B.O. will be POTUS
      because of the media. Always remember it’s not the message it’s the medium.

      So your off to some new medium. Good luck and God bless.

  21. admfubar says:

    old ronny boy will get the recognition that he deserves only when he PAYS the media to give it too him..

    have all of you lost your marbles, the campaign is all about money, not earned recognition.

  22. brm says:

    This and the Occupy Wall Street coverage are a big “fuck you” to everyone who understands how the news works. They don’t even try to hide it. Blatant and unapologetic.

    It’s actually hurtful to hear people I care about say things like, “I like Ron Paul but he’s just not viable” and “the protestors don’t even know why they’re there!”


    • LibertyLover says:

      > “I like Ron Paul but he’s just not viable”

      When I hear that, I get in their face, friend or not, and say, “With that attitude, what do you expect?”

  23. nunyac says:

    Up the Ronny! He has my primary vote. He is in my opinion, an honorable and principled person and the only Republican candidate that clearly possesses those attributes.

    • jpfitz says:

      I’m with you about Ron, one of the defenders of our Constitutional Republic.

      Hoping it’s not to late for me to register in the Republican Party. Casting my vote for Ron Paul in the primary also.

      • pff136 says:

        Oct. 14 is deadline for NY and NH I think to register. Not sure on all the deadlines but has a listing with all the states and primary dates.

  24. David Bierce says:

    Well John, you got your wish. 7 Paragraphs and a few column inches devoted to Ron Paul in the New York Times.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I’ve got grandpa eyebrows. When it’s humid, they drop in my eyes and make my eyes water. I can’t seem to keep them trimmed. They grow faster than the hair on my head!

  25. Glenn E. says:

    It was finally pointed out on the national Tv news (CBS?) what was wrong with Herman Cain’s “9-9-9” tax plan. Right away, I thought raising the retail sales tax, was a way of screwing the low income (and No income) tax payer. While reducing the wealth’s usual 35% rate, down to only 9%. Everything else they probably get wholesale, anyway. What retail tax? Yeah, I’m sure the rich tax dodgers love Herman Cain, down in Floridah.

    The reason the mainstream news ignores Ron Paul, is that these elections aren’t about getting someone smart into office. They’re about getting another compliant puppet, figurehead leader, into office. While the real control lies with the cabinet appointees and possibly the VP. We keep hearing from Dick Cheney, about what Obama’s doing that he doesn’t like. Because Cheney was likely the real decision maker, not George Bush.

    Obama has been criticized as continuing the same policy of the previous administration (Cheney) regarding the detainees at the Cuban prison camp, and now allowing them a proper civilian legal trial. But sticking to the military legal system of endless bureaucratic stalling, that Cheney insisted on. Obama is just following orders. The Pentagon is really running things. Ron Paul would just complicate things by bucking their directives.

    And they make sure there are enough ex-military nutjobs, with guns, to take care of such disobedient candidates. So Ron gets to live, as long as he’s ignorable.

  26. Cursor_ says:

    Paul might know economy. But I doubt it as he wants to lower taxes which we have seen has done nothing for nearly 30 years except to advance his own people. The Rich.

    Every republican is saying the same old Hoover way of fixing the economy and we have been doing that since Reagan and it has not worked.

    The corporations still sit on a pile of loot and will not use it. The oil companies will still not build new refineries to meet the consumer demand. And between the Double Irish and Dutch Sandwiches the corporations use to cheat taxes they don’t even NEED a tax cut. Google paid ONLY 2% in 2010. That is even better that Cain’s idiotic 9-9-9 idea.

    So to me Paul is yet another out of touch plutocrat.


    • pff136 says:

      I understand how you feel. But I came to believe Paul because of his record. He has never once voted for an increase in taxes and he has been voted in 12 terms. He has never accepted Medicare/Medicaid in his practice so that he can charge less to give medical services. He absolutely refuses lobbyist money and has never taken part in the lucrative Congressional pension plan. He knows that the Federal Reserve bank’s printing of dollars hurts the poor and middle classes. Once Congress oks more spending, the Fed prints money or foreign banks loan (less are loaning us money). When the Fed prints more money, the dollar is devalued. Those in Washington benefit with the new dollars first because the prices don’t reflect inflation yet. As the dollars filter into the system, the prices go up (substantially up) and the poor/middle classes are the ones who suffer the most. Our salaries do not reflect changes to keep up with the inflation. Dr. Paul understands that and has been trying to get a Federal Reserve audit for 30 years. He says there is no authorization in the Constitution for a central bank. He was able to push through a partial audit and we just found out recently who benefited from the money lending by the Fed; foreign banks and big corporations! That’s why in the last debate, Dr. Paul brought out the fact that Herman Cain used to be a chairman for the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. Cain once said that it was not necessary to audit the Fed and Paul asked if he still felt the same way. The Federal Reserve Bank and Congress are the main culprits in everything going wrong in the economy right now. If we didn’t have a Federal Reserve bank, Congress could not vote for more spending nor the Fed could independently bail out others without our knowledge. We are the ones who are paying for it all in high prices and our savings are being wiped out. The big corporate banks would’ve failed in 2008 and no companies could’ve been nationalized by the govt. And to top it all, neverending wars could not be funded if we didn’t have a Federal Reserve Bank. So give Paul another look with these things in mind. I believe him to be honest and I really don’t like politicians.

