Two people have been arrested over a series of break-ins in which the hair and beards of Amish farmers were cut off in the US.

The suspects are reportedly part of the Bergholz clan, an Amish community led by bishop Sam Mullet that was the subject of a disputed child custody raid in 2007, amid allegations of sexual abuse. Police in Ohio said the attacks, which began about three weeks ago, were apparently in retaliation for the shunning of Mr Mullet by members of the mainstream Amish community.

The two men in police custody were named as Mr Mullet’s sons Johnny and Lester. They were charged with aggravated burglary and kidnapping and were being held in jail in lieu of $250,000 bail, the Wheeling Intelligencer reported. Another son, Levi, and a fourth person are still wanted in connection with the attacks.

One of the victims in Holmes County described how a gang of between 20 to 30 men dragged him from his house by his beard. Others said they were accosted inside their homes before their hair was cut off.

Here’s what the gang’s leader had to say about it all.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    “Mr Mullet?”

    This shit writes itself!

  2. WmDE says:

    Clip Clop Clip Clop Clip Clop ……

    Bam…Bam… Bam….

    Clip Clop Clip Clop Clip Clop ……

    Amish Drive-by

    (old joke or at least it was a joke)

  3. ReligiousMatters says:

    Using Mullet’s “logic” that the beard cutting is a religious matter, I will take action using my own, similar “logic”.

    It is my religion’s tenet that one should not cut off another man’s beard. The punishment for such a crime is castration of the offender and the offender’s adult male family members using the same utensils used to heretically cut the beard.

    No need to have the police involved… the ball-chopping is a religious matter.

  4. Dallas says:

    “.. it’s a religious matter and police shouldn’t be involved…”

    Religious loons are often confused about their place in a civilized society.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    But notice how Mullet does not do anything to the women’s beards. <rim shot>

  6. dadeo says:

    Bad hair daze..

    My second and last comment on the new site design:

    Pink links clash with the header title image and anything red
    Article titles should have white space for a margin
    Why invert the chronology of the thread?
    Almost like this was done to confuse or piss the regulars off..

    And I don’t agree with bobbo on many counts but miss his wit and wisdom. Pedro and Alf aren’t cutting it.

    • Drive By Poster says:

      I didn’t get why everybody was complaining about the site layout – until I turned off the custom color scheme I use to make all webpages easier on the eyes.

      Eech. I was never a fan of light pastel color schemes even when my eyes were good.

      Back to my custom color scheme of light gray text on dark blue background…

  7. JimD says:

    The Perps should get the SAME TREATMENT IN JAIL !!! No “Religious Exemptions” !!!

  8. Derek says:

    The should be sentenced to put up with this terrible website layout!

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    Isn’t the guy on the right on Obama’s kill list?
    And are the guys who wrote the kill memo going to be proposed for disbarment?

  10. sargasso_c says:

    To pain cutting of beards leads (Yoda).

  11. admfubar says:

    i have a friend that knows this sam mullet… he describes him as a real jim jones type

  12. thatgermandude says:

    i can’t believe no one recognized the man depicted on the left

    it’s Nicolas Cage’s twin brother


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