The latest case involves Lori Dorn, a 44-year-old New York woman who learned in March that she had breast cancer. After tests revealed a high genetic risk for cancer, Ms. Dorn underwent a bilateral mastectomy in April as well as a grueling chemotherapy treatment that just ended in September. As part of her breast reconstruction, tissue expanders were implanted to stretch her skin before placement of a permanent breast implant.

But…last week, on her way to San Francisco to visit friends, she was treated with hostility and humiliated after the tissue expanders were detected by a body scanning machine at Kennedy Airport in New York. She said the workers from the Transportation Security Administration would not let her retrieve a medical card explaining the implants, a situation she wrote about on her blog:

I told her that I was not comfortable with having my breasts touched, and that I had a card in my wallet that explains the type of expanders, serial numbers and my doctor’s information and asked to retrieve it. This request was denied. Instead, she called over a female supervisor who told me the exam had to take place. I was again told that I could not retrieve the card and needed to submit to a physical exam in order to be cleared. She then said, “And if we don’t clear you, you don’t fly,” loud enough for other passengers to hear. And they did. And they stared at the bald woman being yelled at by a T.S.A. supervisor.

I have been through emotional and physical hell this past year due to breast cancer…. I understand the need for safety when flying, but there is also a need for those responsible to be compassionate and sensitive to each situation…

The T.S.A. e-mailed a statement about the incident, saying that proper screening procedures were followed.

Constitutional protections against behavior common to kingdoms and dictatorship were originally instituted for the same reasons they need to be revived.

  1. JimD says:

    TSA (Tittie Squeezing Agency) Agents pissed there were NO TITS TO SQUEEZE !!! ***FIRE THESE BOZOS*** !!!

  2. Dallas says:

    Too late, it’s the new normal.

    The American sheeple allowed the Cheney administration to do away with our civil rights under the guise of protecting the children from towel heads.

    The ACLU was made a villain by Fox Snooze and their conservative sheeple back when something could have been done. Quit whining about this now.

    In three years you’ll be whining about the Supreme Court, Inc. that was installed by Dick and Bush.

    • GigG says:

      Obama has almost 3 years to end this crap. He could do it with a verbal order to the DHS. You need to stop blaming Bush for everything you don’t like.

      • moniker says:

        Obama doesn’t understand the problem. He’s flying private jets and will continue to do so for the rest of his life.

  3. NewTrueName says:

    @JimD – best true name yet for the TSA – Tittie Squeezing Agency 😉

  4. spsffan says:

    If you folks are willing to put up with all the other raping that the airline industry puts you through, I don’t for the life of me see why you could object to a little groping.

    Either show your dignity and vote with your feet and dollars by not flying or bend over and take it.

    If you want to get me into an airplane, I want EVERYONE, including the pilots and flight attendants strip and cavity searched.

    • jbenson2 says:

      And the result?

      Airlines in trouble – yesterday headline: American Airlines facing bankruptcy

      But not a single TSA agent is worried about losing their government supported job.

    • moniker says:

      Pilots and flight attendants already have to go through all the same hurdles as anybody else. Only difference is they go through the priority queue along with 1st class passengers, but the procedure is the same. And they don’t like it.

  5. Raintrees says:

    Airlines are still for-profit businesses, right? Let THEM dismantle the Tittie Squeezing Agency: Stop flying as much as possible. When their revenues are nearing rock-bottom, the corporations should do what most corporations do: Look for the cost barriers and remove them.

    This goes with the assumption that politicians are more likely to listen to corporations than the American People, as has seemed to be the case to me…

  6. Miguel says:

    Obviously on the lookout for the threat of the exploding breasts! You never know what the Kayda fellows will think of next… testicle bombs may be in use as we speak!

  7. ben-in-the-woods says:

    “Land of Free” …. ha ha ha

  8. Cancer Survivor Spouse says:

    This is why we don’t fly anywhere anymore. The TSA and the effects of the chemo/radiation/surgery. I really shouldn’t be typing a comment until the rage I feel subsides.

    AMR can declare bankruptcy I really don’t care.

  9. bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:

    And the alternative is what exactly?

    Take her word for it?

    Call the doctor for comfirmation?

    Neither works.

    Seems to me a “respectful” groping is the only correct response “if” we are to have scanning/groping of each and every passenger as our security review.