      • Cursor_ says:

        “He has never once voted for an increase in taxes and he has been voted in 12 terms.”

        And that is the issue.

        A nation cannot balance a budget on slashing expenses alone. There must be revenue. And Paul has seen fit that corporations do not pay it. That capital gains tax remains low. That there is little or no inheritance tax.

        He is PART of the problem, not the solution.

        I agree that the Federal Reserve was a grave error. But being against that alone is insufficient to being a competent leader.

        We do not need more of the same. Plutocrats that look out for the wealthy.

        We need a new constitution and a new form og government not based on the tired and failed ideologies and methods of the previous centuries.

        It is time to sweep away the old and foster the new.

        None of these people Paul, Cain, Obama any of them have our best interests at heart. They only say they do to get your vote.

        They have had years to show their loyalty to us. And they show loyalty only to themselves and their peers, The rich.


        • LordTwinkie says:

          you don’t think the government overspending is an issue?

          • Cursor_ says:

            Again it is not the SOLE issue.

            “A nation cannot balance a budget on slashing expenses alone. There must be revenue.”


          • LibertyLover says:

            Cursor — Agreed. But just because DC has a spending problem isn’t a good reason to increase revenue. Stop increasing the spending, drop it back down, and the budget will balance.

  27. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its tuchstone values become DOGMA says:

    Ron Paul is a dogmatic libertarian who invariably advocates for “free market” solutions and “less government” except he’s all for controlling a woman’s right to abortion.

    He’s against government provided/controlled health care: a leading cause of our non-competitive manufacturing system and social inequities.

    He damns himself by his own words. He is a dogmatic idealist who has all the money he needs to protect himself against the social policies he would subject the 99% to. He is more the cause of all our problems we see today than any part of the solution we need to start a turn around.

    Just read them for yourself:

    • pff136 says:

      Paul isn’t all for controlling a woman’s right to abortion. First off, he’s a Constitutionalist. He believes government’s role is to protect liberty but that includes life. He a medical doctor; an ob/gyn. So his personal beliefs would be self-explanatory. He does not think the federal govt. should be the one to tell a person what they can or can’t do. If it’s not authorized in the Constitution but not prohibited, he believes those types of decisions should be left up to the states (which is Constitutional). There are at least 2 states that have put abortion to a vote and because of Roe v. Wade, those states are not allowed to be pro-life. If 90% of people in Idaho want the state to be pro-life, then so be it. We have a right to move. There are some who would say that takes away from Idaho’s 10% that want to do what they want with their bodies. But to protect liberty, we must protect all life. Dr. Paul says from a legal standpoint, as a doctor he is liable if a fetus dies while the mother is in his care before the baby is born. If a pregnant woman loses a pregnancy in a wreck by a drunk driver, the driver can be charged with manslaughter. That gives legal rights to the fetus. But yet if a woman wants to have an abortion at the 8th or 9th month just because they want to, the doctor who performs it gets paid and it’s absolutely legal. He is saying that the federal govt. shouldn’t be the one to set the standard one way or the other. He wouldn’t overturn Roe v. Wade because he didn’t believe the govt. had a right to make it the law of land in the first place. But he also does not believe the federal govt. should be the one to reverse it because it gives the govt. even more power. It doesn’t have the right to do anything that is not authorized in the Constitution. To leave the toughest decisions to the states, it gives more power to the people. His views are not to be anti-abortion even though he is personally but rather to make sure the people have the power; not the federal govt. More govt. always leads to more tyranny…………………..As far as the social polices you are talking about (99%), if this is about the banks, he has been fighting for an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank for 30 years. He understands that without the Federal Reserve, the govt. could not have bailed out corporate banks and wars could not be funded. There is no Constitutional authority for a central bank. Our earliest Americans understood the dangers of money printing. The Fed prints dollars and devalues the money. Once those dollars go out, it’s those in Washington who benefit. By the time the dollars move to the rest of the country, the prices go up to reflect the inflation. Who suffers? Middle and poor classes because our salaries don’t keep up with the inflation. Dr. Paul knows that and was able to get a partial audit of the Fed. We learned that the Fed bailed out foreign banks and corporations. But Congress and executive branches are also responsible. The Fed was created in 1913 and the dollar has been devalued since then but most since Bush jr. and Obama have been in office. It has been going on for decades. The problem is the dollar is near collapse now and regardless of what Paul stands on abortion issues, we need someone in the presidency next time who understands the Federal Reserve Bank, economic issues (not Keynesian but Austrian), and why we are about to collapse. The bailouts are crony capitalism, not real capitalism. Real capitalism would allow the country to flourish. Our system is so corrupt that we have to get someone honest ath the helm or we’re in big big trouble.

