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Art By: Sir Nussbaum

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  1. Buzz Mega says:

    John, are you using the micro-type because you’re trying to improve viewership of the tiny-brained people?

    How could you make such a FUNDAMENTAL gross error in the layout and display of your “improved” format?


  2. Chuck Emerson says:

    Long time reader. you are nearly always on the money.
    just read your column in this this months PC Mag.
    You nailed it on the Voice Recognition issue!
    With the gov’t outlawing texting or talking while
    driving, this is an essentail need.
    I’m no fan of depending on our gov’t for solving problems,
    but if there is no one willing to invest in the research, then
    I can’t think of a better use of my tax dollars in solving
    this problem. The safety benifits alone would be enormous.
    Maybe an X-Prize or something akin would work.
    It would be a far better approach than passing stupid laws
    that many will not obey. it is long past time when we should
    have solved this and thanks for bring it up. Hopefully someone
    besides me is listening.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Here is a great article about our murder in chief and how this constitutional scholar ordered an assassination of an American citizen.
    And it’s from Salon, of all places.

    “the Bush administration’s policy of merely imprisoning foreign nationals (along with a couple of American citizens) without charges — based solely on the President’s claim that they were Terrorists — produced intense controversy for years. That, one will recall, was a grave assault on the Constitution. Shouldn’t Obama’s policy of ordering American citizens assassinated without any due process or checks of any kind — not imprisoned, but killed — produce at least as much controversy?”

    So Bush imprisons foreign nationals while Obama just kills them.

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      Obama said he was going to do this a long time ago. Why all the sudden backlash against killing known terrorists?

      Oh I think I know…because the black guy did it.

      • Kernel Panic says:

        Murdering American citizens without due process, dumbass. Don’t like the Bill of Rights?..get the fuck out of my country.

        Stop drinking the Bilgewater.

  4. GregA says:

    John, great site, daily reader for years, don’t comment often but appreciate the commentary.

    I applaud your efforts at improvement, and realize change is evolutionary. In that spirit, here are some (meant to be) constructive comments about the site. I know these have been said before, but I just wanted to weigh in with my vote, since different people have different perspectives and the only way you can sort that out is with a greater volume of comments. So,….

    1) FONTS: The font size for the article text and the comments is too small for my (admittedly aging) eyes. Also, the font vs background color provides relatively hard to read, especially on my laptop screen when I am at all off-angle. I like the choice of sans serif typefaces.

    2) LAYOUT AND GRAPHIC DESIGN: For $300 bucks you could have a real graphic designer do a layout that would be noticeably better than what you have. Having been involved in site design since the late 90’s, I long ago admitted that, while I have an artistic eye and appreciate good design, creating good design is not my forte. I always outsource to a designer and work closely with them so they know what I want to do, but they do the actual creation.

    That said, a couple of specific comments:
    – The “COMMENTS” tag appears positioned oddly. To me the text is too big, and it overlaps some of the post headline at times.
    – Single column for recent posts, going to multicolumn for later posts, going to just tags for much earlier posts: Struck me as a bit different, but single –> multi column is fine with my, I might even grow to like it. I’m not sure about moving just to the tags (headlines) — it doesn’t provide enough information about the post, and if I have missed a day or two, reading those posts with just the headline for the first time is not a great experience. I have to keep clicking back and forth. I would include the picture (you have GREAT pictures along with the posts, even if they are not specifically a part of the post itself) and at least a couple of sentences of intro. I realize the pictures are what take up space, but I’m not sure why you care (unless you’re concerned about mobile users?…)
    – You might want to add navigation of stories (next/prev) in the “story plus comments” mode. I like the comments, and I would probably just live in this view, saving a lot of clicks up and down the tree.

    3) COMMENTING: I like threaded comments — think the new comment section is fine. I don’t find it difficult to sort out the useful comments from the ridiculous/flames, and the fact that there are a wide range of characters posting regularly (including bobbo) makes it a unique place to visit.

    hope this is helpful


    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      All I would add to Greg’s suggestions is fix the posting order to oldest at the top. The current method is new at top except for replies, but even then it’s not consistent.

      …these are things that shouldn’t be tested live.

