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  1. Anonymous says:

    As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “BULL-EE!”

    And for you Sesame Street fans (queue the music please), “Once of these bulls is not like the other bulls. Once of these bulls just doesn’t belong…”

  2. Michael says:

    Blog: The layout sucks. Try viewing from a small mobile device. Colors stink and it’s barely readable.

    Oh, and PLEASE put that ‘x many comments’ thing NEXT to the photo, not on top.


    Ok, so the old one looked antiquated and graphics sucked. But still, it was simple and functional. This was made by someone showing off what they can do (which by the way is not a lot) in stead of thinking of the product or user. I bet you can have a great career with Microsoft. So switch back pls and send your resume there.

  3. Dallas says:

    Biggest Bullshitter Trophy awaits shipment to Rick Perry for his performance at the TeaPublican debates.

  4. Nugget Coombs says:

    Raging Bull

  5. haymoose says:

    You should have not let Leo talk you in to this square-space move, John! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. We do not come to your blog to see design, we like your content!

    • Skeptic says:

      “We do not come to your blog to see design, we like your content!”


  6. Tom says:

    The new site design is disgusting. Please change it back or go on to the next option.


  7. UncDon says:

    Police show off new anti-demonstrator robot.

  8. tomdennis says:

    If it ain’t broke don’t fix it?!?

  9. tomdennis says:

    Which one is the Bull?

  10. tomdennis says:

    Everything is fine except the “pink thingy” with the number.

  11. Gary In Gilroy says:

    The general design is fine. The posts should all stay full size. It’s looks horrible that they go from full size, to half size (narrow), to headlines only.

  12. Buzz Mega says:

    “Like my new format?”

    “Ugh. Pew.”

  13. I'm not Bobbo says:

    New format. Sort of the way Obama runs the country. Fuck it up, and the people will simply get used to it because they really have no choice, do they?

    • bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:

      How to tell you ain’t bobbo?

      Conclude you don’t have a choice. Being human is all about making choices. Its what defines us. ……….. That and trying to avoid the consequences of those same choices.

      Ha, ha.

      Stoopid Hoomans. Exercise your genetic birthright.

  14. Dave says:

    Hey, how did that one get out of the pen?

  15. Skeptic says:


  16. Daniel says:

    “New York City calls for a ban on bullshit.”

  17. bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:

    jpfitz (Reply) on Friday 30, 2011 (((Bobbo–you can find the thread below somewhere))


    Looks like direct commenting to a comment posted made easier?

    It may take adjustment. Not pleased with losing my ingrained image of DU. //// Yes–“if” you really want to but you have to overcome the intentional hurdles.

    EVEN Huff Po numbers their comments, or was it “date/time” them. I forget because I don’t post there either. They actually censor for opposing political content==all without explanation. Very Corporate.

    More Corporate: make HUGE change and make no explanation or defense for it at all. Very NetFlix of you.


    • bobbo, I'm giving this a WEEK and then probably quitting. Not a threat, maybe a treat?===but I can't stand this format. Harder to follow personal exchanges. I have left other sites that made these same changes. RIP. says:

      I like skeptics “Evil” logo. Mine looks like Sister Mary Hand Grenade taking a dump.

      I request a different logo.

      At least, I can still manufacture humor for and on my own account?

      When are you going to ruin CageMatch?

  18. fart director says:

    damn. who the fork is doing your web work? are they blind or just incompetent? tiny text, massive headlines, 1 column, 2 column and 3 columns on the same page????? why not spend a bit on a designer? primary lesson: NEVER use more than 3 fonts (that includes bold, headline, italic or larger) per page, other than logos.

    the site is useless as is, and impossible on an iOS device.

    i’d hate to take food off of anyone’s table, but i’d reconsider your choice of design company. why wouldnt you beta test it offline and get input before unleashing this shite on the public? and if you are doing it yourself… spend a couple of bucks, or you’ll risk losing readers/supporters.

    i too, agree, that the site is no longer usable and unless you revert to the old site or similar design – that WAS totally usable – me out too. i hope dvorak sees how many people share the same opinion.

  19. ECA says:

    Lets see..
    Response point on bottom, but NEW POSTS add to the top?? weird…

    Whose go big balls..??


  20. chris says:

    I think there is an ‘occupy’ protest starting up in D.C.

    I’ve seen more protestors heading toward the White House, but I’ve been too busy to see what’s going on.

    Also dislike the site design.

  21. Debbie Jo says:

    Their bull has to be protected??!?

  22. bard says:

    Use the classic. “Do not cross this fence unless to can do so in 11 sec the bull can do it 12.”

  23. Christopher says:

    Here piggy, piggy, piggy!!!


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