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  1. Derek says:

    Holy crap I hate the new layout

  2. tacotrainwreck says:

    Woah. Woah. Somebody threw up all over this blog and then scattered the vomit with the most forceful flatulence in recorded history.

  3. chuck says:

    Agreed. Hate the new layout. Change=bad!

  4. Haiku Herman says:

    Haven’t listened to the NA episode yet, but this is the Phantom Menace of blog reboots.

  5. dadeo says:

    Noting layout change, reserving comment till later..
    Also notable: I’m not really into change

    • dadeo says:

      It’s later…

      Cosmetically, the update makes this blog look like most of the rest. Functionally, it breaks what this blog once was. The pink link font color is just plain wrong. Hope the design ‘team’ works weekends..

  6. nicktherat says:

    i like the new layout…but it seems horribly broken. you and adam both have some of the worse web designers in the world working for you 😀

    tell adam to not promote the guy fawkes mask please

  7. Faxon says:


  8. The Pirate says:

    Horrible layout! No character, no style, generic. Getting rid of “XXXXX said” with user comments ruins any humor possibilities with a user name. Ditto broken aspects.

    Change can be good, this isn’t.

  9. Skeptic says:

    I hate the
    new layout.
    I feel like
    cat but with
    random events.
    I’m both dead
    and alive
    six paws
    seven legs
    sick as a dog
    or not, I can’t
    tell even though
    I’m inside the
    box, can’t get
    out, want to
    get out, I’m out
    but I’m not out
    please stop
    this experiment,

    • msbpodcast says:

      Well, replies are indented so I will make replying (and ignoring,) a trifle easier.

      I’ll keep an open mind and hope that bobbo’s replies cant clutter up the flow with irrelevant crap like they used to.

      Its new and, like anything new, there’s a period of adjustment..

  10. John says:

    Yeah, not too much into the new layout either (actually not at all…)
    Whatever happened to “If it ain’t broke, don’t mess with it?”
    While trying to keep an open mind, I still can’ figure out what improvement it brings.

  11. Dallas says:

    Like the layout which is much better than that CGA graphics 1997 look it had.

    Let me check a few things…

  12. chuck says:

    Oh god. Reverse comments. Does anyone on Earth think this is a good idea?

  13. seetheblacksun says:

    Great- another site I like succumbs to the crap cookie-cutter template layout. Oh well, I ‘ll still keep coming here anyways. Maybe this is a reversible experiment?

  14. Doc says:

    Website DO NOT LIKE
    You’ve lost a reader.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    If this keeps Bobbo under control, then I’m all for it!

    But… Don’t count on it.

  16. Jorn says:

    I dont like change!! :S

  17. Dave Koss says:

    Please put it back. This is exactly what happened with the last redesign. It was a bad attempt at CSS and everyone got pissed, so you put it back. Just pay someone instead of fiddling. It’s hideous.

  18. bobbo, some things are easy to see says:

    Well, I also don’t like the new layout. Two changes? Nesting of comments===thats “OK” except I can’t slime everyone with a general nom de flame, and evidently reverse chronicological posting, which I’ll confirm here in a sec.

    Editor: lost you link to Cage Match. I found that handy and always thought you should have a link there back to here as well.

    I’d say “in general” the nesting doesn’t encourage responses as much as the in line but most “threads” don’t follow anyone one or any theme anyway.

    Statistically, I do note I’m mentioned twice above. I don’t think I’m worth the notice. If all the responses become nested under my posting, does that mean I have taken over the website again, or just that i’m the only one worth responding to?

    Ha, ha. We shall see……except we won’t because causation is too multi-factorial.

    Are well responded to threads going to be bumped ever again? Can Alfies posts be nested entirely unto himself? ((Not to get too biblical about it??))

    I think the old style had more color differentiation. Colors are very good, humans being visually oriented. More and more sites going “cyborg” as if colors don’t matter. As always: more selections, less choice.

    Same as it ever was.

    • bobbo, some things are easy to see says:

      Acckk! Hate REVERSE Chronology. Its only good for “threads” that do not build. Come and shit type subjects. No dialectic. Pop culture. Good for those with no attention span.

      Yes, more selections, less variety.

      Same as it ever was.

      • bobbo, some things are easy to see says:

        And still no edit function for those anal self possessed people that like to point out their spelling errors for those they take to be too stupid to see that for themselves?

        Ha, ha. What will Lynn and Skeptic do?

        • bobbo, checking the new system out==how deep can a nest be? And do all nests have debris at the bottom? Will sunlight disinfect that as well? We shall see. says:

          Alan B made a good comment===comments should be numbered. What will Pedro and too many others do? Its like cutting their tongues out if they actually have to reference anyone by name.

