As O’Donnell notes, this ain’t just about what happened on Wall Street.

  1. Harry says:

    Most Americans are feed up with the Tea baggers, it is just another front for the Greedy Old Party. If you really want to help our country I would go here.

  2. What? (ignore Alphie, he'll leave) says:

    Truth, Justice, And The American Way!

    In action.

  3. tcc3 says:

    #42 TeaDud

    “Where is “Occupy White House”…”

    “its not about rallies anymore…”

    How convenient.

  4. tcc3 says:

    #42 TeaDud

    You indict SEC, Fannie, and Goldman, same as the Occupy Wall St protestors. Yet, “I trust the police will continue keeping the street clear for free movement and commerce on one of the most important streets in America.” They are the 99%, just as you claim the Tea Party is.

    Your cognitive dissonance must be exhausting.

  5. chris says:

    What I noticed on the first viewing was that there were officers on the other end of the oddly movable orange police line barrier area. If they were forcibly trying to drive people out of a place how is that going to work if you are cutting off the escape route?

    As O’Donnell says, nobody in the crowd appeared to be violent. They were simply refusing to leave. The tackling and arm-twisting are only called for if the person being arrested presents a danger to either the officers or a bystander. In absence of that danger violence against protesters is simply wrong.

    Refusing a command to leave an area might be a predicate for getting arrested, but is not the same as resisting arrest.

    I would like to contrast this to the positions I took in the thread about that moran who took his shirt off to protest the TSA a few weeks ago.

    Lots of people here accused me of being a booster to authoritarianism then. This case ought to show the difference in graphic terms.

    There is a big difference between getting arrested for refusing to leave a protest, and being trapped and beaten for same.

    Hopefully some of you get that.

  6. TheMaddog1068 says:

    #32 Hmmm I agree every public employee in a position of power. Since we all pay for them we should all be able to monitor what they do on our dime. Besides… “If they are not doing anything wrong what do they have to fear” … right. Of course the unions won’t sign up for it so make it mandatory for employment. If they don’t bite get new employees who will. I am sure in this jobs economy there would be a few new applicants. There is no reason to have unions for public employees… any public employees.
    Secondary thought…
    You could sell all this footage for use in reality TV shows. The proceeds of these sales would then be used to fund the pensions of the groups who were in the recordings. Win, Win, Win situation.

  7. Phydeau says:

    #29 I am a Libertarian, I hate government. I also hate Anarchist shits who “protest” at the drop of a hat just so they can go break shit.

    Who the hell are you to judge why people protest? And all the accounts of the Wall Street protests indicate the protesters were peaceful, and the police stirred things up. Get your head out of your ass.

    I am not a “right winger”. I just happen to see the real shit, and see how the media distorts it to control tools like yourself.

    If you saw the “real shit” you’d see that weakening government puts HUGE power into the hands of big corporations. And life was so great during the days of the robber barons, when government was weak and corporations were strong. Riiiiiight.

    You’re the tool, pal, you and all your libertarian buddies. The big corporations love you.

  8. Phydeau says:

    And if you hate government so much, then put your money where your mouth is and move to one of the hellholes where there is no government, like Somalia or one of the other many failed states around the world. Don’t be leeching off me and the other taxpayers in American who pay for this civilization you benefit from here.

    Hit the road, pal.


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