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Read My Lips….”No New Texans“.
The sooner this shill drops out, the better we will all be.
The interesting point is that the made up comments make more sense then his actual comments. I still hate the new layout.
He makes total sense to the loons and sheeple. That’s the sad irony in this.
It now makes sense to me why more Teabaggers are throwing their hat in the ring. The current Teapublican list of candidates are simply unable to beat Obama. Perry will flame out like Donald Tramp, Newt Gangrene and the rest.
McCullough: excellent comment.
Seems to me the whole point should be for the lipped material to be more reasonable critique of this bullshitters regressive bible thumping BS political positions.
This country really is bifurcating with the Pukes actually out to destroy it. Some knowingly but all too often led by know nothings like this empty hat.
Southern Strategy: lock up the stupid vote.
Aw. That’s so sad bobbo… You can’t adapt to reality…
Don’t make promises you can’t keep. đ
Yaknow…. at first I didn’t thing this new format was very good. Now, I think it’s GREAT!
Faxoff–WHY do you think this format is “good?” Just because I’m thinking of leaving?
Surprise me.
I’ll let you know in a week or so.
He makes ever staunch republicans look at the people who elected this scrotum smoker for any office higher than bull or horse castrator like “What the fuck were these ‘tards high on?”
He’s handing the victory to Obama, and Obama doesn’t want it.
By the time the election rolls around, the economy will tank for a couple of years, take Europe and most of the rest of the planet down with it and usher in changes that nobody wants but that everybody’ll need. (It’ll be a depression and while its not going to be a wide-spread as in the ’30s, there’ll be plenty of misery to go around.)
The richest 100,000 people on the planet are suddenly going to decide that its not in anybody’s interest for them to get strung up (okay, particularly not in their interests,) and will reach some form of accommodation concerning the cash and tax situation (mostly, they pay no taxes and they have all the cash, and that’s no longer acceptable.)
Whoever inherits this dog-turd of a world economy is about to become real unpopular with a shit-load of people and, thanks to the policy of arming the enemy of their enemy by the various governments on this planet, every tin-pot dick-tater will have lots and lots of guns.
Oh, and bye bye boobbo…
It’s pathetic that the best news sources are and the Daily Show. And of course,….
I for one, welcome our new Dvorak Uncensored layout and our new Texan neocon nincompoop overlord.
“giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting.”
Why wait a week man, show some courage!!
Ah Yea–its not about “courage” whatever you may think that means. In fact, its postings like yours that would make me repress my gag reflex at these changes.
“Just because” I quit 2-3 other websites that use this or too similar formats doesn’t mean I will quit this one. Just more likely. Many have said “its the content.” and I second that. Content gets lost in this nested format. Nested formats do work on other websites though. Epicurious, IMBD for instance. I don’t want to be a simple Puke with a kneejerk reaction to anything new.
I commented but did not predict quitting on the last Dvorak change. THESE CHANGES however inhibit communication which I think is the main point of this blog. If all I want is headlines and the ego stroke of posting my own ditherings, I can go anywhere.
Change is not good all the time as too many would have it.
Sheep vs Goat Herdeers vs who knows why?
I know Ah Yea–you’ll miss me like homework.
You all think the election isn’t a sham from beginning to end?
Who the F is directing these people to run?
Who is in charge?
I am not a number.
Really? Haven’t you gotten the latest talking points update yet? This week is about bashing Herman Cain. He is a bigoted racist, and Republicans hide their racism by voting for him.
The American RW seems to lose more of their sense of humour as time passes. Whatever else they are these days, they are certainly boring.
Yea, Nixon was a bucket of yucks.
Stick in an airport. Fired up my Tab and clicked over to DU to see if Bobbo had left yet. Again, I find the new design essentially unusable on a small screen. Dvorak? Aren’t you the big iconoclast? Why g up function for pretty? Did somebody’s favorite niece just graduate from web design school? And What’s up with the ASCII avatars? It’s MIT that I automatically dried changes. Lots of my favorite websites have updated their designs. But it’s seldom as big of a backward step in functionality.