  19. AlanB says:

    If this is the place to comment on the new layout I’d just say it’s pretty bright. Hard on the eye’s when the lights are low in the evening. Why not try that charcoal gray or slate color many of the photo editing programs have moved to? Not sure how that would work with text though. Just tone it down a little. Also miss the numbers by the comments. If someone types “@23” to respond to a comment it’s a lot of counting to figure out who they’re talking to. 🙂

    Oh wait. There are reply links by the commenter’s name. I spose that addresses the counting thing.

  20. c ya says:

    I am going to not visit this site for a week or so, and then I’ll go to it and see if the mistake has been corrected.

  21. r33b says:

    Web 2.0, in MY Dvorak Uncensored?

    That’s unpossible!

  22. interglacial says:

    This is a clear case of trying to fix something that wasn’t broken.
    Please put the blog back how it was.

  23. drolling says:

    If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Sums up my thoughts on the new layout. What was once easy and READABLE has become complicated with tiny text (and distorted images).

    Remember its not about how good it looks, but how functional it is. Substance vs stye. The old layout made it easy to read story after story. It made it easy to catch-up when I missed a day or two. It had readable size text (not everyone has eagle eyes) and undistorted images. I’m not sure if I can even find older posts after the initial 6. I will certainly not try.

    Consider this a passioned plea from a long long time reader … revert back now!

  24. Dallas says:

    Recommended changes:
    – Ban Pedro for spamming and for being a tool
    – Limit replies to 4. Nobody wants to here your sorry ass anymore than 4 times
    – Truncate responses to 100 characters. (Which is all of Bobbo’s)
    – Collapsible comments so the stupid thread can be hidden
    – Show comments in name alphabetical order so that you can find me easier

    • The Pirate says:

      Typical Dallas liberal mindset.

      Ban those with an opposing viewpoint.
      Limit dialog from opposing viewpoints.
      Truncate opposing viewpoints.
      Hide opposing viewpoints.
      Show comments in name alphabetical order so that you can find me easier, i.e expose my masturbatory ego as best possible.

      Those who live in Me Houses, are destined to wallow in their own ignorance.

      • bobbo, DU is on Probation for ME, YOU may be in luck says:

        Pirate: you didn’t think Dallas saying it was easier to find him was humorous? Very Andy Kaufman.

        Shallow flip/flop on the Party Labeling though. Control/Excommunication is a right wing preference==not that there aren’t exceptions.


        • The Pirate says:

          Both parties walk hand in hand all over your rights. Failure to see, understand, and do something about this only empowers them, not you.

          Getting rid of “No New Taxes criminals” is a waste of time. We don’t need “New Taxes”, the country needs people working again and paying taxes. The 9.1% national unemployment rate published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is off by a factor of about x3, I’m talking full time gainful employment that allows a living wage, not bullshit manipulation of statistics.

          The country also needs less local, state, and federal government. Spending is out of control. They have figured out they can vote themselves money, so like immature children they do so. Again and again. The Post Office is a perfect example. Unions fought for and voted for their own demise.

          “Seeing” it any other way is only lying to yourself.

  25. Haiku Herman says:

    Damn it, now I have to modify my Greasemonkey script that filters out posts by bobbo.

    • bobbo, DU is on Probation for ME, YOU may be in luck says:

      Say Herman–thanks for the reference to greasemonkey. I’ll be spending some time there and probably moreso Good to be computer literate==at least as far as what other people can do.

      I don’t recall you posting before. Makes me think some of the unique posters here are actually our dear editors in drag or perhaps Animby posting in several of his alternate personalities/moods? I’ve felt the same tug which is why I go with the modified nom de plumes. Just enough ego stroking while not misleading the mob.

      So………..why don’t you like my posts? There are lot’s of reasons. You should be able to offer up one or two. I’m looking for a certain thing.

      Imagine====going to a blog to not give your opinion?

      Amusing Hoomans.

  26. bobbo, DU is on Probation for ME, YOU may be in luck says:

    For those of you wondering what the most current post is, I just made it about 20 posts down in response to Pirate.

    Yes===this format INHIBITs THE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS. I won’t miss Guyver’s review of the thread in his formal way for long as I doubt I will remain for long. Just an honest try.

    Is that what you wanted DU?===Why?

  27. bobbo, DU is on Probation for ME, YOU may be in luck says:

    Saw three pundits in a row saying this was a big deal then one other expert said the guy is a US Media created personality of very little real influence and no authority at all.

    I tend to believe that more negative assessment. Lots of log rolling in what humans do.

  28. jpfitz says:

    John and crew ,

    Pleas put back the prior comment forum.

    This sucks. I have no problem with change
    but this is ludicrous. No way to respond to
    other comments?

    • Dallas says:

      I agree individual comments should prioritize the thread chronological order.

      Pedro, this is over your head so go away

  29. soundwash says:

    Not for nothing.. but the new format is a practice of asymmetrical warfare on the eyes and mind..

    Now sometimes visual asymmetry can be made both attractive and readable. -however, you have achieved neither with this format.

    John, whoever conned you into changing to this format needs a good smack on the back of the head..



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