Former Air Force Flight Surgeon, Ron Paul

First of all, the way the media — led by Fox News — treats Ron Paul as a viable candidate is appalling. I watch all this stuff and they actually refer to him as a lunatic or a loser or nuts or not serious as a candidate. The mainstream media wants Romney to be the candidate and they frame all the coverage around him. Fox News and the conservative talk show folks all want Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry (who was a Democrat until recently) to be the candidate. They’ll even accept ex-Federal Reserve banker Herman Cain! This is largely because the Christian Evangelical base of the Conservatives hate Mormons. They also hate Ron Paul because he is not constantly promoting religion. I just wish they’d just say it and get it over with. Meanwhile, the public likes Ron Paul the more they listen to him. Apparently nobody in the big media game wants to deal with this reality. They do not want to hear it. But it keeps coming up. Now they are thinking it was mistake to include him in the debates. Thus he gets no attention by the dipshit moderators of these debates. Charlie Rose was the dipshit for this one.

On October 12th, the Republican presidential hopefuls met at Dartmouth University for a debate on economic issues which was sponsored by Bloomberg. Several questions that included the taxation, job creation, housing, and welfare benefits were asked of the candidates, and in a readers poll conducted after the debates were finished, Congressman Ron Paul was voted the candidate who understands the economy best by a landslide.

Below are the results of the poll:

Ron Paul – 2843 votes

Herman Cain – 342 votes

Mitt Romney – 151 votes

All other candidates received negligible votes.

During the debate, two very telling issues stood out amongst the candidates, and the moderators. First, Ron Paul was once again relegated as a back of the bus candidate as the Bloomberg moderator saw fit to only ask the Congressman two questions, while everyone else received substantially more opportunities to provide their plans and opinions. Secondly, candidate Herman Cain scored very well with his 9-9-9 taxation plan, as it was mentioned and addressed over and over by other candidates, and the moderators throughout the evening.

  1. So what says:

    Add a single constitutional amendment and solve the entire problem. Any individual who actually really wants to be elected to any political position is automatically disqualified from obtaining that position.

  2. bobbo, many things are actually plain to see says:

    JCD===PLEASE fix this blog. I see the blog comments went from 63 to 64 but I can’t find the newest most recent comment. The nesting only goes 4 deep. These are SEVERE deficiencies if you are doing anything other than expressly trying to restrict responses. Why not just prevent comments altogether? Even numbering the comments would still leave a difficult format–could be helped by a side bar of most recent comments with links thereto.

    So–why aren’t you returning to the old format with color changes if that is what you think is modern?

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Rick Perry was a Democrat until recently?
    He was the Republican Governor since George Bush became President over ten years ago.

  4. orion3014 says:

    is believing in the idea we can vote our way out of this nightmare of a shitstorm a fantasy? as a formerly employed s/w engineer, i was taught that a systemic problem can only be corrected by, first, breaking the system…voting for r & d’s doesn’t seem to work..


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