  5. SG says:

    Site redesign comments:

    Fonts are TOO SMALL! Heck, I can barely read this as I am typing.
    Black on white text is ALWAYS more readable than black on on anything else. Why do want to make reading more difficult?? If your goal is really to make things less readable, go all the way and use capcha or hexadecimal instead.

    Multi-column stuff sucks.

    Who was complaining about the old format anyway?

  6. Longtime Reader says:

    Guess I wont be visiting this site after years of following….

    Dumb move to make this harder to read.

    Less really is more…

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    About the format.

    Yes, the fonts and colors are wrong,

    BUT at least Bobbo isn’t around 🙂

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Much better font selection.

    Well done.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    John said on TWiT last night this blog was a work in progress…

  10. Dallas says:

    John ,
    Thank you for ending the font crisis do we can focus on pressing issues. What’s the scoop on Michele Obama’s vacation plans ?

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      Heard she took a vacation to Target, which was either a huge plastic banana of a photo op, or something she does regularly, depending on your level of partisan hackery.

      ….people see her out and around D.C. all the time.

      • Dallas says:

        Motorcade to Target to get dental floss and diet Mountain Dew? Thr Outrage.

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      Oh, and it’s not Sunday 2, 2011 anymore. Whatever that means.

  11. Floyd says:

    What’s with the tiny fonts? Bad Move (aka BAD MOVE).

  12. Mr. Evil says:

    I like the larger font. Now, please make the “submit comment” box type black and larger. I’ve taken my glasses off and my nose is touching the damn monitor to see what I’m typing. Aw crap, now I’ve got nose prints all over the place!

  13. chuck says:

    Okay, now all we have to do is get the comments sorted properly – with the newest comments at the bottom.

    And, BTW, are the dates for the comments correct? Today is Tuesday, Oct 4th, but all the comments say Sunday, Oct 2nd.

  14. Publius says:

    Alwaki evidently gave speeches or sermons that were found distasteful. The terrorism and war stuff appears to be state fiction so you get behind the policy like a good fearful sheep. The FBI of the USA has never had Alwaki on the Most Wanted List for presumably good reasons — you would have to ask the FBI why not.

    The First Amendment exists precisely to protect the most offensive and controversial speech from government suppression. The best way to counter obnoxious speech is with more speech. Persuasion, not assassination, is the solution. This is what every young American learns.

    Obama has just popped a headshot into our First Amendment.

    Obama is not defending our Constitution, so who is going to defend the Constitution from its enemies now?

    October 2011 headline: “The Russian secret service authorised the ‘elimination’ of individuals living overseas who were judged to be enemies of the state and ordered the creation of special units to conduct such operations, according to a document passed to The Daily Telegraph.”

    Assassination of their own citizens abroad is the Russian government’s way of doing things. Behaving as one with the Russian government was Senator McCarthy’s very definition of UnAmerican.

  15. Lou Minatti says:

    It says I posted this on October 2, and it’s 2:15 away from October 4.

  16. overtemp says:

    Is the new design actually the result of a cyberterrorist attack?

  17. Dallas says:

    Really like the design John and do keep most recent on top so I don’t have to scroll to the bottom which btw , is too many iPad swipes.

    Also clicking Dvorak doesnt take you to the home page.

    Also Fonts can be bigger or you’ll lose the old conservatives in here with their monocle. Id like to suggest 12 pt Arial or something a size larger.

    If these changes are not implemented by next Monday (noon pst), I will threaten to leave.

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      Arial is a fine headline font, but a poor body text font. Serif fonts are always easier to read.

      …in part posting to see how this one is sequenced.

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.

      Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

      A: Top-posting.

      Q: What is the most annoying thing in blogs?

      • bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:

        Ha, ha. Well done.

  18. Stan Augustyniewicz says:

    Like the new design. Can I post comments now?

  19. ECA says:

    almost cant see this post, section..colors are to close.

    SINCE the new show hasnt been posted..I will say this here.

    AUTOMATED airplanes?? interesting..NOW WHO do you blame? when SPIT hits the fan??
    HOW are you going to insert 10+ years of TRUE flight experience into the computer? They cant even make a decent BLACK BOX.


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