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It’s going to take more than three of New York’s finest to protect the bull from an attack of the bears!
Barnyard animals on Wall Street
Tony Baloney serves peppered beef.
We found your wallet Frank, but the Tranny resisted and we had to shoot him.
Nothing more dangerous than a caged animal!
Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan
Cleaning up after a LIVE BULL, was bad enough..easier to let it out to pasture..
But now we have to deal with BRASS BS
I know that Bull balls are a deliciousy.. but BRASS BALLS??
To serve and protect. Bull.
I think that cop needs to lay off the donuts for a year or two. I mean really, New York’s Finest? Or New York’s Fattest.
How embarrassing.
NYPD defends new Dvorak blog layout.
DNC “Free Speech” Zone
Anyone know why that area is fenced off? I assume its not to protect the object d’art and is more for foot traffic control?
Its a good symbol for Wall(Crime)Street though: Brains of a Bull, Balls of Brass. Accent the Balls and you got the traders. Accent the Brains, and you got the investors.
Wallstreet = Criminals.
Big money has always been that way.
Same as it ever was.
My guess is that someone realized that protesters could chain themselves to it.
Can I reply to my replies?
This could get really stupid after a while…
Still not bored…
No Reply for You!
This picture is better
Pigs in the bull pen.
The new layout is bull…
Look a bull and three piles of bullshit.
They’re okay. The one who’s in front, pissed off as hell at having his picture took, is somebody who’ll be kicking back at noon at the cigar lounge at Barclay Rex™ which is a couple of streets over. I actually like him. (But he’s no Tony [who was escorting Bernie Madoff around,] with whom I like having cigars.)
None of then are brass, wearing white shirts, and making life miserable for whoever gets in their way.
Christ I hate those bullies with a badge who keep pushing the limit of how much they can actually get way with, (that includes killing your ass. [Uttering the name Amadou Diallo is one surefire way to piss those guys off. :-])
NYC and the NYPD is not any different from any other big city.
We get bad apples because we look in that barrel for our cops. For the most part they’re okay.
Has Hitler (Downfall) found out about the new Dvorak blog layout yet?
Just testing something
They’re okay.
The one who’s in front, pissed off as hell at having his picture took, is somebody who’ll be kicking back at noon at the cigar lounge at Barclay Rex™ which is a couple of streets over. I actually like him. (But he’s no Tony [who was escorting Bernie Madoff around,] and with whom I like having cigars.)
None of then are brass, wearing white shirts, and making life miserable for whoever gets in their way.
Christ I hate those bullies with a badge who keep pushing the limit of how much they can actually get way with, (that includes killing your ass. [Uttering the name Amadou Diallo is one surefire way to piss those guys off. :-])
NYC and the NYPD is not any different from any other big city.
We get bad apples because we look in that barrel for our cops. For the most part they’re okay.
too easy…
“at Merrill Lynch we let this bull, shit all over Americans”
Soon to be sold in unrecognizable pieces to a nearby scrap metal dealer…
And everybody can tell now. Plus, we can all tell who IS Bobbo. Or me.
My god this new layout malarkey sucks (yes, that IS suitable a a caption for the photo as well).
The bulls and the pigs? I don’t know.
I do know I don’t care for the stupid icons and I want the post numbers back.
I’ve gotta stand here all day with my piles acting up, and now they tell Radiohead ain’t even gonna play?
When the tea party crowd held a protest nobody got arrested.
When these people hold a protest all bleep breaks loose.
So who do the media nit wits and political hacks tar as being violent dangerous people?
this is what you get when you allow 11 year olds to design websites. it is godawful. if you try to print a page, the left column is cut off. too many fonts/sizes and ads on the same page. very very amateurish. go back to the old simple layout.
to address the caption: wall street. bullish or bullshit?
pork & bullshit
Ye gads! I go away for a week or so and come back to find this mess!
Well, that could have been what the pig said to the bull.
Did you get one of Obama’s loan guarantees to do this redesign?
It was lovely and functional before, now just a mess.
Oh, well. If you must fool with what ain’t broke, can I suggest two more adjustments?
Why are you using a grey font on a white background? Very hard to read.
Secondly, I’d love to see a suggested stories submission link. I know you’d probably go nuts trying to keep up with Alfie’s suggestions. Still. EG I’d love to see some comments on the “big” story of MsChelle O’Bama showing the common touch by shopping at Target. Especially in light of last week’s photo of her wearing tens of thousands of dollars worth of new diamond bracelets. Very common.
In any case, if you care, I vote nay on the new layout. By the way, it’s essentially unreadable on my tablet. Shame, really.