As O’Donnell notes, this ain’t just about what happened on Wall Street.
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Americans don’t protest much anymore. Now you see why.
Bloomberg is ultimately responsible, of course. Imagine him as President.
How about this…. How about Every, Every Police officer be equipped with a personal recorder they wear around their neck. It will record their day to day Public WORK activities and be posted to a public web site every night. Police are then monitored by the public but the public is recorded in all of their interactions with the police… If you get stopped for speeding you are on the web being pulled over. No privacy for either side… Seem fair?
Americans don’t protest anymore because every single protest gets hijacked by hoodlums looking to a prove a point no bigger than the size of the trash can they can knock over and set on fire.
Faces are not always recognizable.
What you need is a law where every policeman/woman have to have an identification number on their helmet and/or uniform, so that when some shit happen, they can be quickly identified.
Those hoodlums, scandi, as often as not are working for the police as provocateurs in order to produce “violence” that would allow a violent response – and convince people not present (like you e.g.) that they “had no choice. It’s a very, very old trick that todays protesters haven’t caught on to yet.
Judging by these videos the cops don’t even bother anymore.
Glad it’s New York, not SF, otherwise I would have to be in the middle of all that shit as a news photog.
I hate protestors, and some cops can be assholes.
SF cops would never act like this. They have learned to let the assholes protest until they get tired. Fact is, protestors WANT this kind of response, since, guess what? It broadens their audience, as has happened here.
My opinion is let them have their protest, and we can all ignore them, or not.
Naturally, there will be NO repercussions for any of these cops. There rarely is, and Bloomberg is an anti-2nd Amendment prick.
#8. Yeah we get it, you’re a news photog. You really have to remind us on every other posting?
Heres a clue: No one gives a fuck.
#10. Would you please find another blog to bother, you’re opinions are worthless and asinine.
Take Faxon with you BTW.
#10 Your lack of critical thinking and teabagger bias is YOUR stock in trade.
Is someone who gets maced by police guilty until proven innocent? Last time I read, it’s still legal to assemble, according to the US Constitution’s First Amendment, but perhaps you were unaware of this.
There should not be that level of force necessary to arrest a female of that stature, by a man of the stature of the one who maced her. Perhaps you are too caught up in the teabagging, that you are in a tizzy with their propaganda?
Then again, it is well known that people on the Right are being paid to put this sort of stuff down, then deny that they are getting paid.
Who knows? All I know is that the cop didn’t have to mace the poor women. One of them is blind, for cryin’ out loud. I think that the officer who was doing the macing, aka “Tony Baloney” has other lawsuits against him for violating people’s civil rights in 2004. He should be at least taken off of this site, if not taken off duty for good.
Need to get some of those trucks from the beginning of Soylent Green.
Should n’t the Tea Party be hosting these rallies? Isn’t the first amendment their reason for being.
Give me:
God,Guns, Porn, Gay Marriage,Drugs,Freedom from taxes. Right? Gov’t out of our lives Right? Which is it bacon eaters?
Why are we paying for police any way?
#8 Hate protesters, eh, Faxon? So those British colonists protesting in 1776 were way out of line, weren’t they?
*rolls eyes*
Why do so many right-wingers love authoritarian governments? Must be their Christian fundamentalism… their god is a ruthless dictator, so they want that in their politics too.
the police don’t make they law.. they enforce it. so give them a gun and a bat and the rule book and see witch one they use the most.
I have known many police officers and I usually think that, for the most part, they’re okay.*
As O’Donnel noted, to get to wear the white shirt, you have to be a prick and a bully.
What the supervisor was doing there when he should have stayed well back and let the uniforms handle the situation is simple: he’s an unrepentant schol yard bully.
He’d line up his pals behind him, stomp on a puppy and, sneering, he’d ask/dare the kid who’s puppy it was: “What cha gonna doo about it?”
The answer to that question is of course “nothing” and he knows it. (Nobody has deliberately wanted to bait the bear and risk getting the shit beat out of ’em since the ’60s.)
The only thing that I’ve found to counter the attitude is to scare them with even bigger pricks. I just mutter “You’re not under surveillance, but I am. Stay at least 3 feet away…” (It doesn’t matter whether its true or not. Once implanted, the doubt stays…)
*) I hate cops who are helicoptered in to neighborhoods where they don’t know anybody nor anything about the environs.
That’s when you get deadly force accidents; when slamming the door on a clunker gets a jumpy air-headed ignorant-ass idiot cop to fumdle for his gun.
We had a few of those in Québec as well as down here in NYC (there are police departments like that everywhere,) and that’s when the morons come out.
We have had people who were trying to comply with an officer’s request, spooked the scardy-cat and got shot the hell up anyway. (Another Swiss-cheesed immigrant goes home in a closed coffin.)
Why white or blue shirts? Brown is better or even black shirts with a small skull and bones on one lapel, and the nice SS on the other….
When the only tool the police have is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail.
TeaDud is only in support of freedom for people who agree with him.
Who is gaining by everyone going tit-for-tat in the comment section of a video that, for good reason, should be uniting people of all political distinctions. Some would say that children are growing up faster. I would say the opposite, that there are rarely any adults existing in our society. Hmm I wonder what could have contributed to that phenomenon.
Shit’s fallin’ apart. That’s all I’m sayin’.
#7 – I partially agree with your theory, it was definitely a contributing factory during the race riots. However, I also believe a lot more assholes have twitter accounts now, and the unification that once existed is hanging on by its last moral thread.
#9 Marcus
Here’s the deal, dumbshit. I go to more fucking news events in a week than you see in a year.
#18 I am a Libertarian, I hate government. I also hate Anarchist shits who “protest” at the drop of a hat just so they can go break shit.
I am not a “right winger”. I just happen to see the real shit, and see how the media distorts it to control tools like yourself.
The cops should be arresting the criminals in the buildings that ruined this country.
#29. Fuxon – I am sooo impressed. I worked as an engineer for an NBC affiliate. Big Fucking Deal, camerman. Nobody wants to hear about your minimum wage job.
From what I remember, cameraman, you had the lowest paid position at the station, after the dumb ass weather girl.
#4 maddog,
Good idea. I would expand this to say every government employee be equipped with a personal recorder they wear around their neck. Corruption problem solved.
Nice to see that Occupy Wall Street is finally getting some press. Sure it took Police responding with pepper spray and taking down photographers to do it, but at least it’s gaining some traction in the mainstream me…..
Oh lookie! Nancy Grace has a boob!
And Michael Jackson is still dead!
What was I saying again?
Oh, nevermind.
Holy crap! O’Donnell’s really grown a pair since he stepped out of Olbermann shadow.
Who ALSO appears to be covering this story.
I’m sure this is just a mere coincidence.
Of course, in some countries it’s forbidden to even video or photograph ANY ONGOING CRIME without asking for permission! It’s considered an ILLEGAL RECORDING.
Where? My nice sunny country, Portugal…
#37 TeaDud
Organize it then, its your right. You’re the one who keeps saying TeaParty represents and is supported by most Americans. I’m sure you could gather an epic crowd.