    I thought there was going to be a “pre screened” list of approved fliers identified by biometrics as the high tech alternative. What happened to that?

    • ben-in-the-woods says:

      Funny that neither Northern Ireland nor Israel have needed to implement this type of scanning …

      • bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:

        Well Ben–what’s funny about it?

        If by funny you mean they employ much more intensive time consuming procedures that are better fitted to a small country, I just don’t see the humor. I do see “perhaps” the appropriateness of having different procedures between having 636,000,000 passenger flights per year in USA and 314 out of Israel.

        Makes a difference.

        I’ve always thought magnetometers, locked cockpit door, and informed public plus one skyscraper blown up every 10 years was a better approach.

        Others may differ.

        • bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:


          Actually, Israel turns out to have a few more something more than 12 Million a year but their security routine is more expansive than I thought:

        • moniker says:

          You seem to imply that very few people were flying in the US pre-9/11. I can clearly recall flying there just a few months before the “event”, with airport personnel (TSA, I guess, although I didn’t know or care back then) walking around and chatting to people waiting for their luggage.

          I even recall having to tell one such guy “look, you’re asking me all about how to copy software to bring to work just because I just told you that I work in IT. I’m not going to help you with that. You first need to ask your manager to give you permission to do such a thing.” He quickly walked away to the next victi… ehr, passenger.

  10. Publius says:

    >The T.S.A. e-mailed a statement about the incident, saying that proper screening procedures were followed.

    Get a warrant

    The proper procedure is explicit in the Constitution

    Isn’t it time to carry out the proper procedures on the TSA? Impeachment of their boss.

  11. deowll says:

    The agents followed the regs so no foul? More like you need to fire the thing that wrote the regs and the thing that signed off on them. Fastest way to get that idea across might be to fire their boss.

  12. It sound like they need to fire those employees I had my own struggle with breast cancer I prefer to use natural methods after 3 months my tumors had dissolved completely

  13. orion3014 says:

    the solution? STOP FLYING, start videoconferencing, e.g. Skype…
    when the airlines bottom line starts being impacted, then and only then will you see an illegal mob such as the TSA being reeled in…the best way to win a war is to make the other guy think he won it, thats why the nazi zionist facist are calling the tune….

    • moniker says:

      Won’t work. They would just (silently) declare mission accomplished. Their purpose is to stop people from flying altogether to free up airspace for the drones that will protect our safety.

  14. Rick says:

    We should model our security after Israel. ALL bags get searched, and they don’t do pat downs, they simply talk to the passengers. They haven’t had a terrorist incident in years. The last one was some Egyptian arab looney who went nuts in the airport terminal and got himself shot.

  15. President Amabo (Single Thread, Oldest First Comments Please, Dammit!) says:

    The way the TSA operates proves Bush was no conservative. The TSA was designed just the way liberals think: “We’re smarter than the rest of you sheep. Shut up an take it.”

    • Just, I mean, for the record, that makes not a lick of sense. Yes, us Liberals are smarter than the rest of you sheep, that I agree with, but the rest makes no sense.

      Acting contradictory to the very text and constitution that is so falsely held up, which party does that sound more like?

  16. Seraph says:

    TSA does not care if you have a medical card, saying that the person has a bionic boob that sets off metal detectors, or bionic legs, or bionic hips (sorry grandma) If you set off an alarm you set off an alarm, It would sure be great if I could just print up a doctors note explaining my gun shaped implant on my right hip is just a medical device and be on my way

  17. Anonymous says:

    Anyone read the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the Unites States of America? Go ahead an “google” it…

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and Warrants shall not be issued, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    But never mind anyone’s Constitutional Rights for the moment. Here we have a women who was violated by the TSA short of actually being raped! And it’s stories like this that I’m sure have many people (not just me) wondering just who these so called “terrorists” really are.

    Think about it.

    When 20 foreign a-holes can hijack 4 planes, kill a few thousand innocent people and get an entire nation to over-react like this, I say they won. So if we’re serious about whatever war we want to wage on terror (assuming that means we want to end terrorism) then we need to stop terrorizing ourselves! Stop playing politics and just kick butt when it happens too. And by that I mean we should use every tactical advantage we have including nukes!


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