1. Nate says:

    Now that we pushed Charles Schwab into the loving arms of JP Morgan, we only have to get JP Morgan to move to Goldman and then we will be done. All the worlds investments in one place!

  2. Will says:

    “Can I have my huevos back?”

  3. Oh Bummer says:

    Hey, you still wanna be President?

  4. legendinmyownmind. says:

    “you know you’re a lying skank, remember the ducking underfire BS Biotch?”

  5. Joe says:

    Hey Hillary… What’s it like to have a penis?

  6. Drive By Poster says:

    Want to cheat on Bill for a change?

  7. one of the others says:

    [violation of posting guidelines]

  8. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Then he said “Lick your leg lady?” and the crowd at the town hall broke into tears.

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    It’s almost 3AM.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Familiar bedfellows were talking:

    “Hey, I think we’re going to get another few trillion dollars from these goofy congressman. If so, what do you want stimulated?”

  11. seetheblacksun says:

    “They have no idea we’re irrelevant and are merely puppets of a shadow government…”

  12. Somebody says:

    Sure, I’d be happy to be your running mate.

    (Your life won’t be worth a plug nickel.)

  13. Stan Augustyniewicz says:

    “I’ll do yah better next election… Biden is out, you’re in. Waddayah think babe?”

  14. kjohnstone says:

    I have a penis hanging out of my nose, and you have a, well, VAGINA.

  15. Robert says:

    Hey baby wanna help me fix the financial collapse your husband started by removing glass/stegal? There is a $20 in it for ya!


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