      • LibertyLover says:


      • Cursor_ says:

        “If 90% of people in Idaho want the state to be pro-life, then so be it. ”

        When 90% of the people in Alabama back in the 50s said that citizens of the Republic with black skin should drink from different fountains than those of white skin was that correct?

        Should those free citizens of black skin should have just moved from Alabama?

        Your argument is in error.


        • LordTwinkie says:

          majority rules but the rights of the minority can not be infringed upon.

          your argument is in error.

          • LibertyLover says:


            The majority has no right that an ordinary citizen does not have.

          • Cursor_ says:

            Then the 90% of Idaho cannot make abortion illegal.

            The corner is now painted.


          • LibertyLover says:

            Cursor — And that is the tricky conundrum — if a fetus is a human being with all the right afforded a human being, then abortion is murder.

            Do you consider a fetus to have the rights of a human being?

      • bobbo, libertarianism fails when its tuchstone values become DOGMA says:

        piff–your understanding of life, liberty, politics, the constitution, government, people, reality, common sense is dogmatic: overly simplified to the point of idiocy which indeed is what being a staunch “anything” is all about including libertarianism.

        THE CONSTITUTION does not mean whatever the talking point of the day says it means. THE CONSTITUTION means what the Supreme Court says it means. As stated above: constitutional rights, such as the right to abortion, cannot be taken away by the states.

        You have no credence at all when you say right off the bat: “Paul isn’t all for controlling a woman’s right to abortion. First off, he’s a Constitutionalist. /// He’s against abortions. Find and dandy UNTIL he wants to make it illegal for other people to get them. He is also against the states allow for abortions. The make it a state issue is just a dodge so that the knuckle draggers don’t have to understand constitutional rights.

        He is NOT a constitutionalists. Its moronic the way dogmatic believers push their own preferences into the political marketplace by misreading/over applying some section of the Constitution WHILE ignoring 250 years of court decisions.

        I will dittohead Wally’s excellent and detailed critique of the issue. Your position is moronic.

        why you rightwingnuts can’t see what is right in front of you should be telling. Our society is falling apart as the direct result of free market anti regulation governmental policies. Your solution is to keep the fires of destruction stoked.

        Stoopid Hoomans.

    • Bridget says:

      That is not true. In the most recent debates, as in his books, speeches, interviews etc, Ron Paul has said that he does not believe the government has any right to tell people what to do concerning abortion, marriage, even drugs. He has written many things and spoke on this like a broken record. You should be more informed before speaking out, especially considering he has talked about this so much over the past few years. He has a more consistent voting record than all of the other candidates. In a speech in 2007, Obama said, “If the troops are not home by the time I am elected… It is the first thing I will do, and you can take that to the bank!” Ron Paul has nothing remotely similar to this, no empty promises, no flipflopping. That is why he received more money from the TROOPS THEMSELVES than all the other candidates, INCLUDING Obama. His positions have been the same for years and he has predicted our conflicts with other nations, the spending bubble, the housing bubble, the deflation of money, the problems with the fed, the debt, blowback for invading nations…. Ron Paul isn’t the bad guy. He has been trying to help for so long its literally ridiculous. If he can’t be trusted I’m not sure who can considering our nation elected someone with barely any voting record at all, who voted “Present” the majority of the time. The media wanted a political stranger elected and thats been going great! Troops just sent to Africa this week while the Afghanistan war enters its tenth year. Ignore the mainstream media. Find your own answers.

  28. wally says:

    that was in reply to bobbo’s statement, not pff136’s

  29. tnp says:

    This guy doesn’t believe in evolution. For me, that makes everything else he says suspect, so I’m not interested in listening to anything he says.

    • LordTwinkie says:

      Ah but the difference between him and the rest of the GOP field is that he won’t force that belief down people’s throats in public school

  30. Guyver says:

    And how does he poll when it comes to national defense? Does he still win by a landslide?

    • LordTwinkie says:

      He actually wants to defend this country rather then go on the offensive in other countries. He’s also the number one supported candidate by military personal, he gets more donations from the military then anyone else.

    • shooff says:

      Why are we defending South Korea, Germany, Britian.

      Talk about over-spending…..

      • Cursor_ says:

        Because it makes some corporation money.

        We can also ask why we still defend the Panama Canal. Or why we are still in the Pacific since the 1890s.

        Paul will do no more than all other presidents. He is lying and again like Obamas’ lies naive people believe.


        • LibertyLover says:

          I think you are wrong there. People knew Obama was lying but instead of voting their conscience, they voted against Bush. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

          Ron Paul is not lying.


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