Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything.
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  1. Jorn says:

    PLEASE revert the layout design !

  2. Buzz Mega says:

    If it ain’t fixed; break it.

    Not a comment on the story. It’s a comment on the “new” format.

  3. Derek says:

    God I hate the new layout

  4. Dmitri says:

    there are some listeners in Russia!
    I do listen your podcast regularly.
    Keep up the good work!


  5. Jambe says:

    I for one don’t mind it at all.

  6. Buzz Mega says:

    Did you know that it is entirely within the realm of the possible to come up with a new format that is immediately recognized as being better than the previous one?


  7. ubiquitous talking head says:

    New design looks like it’s intended for hawking feminine hygiene products.

    Daisy Fresh!

  8. What? says:

    What is amazing about the picture, is that cars stop in much shorter distances than they speed up. Yet, the driver didn’t have enough space to stop.

  9. deowll says:

    I didn’t like it at first but now that I’m getting the hang of the way the site works it doesn’t bother me however in most cases I don’t want to get email about follow up comments but I do know how to fix that.

    At some level this looks to me to be a double dip recession due to way to much borrowed money, taxation that is choking the economic fuel of the private sector, plus way to much regulation not only in the US but in the EU plus the EU has blown a staggering amount on “green jobs” and has very little to show for it except some unreliably sources of extremely expensive electricity that according to current Spanish thinking cost them 2.5 jobs for every job created.

    The good news is Dallas and Obama have the solution. Do more of what hasn’t worked here or in the EU. Once the Fed Gov is running everything we will become a prosperous utopia where everyone is treated the same just like Cuba only to be fair I think Cuba is more efficiently run than the US gov. actually operates.

    A lot of what Dallas and Obama want the Fed Gov to do should have been left for the states to do if they can come up with the cash to cover it. Right now it looks like the states that are most Nanny State are way over spending their revenue supply and killing their local economies.

  10. chris says:

    The stuff in the show about Putin’s( aka Action Man) virility makes me think of two things. First is Russian demographics, which looks like rapid depopulation. Second is a comment a Russian friend made who said ‘in Russia people think when there is one decision maker things are good, but when there are two all kinds of problems pop up.’

    It’s culturally appropriate and psychologically motivating for Russians to have an extra-mojo leader.


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