Some news on the job-creation front in Florida.
A state legislator has found yet another example of government regulation getting in the way of job creation.
So Rep. Ritch Workman, R-Melbourne, filed a bill this week to bring back “dwarf tossing,” the barbaric and dangerous barroom spectacle that was imported from Australia and thrived briefly in Florida before it was outlawed in 1989.
“I’m on a quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people,” Workman said. “This is an example of Big Brother government.
“All that it does is prevent some dwarfs from getting jobs they would be happy to get,” Workman said. “In this economy, or any economy, why would we want to prevent people from getting gainful employment?”
Yes, the viral government-kills-jobs theme is being repackaged into what might be called a Leave No Tossed Dwarf Behind bill.
The Man is keeping another man from tossing a littler man across the room. That’s un-American.
The danger of aiming for the bottom is that you might just get there.
You know what make me really mad about this article? that this humanoids , ok politicians, are supposed to be the moral examples for us the people, and iluminate us with their intelligence, love for the country and to be helpful for the causes that matter the most. And then, you’ve heard these kind of stupid arguments, and then you understand why America is getting in a hole.
No you didn’t. People who aren’t able to connect probable outcomes to probable causes did that.
This instance in and off itself has little economic impact either way but legislating in dream land does.
You want to run peoples lives for them through the government and force them to live according to your rules. This always amounts to the government deciding the winners and losers along partisan lines and in the end completely locking out innovation and initiative because the government is just to be an obstacle to overcome.
Then people like you sob for “stimulus spending” and “jobs creation programs” when you are the jobs killing people and the more rules you write and the more money you pull out of the private sector the more moribund the economy becomes.
Perhaps they should get rid of the minimum wage? That serves to keep minorities from finding work.
Yeah, they should go back to paying minorities nothing, just as the founders intended.
Quit threshing the strawman.
Can you name one person who would work for nothing?
Here are the FIRST 30 reasons for eliminating the minimum wage.
These, and the remaining 110 reasons, come from
* The minimum wage reduces employment.
* The minimum wage reduces employment more among teenagers than adults.
* The minimum wage reduces employment most among black teenage males.
* The minimum wage helped South African whites at the expense of blacks.
* The minimum wage hurts blacks generally.
* The minimum wage hurts the unskilled.
* The minimum wage hurts low wage workers.
* The minimum wage hurts low wage workers particularly during cyclical downturns.
* The minimum wage increases job turnover.
* The minimum wage reduces average earnings of young workers.
* The minimum wage drives workers into uncovered jobs, thus lowering wages in those sectors.
* The minimum wage reduces employment in low-wage industries, such as retailing.
* The minimum wage hurts small businesses generally.
* The minimum wage causes employers to cut back on training.
* The minimum wage has long-term effects on skills and lifetime earnings.
* The minimum wage leads employers to cut back on fringe benefits.
* The minimum wage encourages employers to install labor-saving devices.
* The minimum wage hurts low-wage regions, such as the South and rural areas.
* The minimum wage increases the number of people on welfare.
* The minimum wage hurts the poor generally.
* The minimum wage does little to reduce poverty.
* The minimum wage helps upper income families.
* The minimum wage helps unions.
* The minimum wage lowers the capital stock.
* The minimum wage increases inflationary pressure.
* The minimum wage increases teenage crime rates.
* The minimum wage encourages employers to hire illegal aliens.
* Few workers are permanently stuck at the minimum wage.
* The minimum wage has had a massive impact on unemployment in Puerto Rico.
* The minimum wage has reduced employment in foreign countries.
“Few workers are permanently stuck at the minimum wage.
For now…
Instead, every job I’ve seen has a lower and lower base pay.
I earned $ 360k/y being a project manager and a Quant.
Now the going rate is $100K+/y.
Its a race to the bottom.
Agreed, for the most part.
However, if you have technical skills, you would be surprised at what you can find out there.
Currently, the average age in the process controls integration industry is over 50. 50! These guys are making $150k+. In 10 years, they are all going to be looking to retire and that is going to leave a major hole in the talent pool. If you think engineering something is expensive now, wait until the demand skyrockets for qualified engineers.
Your water system is designed and built by integrators. Your HVAC system at the local Wal-Mart is designed and built by integrators. The new fangled gadgets in your car, the soap making machines, the toothbrush making machines, etc. Everything is going to get more expensive.
Someone with two years experience in this field can easily earn $75k+ today. And you know what? They are worth it. I’m old. Today’s young engineers look at the computer like I looked at the microwave — it’s an appliance. I know the disciplines, but I don’t think intuitively wrt to the latest technology. I hire young kids right out of college and they manage to merge that intuitiveness with my hidebound discipline and produce things of beauty.
The biggest problem with finding good, new talent is that it isn’t as sexy as programming the latest game or working for microsoft or designing chips (which is mostly done overseas now) or working for the US Cyber Command. So, we usually get the ones that couldn’t find jobs elsewhere.
I just hired one kid, graduated in May, couldn’t find a job. He didn’t interview well and with the economy, he hadn’t found anything yet. But he got a gleam in his eye when I showed him what we did. I took a chance on him and in just the first month he has managed to master most of our existing customers’ systems and is already making suggestions on how to improve a few other things. I’m gonna have to give him a raise and soon before he figures out what he is really worth 🙂
If anybody on here has kids, you might want to start pushing them toward this industry. By the time they graduate from college, they’ll be able to demand $75k+ (in today’s dollars) at entry level.
Agreed! I loved the Dwarf Tossing contests when I was stationed in Florida. Great Fun!
So what’s this guy got to say about prostitution?
How about growing pot or starting business selling drugs that are not legal currently?
How about getting rid of all speed limits? – more accidents results in more car repairs and more work for morticians.
I like the “How about getting rid of all speed limits? suggestion but I can really get behind the “How about growing pot or starting business selling drugs that are not legal currently?
As for prostitution, every politician is already a money hungry whore. How could he object?
Unless he willing to fund a new bar where dwarf tossing would happen, he’s just blowing smoke out of the hookers pussy.
Sure, dwarf tossing should be legal. But there are so many other, less distasteful things (prostitution and drugs heading the list) that should be moved up to the front of the line.
Of course, being Florida, I guess distasteful IS the front of the line.
This is only projected to have a small effect on the overall employment picture.
Don’t knock it. IF it creates any jobs, it’ll do so at FAR LESS COST to tax payers than anything Obama, Pelosi, or Reid have come up with so far.
If nothing else, it’ll keep the Professionally Offended in the Vertically Challenged community happy by giving them something to be Professionally Offended about.
Wierd but just the other day we saw a family of midgets living under a bridge. It occurred to us those little fuckers make for great fun but we couldn’t agree on what.
Or the Leave No Dwarf Un-Tossed Bill… although that could have other meanings, I suppose.
Oh, Florida. Such an amusing state.