PLEASE revert.
Animby—I said a week. Then Maybe. I was just having a Presidential Moment a la Christy. Plus–why leave when so many schmoses want me to leave but wont say why? Ha, ha. I’ll stay just to be aggravating. Maybe less attendance?
Maybe get back to reading more or find an old style blog?l
SAY ANIMBY–I was watching “Man on Fire” with Denzel and he got shot in the chest and in the abdomen and was unconscious for two days in the hospital but then in what seemed like “the next day” he was out beating up the bad guys. Can you give a rough average of how long a dude will be hospitalized if shot like that? I’m think months. Then after months of post surgical recovery, another few months for physical rehab.
Your thoughts?====If you don’t post back on topic, I will certainly stay here.
Ha, ha. Same as it ever was.
Hey bobo, I recommend for its modest, classic, and uncomplicated text-based design and thriving intellectual discourse.
Thanks Bro:
Their Masthead: “Welcome to Free Republic, America’s exclusive site for God, Family, Country, Life & Liberty conservatives!” /// I might well do a few posts there. See how long I last.
Watching Michael Moore on Book TV right now. He’s on again later tonight. A good man.
Maybe you’re new here; Bobbo is unlikely to be enticed by a blog that describes itself as, :site for God, Family, Country, Life & Liberty conservatives!.” I know I’m not. Thanks, anyway.
Bobbo – Didn’t see the film so I’m just speculating. If he was hit with a couple of .22s, get the lung sealed and sew up the gut. Might be out killing in a couple of days. But movies these days seem to think the only weapon worth shooting is a 9 mm. They tend not to make minor wounds. So probably at least weeks. More likely months. Sealing up punctures is one thing but getting shredded muscles and shattered bones to work again takes time. But movie doctors – and movies heroes – are so much better than the real thing…
On the format: I’m sure the web designed thinks it looks lovely but it sucks the fun right out of using this blog. Glad you’re sticking around but I might not… Next change? Comments limited to 140 characters?
Where you able to DEactivate the “Notify me…” function?
Thanks Animby–size of the bullet would make a difference but I was thinking even a 22 would put someone down for quite a while. I guess I’m just not battle hardened.
I checked notify me on 2-3 threads and got flooded but I think its thread specific as the notifications are decreasing. I haven’t bothered to “Manage My Subscriptions” which on casual perusal allows for the notifications to stop as desired?
I could “put up” with the changes “if” I could go to my own entries to check responses. No numbers, no date/times, no constant positioning==pain in the butt. As stated, I did leave several other websites because nesting THIS way doesn’t work. It does work on Epicurious and IMBD but they index the responses showing the nests.
This is the worst possible way to present an interactive blog. Well—maybe all the responses could be randomized?
I’ll miss ya Animby. I do have a backlog of books to read though. Pro’s and Con’s to all we do.
Rick Parry I think he thinks heâs pretty
Read My LipsâŚ.âNo New Texansâ.< love that
Just checking my email, I see I am now being spammed by DU. Notification is not for RESPONSES TO MY POSTS–but anyone responding to the thread. More SNAFU.
Textbook material for how NOT TO DESIGN AN INTERACTIVE BLOG!!!!
I do wonder what the motivation for the change was. As stated somewhere: Very Net Flix. Whats next? New Coke??
Yup, this is probably the end of the free world.
Would it be possible to use an even smaller typeface? I can still, (almost) read this one.
this was done by DJO right? Mmm Applesause.
Viewing on my evo over 3g is smooth, ill give the format time to be tweeked.
Another horrible and failed attempt to revamp the website. Who are you guys hiring to do this layout design?
Well, you did enlarge the font. I can actually read it now. Not sure the new format sucks but it seems to be the ‘in’ thing to say that it does – and then report that this is the last time one will ever come here.
The new format is a test to see how much readers will withstand.
They were going to switch back until they saw Bobbo’s threat to leave.