FBI and DEA agents have disrupted a plot to commit a “significant terrorist act in the United States” tied to Iran, federal officials told ABC News today. The officials said the plot included the assassination of the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States.
“The U.S. is committed to holding Iran accountable for its actions,” Holder said.
Doesn’t that “holding Iran accountable” thing mean we’re going to war? Come on now. We’ve gone to war before over less!
>FBI and DEA agents have disrupted a plot to commit a “significant terrorist act in the United States” tied to Iran, federal officials told ABC News today.
FBI have disrupted their own plot, more likely.
>it was certainly the case that Pinkerton agents were not above stirring up a little trouble where it did not previously exist-just to drum up business.
Same old same old
Source for Pinkerton quote:
ohh god another ignorant truther.
Personally if we had blown the shit out of Iran about 30 years ago the would would have been a much better place and thousands of innocent people would still be alive
IF the US had let the established democratically created republic that they had alone before the CIA helped the British regain oil control of the country and re-install the Shah as he was anti-Soviet we would not be having this issue.
But then IF the US had not sent in armed soldiers into Russia to help the White Cossack revolution we would not have had ANY trouble at all from the USSR.
But America likes to be in control.
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The main target of our retribution ought to lie in the Quds force. They are terrorists to be dealt with silently like the old days of espionage.
More war in Persia is for fools and bible prophecy fulfilling end of days proponents. I can hear the repub’s and the war machine spinning their gears already.
I love how the Mexican drug gang just south of the border is involved. A perfect storm is brewing.
2012 on the way. Hidey-ho here we go.
“The idea that they would attempt to go to a Mexican drug cartel to solicit murder-for-hire to kill the Saudi ambassador, nobody could make that up, right?” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in an interview with The Associated Press.
HA HA HA HA! What!
>At Tuesday’s The Washington Post/Bloomberg Republican presidential debate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum declared that he actually “wanted to go to war with China.”
The Giant Offensive Party just can’t wait to throw the bomb.
I’m sure that our glorious leader, the one that got the noble peace prize, will be able to arrange a peaceful solution to this conundrum.
Why only have 3 wars going when you can have 4.
Two thirds of US sourced oil is within missile range of Iranian territory, it’s winter, you have two weeks reserves, in an election year.
Oh man, come on U.S. no longer has mood for war.
goodnight blog
can you set the old one up in the background?
and see which one get’s more hits?
No win situation for all involved, but the #1 reason is we can’t afford it!
There are 4 wars going. Everyone forgets about the War on Drugs. It is the longest war in US history. Don’t believe it is a war? Just look at the 50,000 dead in Mexico over the last 6 years or so.
It is Obama administration…. There will be no wars with countries of any strength. Iranians know this well and hence dare to do whatever (it is certainly their plot). However, particularly as Saudis were a target, likelihood that Israel will strike Iran nuclear facilities just rose astronomically. Second layer – maybe air attack of US on Syria.
I’m in for an Obama style war with Iran.
– Get area nations involved and supportive
– Soften the area up for a week with bombs launched from Montana
– Give it to NATO pussy nations
– Win
– All over sooner that Palin conceives a bastard baby
Geez…isn’t there something going on in Libya?
Libya? Boring. That was so last month.
Oh yes yes, -Holden, the FBI and the DEA are just shining pillars of integrity and honor. -you can always count in this lot for the unquestionable truth.
We all know when high government officials (and supposed factions) want to assassinate a (nobody) ambassador, (and for what purpose?) -you always send your best men to a [cough] well vetted Mexican drug cartel to get the job done. -because we all know the Zetas are world renowned for being #1 on everyone’s speed dial for clean and tidy assassinations. /rolls eyes
When the #1 superpower on the planet has been making excuse after excuse the past several years to turn your country into a glass parking lot, THE most prudent thing to do is attempt an assassination plot on its home soil and in it’s Capital to boot.
(and please, ignore it’s 5th Fleet carrier task force sitting in the waters just south of you. as well as the classic pincer move it has setup in the countries that border you. -nothing to see here)
-oh, and lets mention we’re going to use bombs while we’re at it, so said #1 superpower can use their “anything goes” “war on terror” clause to glassify your arse unchecked and unquestioned.
oh oh.. and lets make sure everyone knows we wanted to bomb Israeli embassies as well!
-because the only thing better than whacking a huge beehive full of nukes in broad daylight is to whack yet another beehive of nuke wielding *psychopaths* who just so happen to live right next door.
-and this hive has had designs on you since the beginning of time. -good move Sherlock.
-again, just to make sure it goes off without a hitch, lets hire the sloppiest group of thugs you can find to get the job done.
-This story is so far beyond absurd its not funny. Even the M.O.’s are out of character for all those implicated.
-Not to mention the “convenience” factor of this farce coming to light now, with so many “legitimate” administration scandals bubbling to the surface. add the border, drugs, (anti)guns and gangs issue with Mexico they have been trying to float and well…
-It’s friggin uncanny, don’t ya think?
Seems the only part of this story that may ring true is the blurb about “Though it reads like the pages of a Hollywood script,” -only because it was scripted. -with a formal review of the latest act back in June, apparently.
-even then, the “producers” of this drama were too cheap to hire quality script writers for their latest “don’t look over here” caper.
Not even a moron is going to believe this story without spitting out their coffee with laughter.
The stench of desperation and deceit from this administration and it’s globalist puppet masters is unparalleled in our modern history.
Sad day to be an American, sad day to be a Human.
-very sad.
soundwash wrote “-even then, the “producers” of this drama were too cheap to hire quality script writers for their latest “don’t look over here” caper.”
Made me think and laugh, Zero Mostel and Mel Brooks popped into my head when I read that.
Was just reading a NYT article reporting about this same Iranian guy couldn’t even hang onto his car keys and wore socks that didn’t match.
With the election coming up, Obama wants our focus on something other than the economy.
Gramps, it seems an Obama contrived conspiracy is a bit early for the elections. Nite nite
Not just Obama. The Pentagon needs a new theater of war to waste hundreds of billions of dollars in. It seems to be an established policy (if not a solid rule), to start a new war somewhere, well before winding down an older one. Ever since the so-called “Peace Dividend”, we were suppose to get by leaving eastern Europe to defend themselves from Russian invasion, didn’t actually happen. The US has been jumping into one hot spot after another. As if everyone’s internal wars, are our concern too. The US military brass has been benefiting from that excuse, ever since Vietnam. And then claiming the latest conflict is nothing like Vietnam. Yeah, the terrain is different. But it’s still all a pointless attempt at nation building. For a people who don’t want the US’ idea of a nation.
But the real reason, the US military is anywhere, is to do with mineral wealth control. Afghanistan may not have oil wells. But they’ve got rare earths in those mountains. Things their goat herding population will never mine. Some American-UK-Dutch conglomerate will. Just as soon as it’s made safe enough.
This potential new war with Iran has been in the works for a while now. I recall it started during Dick Cheney’s presidency. But they have to spread these wars out over several administrations. Or it’ll look suspicious. So Biden-Clinton are getting the ball rolling, eh? Are we officially done with Iraq now?
Do you dismiss this plot as being a US gov lie, a misunderstanding or a don’t care?
This plot is total BS.
I thought the DEA busted cowboys and others who were not paying their cut to deal drugs.
Where is The mighty Homeland security?
I hope they searched this guys shoes, xrayed his laptop and luggage.
Why is it BS?
The DEA is involved because the informant was associated with Mexican drug trafficking groups.