Snarky enough for our readers?

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Up right after that was a christian upset with Romney’s Mormonism. All good stuff. If you can believe the rich need more money to create jobs and the poor needs less money to motivate them to get a job, religion is all part and parcel of believing the opposite of what common sense and decency makes obvious.

  2. Jambe says:

    … which reminds me, Adam really needs to stop the Rand-admiration. That narcissistic, elitist, hateful claptrap is a real turn-off… especially when he mentions “finding Galt’s Gulch” and other such hooey. I don’t know why John humors him about that stuff.

    But yes, the more righteous beliefs people lay claim to, the more likely it is that they’ll be exposed for ridiculous hypocrisies… and the Bible is full to the brim with batshit nonsense to “believe” in.

  3. Zybch says:

    That was freaking awesome!!
    Of course she’ll be sent straight to hell for mocking the sheeple.

  4. deowll says:

    Ah yes. The simplified version of the Bible for atheists and progressives. Where would these people be without mocking and denigrating other people and their beliefs so they can feel better about themselves? How about respected? But of course that would mean they would have to start treating others with respect and that isn’t going to happen.

    • tacotrainwreck says:

      Judge much? Oh wait, that’s what the video said. Nevermind, it’s right on target.

    • Sea Lawyer says:

      If your beliefs are superstitious nonsense, why should they be respected?

  5. Dallas says:

    Rapture is a week from friday (Oct 21st). I’m not saying anything

  6. Phydeau says:

    So deowll, why do so many self-described devout Christians get divorced when Jesus was so CLEARLY against it?

    • Jeff says:

      Christians and others do stuff wrong every day – heck probably ever minute or so (me included) – being a Christian is not about NOT doing things wrong – it is about admitting that we are unable to live up to the standards without Christ. It is about accepting Christ into your life which will hopefully help you do better. Problem is that we are so self-absorbed that we rarely remember to let him help us.

  7. dadeo says:

    Read a study that has found that facial hair left to grow long and wild effects the mind over time..

    Not really, but makes as much sense to me as this fight does. If we could harness our religious nutjobs to do wartime goodness like that other religion does then we might snatch a victory in this war on terror. Obama’s Beard Bombers, they’d be.

  8. t0llyb0ng says:

    Sure folks ignore Jeebus when it’s convenient. But they also pay way too much attention to his views when it comes to matters like birth control & DRUGS (“narcotics”). Why are the feds getting ready to bust perfectly legitimate weed dispensaries? Because Jeebus don’t approve of weed. Of course, Jeebus ain’t here—except in our silly heads. Folks would rather have a Jeebus calling the shots than learn to think for themselves.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      “perfectly legitimate weed ” Not under Federal law.

      “Jeebus don’t approve of weed” When did he say this? Jesus never said anything about it that I know of.

      “Folks would rather have a Jeebus calling the shots than learn to think for themselves.” Is this guy one of Obama’s Czars?

      • Really? says:

        ‘“perfectly legitimate weed ” Not under Federal law.’

        -So you’re a big supporter of the Fed’ral Gov’ment ignoring the decisions of States? By that, I mean voters in many States have chosen to decriminalize marijuana, but the Feds continue to override these decisions.

        ‘“Folks would rather have a Jeebus calling the shots than learn to think for themselves.” Is this guy one of Obama’s Czars?’

        -Which is it? Federal Law is the Law of the Land, or Federal appointees are worthy of suspicion? You can’t use Federal Law to prop up your case (as in your first point) and then denigrate someone as a Federal Tool (in your last point).

        Make up your mind: do the Feds pass and enforce laws that make sense and respect the wishes of the people, or do we need to view Federal decisions and representatives with a bit of suspicion?

  9. cjohnson says:

    This could have been a great Lutheran style “gospel and law” discussion (but then it would have never have been posted on this site). Instead, we get a works based critique of works based Chrisitianity. I don’t think Jesus would have approved of any of it. Oh well, maybe next time.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Two of my most favorite movies about the time of Jesus, are “King of Kings” and “The Robe”. I think they delivered the most accurate, honest and inspiring interpretation of the early Christian faith. Without all the huge spectacle of say “Ben-Hur”. Which wasn’t bad, just way overly done. Who wants to sit thru a 212 minute movie these days? The Robe does a better job (in only 133 minutes) of showing post-Jesus Christianity, and how the Apostles (one of them anyway) spread the faith. And King of Kings was the adult chapters of Jesus’ life, up until the Crucifixion. With one of the best versions of the Sermon on the Mount, I’ve ever seen.

    Anyway. Most of these beat the heck out of any films I’ve seen about the pre-Jesus Jewish faith, or the Islamic faith. They all seem to have a taste for warfare and revenge. And it’s a shame that Christianity would be corrupted into that mindset, when the Romans adopted it as their State’s religion. But never gave up being militaristic or all their paganism. Or denouncing the privileges of wealthy status. They’ve been ignoring Jesus, a lot longer than recently.

  11. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    It’s almost funny how people still seem to get caught up talking about the Jesus myth when the much earlier Judaic mythology upon which Christianity was built is so clearly flawed. Modern day Christians are distracted by how much fairer and more loving the god of the New Testament appears. However, if that god were truly the unchanging “Rock of Ages,” then he is no different from the god who inflicted unspeakable misery on various groups of Gentiles in the Old Testament, including their innocent children.

    The Old Testament God didn’t yet have fully-formed “family values.”


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