Anyone who follows my thoughts on the matter know I’m on board with this guy. But listen to what Horowitz says on the DH Unplugged above. Hint: not good.
Market Crash Coming
By John C Dvorak Monday September 26, 2011
Anyone who follows my thoughts on the matter know I’m on board with this guy. But listen to what Horowitz says on the DH Unplugged above. Hint: not good.
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…but… who IS this guy?
I have been watching The US government fumble every opportunity since George Bush screwed the pooch in 2008. This guy is what the market is going to look like for the foreseeable future.
None of the people running for office in 2012 look like they have a clue. We are so screwed. The banksters like Goldman are going to take it all and the pols will continue to be their pets until it is all gone.
All that Adam Curry tin foil hat stuff might turn out to be true after all.
Strange guy.. dreams of Economic Depressions. Lucky me, I always dream of popping the heads off dolls that look like children and then ketchup comes out. That’s understandable because I’m a serial killer. But this guy’s dreams are just downright strange and morbid.
Goldman Sachs rules the world.
True. But… how many armored divisions does Goldman Sachs have?
When the shit really hits the fan, Goldman may be able to buy itself some Blackwater mercenaries. But the Marine corp grunt is going to be on the side of the American citizen — and I’ll take the Marines any day over Blackwater/Xe.
Louis XVI thought he had a good army, and the Tsar thought his troops would be loyal.
The market is so phony now that there cannot be a crash unless the market says so.
Buddy in this video wants an apocalypse, well we all do, but we will never get our wish.
This market stuff is so 20th century; the price of many things: video/audio entertainment, communications, literature etc. are pretty much free now, so we won’t need to spend much on that. And, because of the plummeting value of brick and mortar, caused by the collapse of several old timey business models, we won’t need to spend much on a place to live, unless we’re picky.
Internet shopping means that anyone with a half of a brain will get a good price on almost everything. I’ve reduced my expenses by leaps and bounds, because I can research products on the Internet for free and the vendors have to bid for my purchase.
Things are looking up! Unless you still think that this market bullshit is actually linked to the economy anymore.
I agree totally. The crowd that says US gov debt is going to collapse have no clue! Screw gold too.
If it ever got down to bartering with gold then guns could get you all the gold you’d need.
well lets see… how many quarters has the market been in “recession”?
welcome to the new great depression! it is just a recession because we say so as we the government are in charge of hiding the truth 😛
#4 uhm are you in denial.
you do know what the armed forces are really doing out there? they are prepping the middle east for capitalist overthrow..
ie japan, southeast asia, tried china, they caught on fast to how the game is played) next stop middle east.. closer to the oil, wont have to ship the fuel as far cheaper to do it there.. ready raw material market in african continent right next door… very cheap labor..
remember, when the christian right talks about religion they really mean all mighty dollar, why do you think they put in god we trust on every bit of currency we mint? it is the god they really believe in!
He’s just fear mongering POS. Sure he’s going to “help” all of you. If you’ll just liquidate all your stocks, everything will be fine and his dream will come true. BTW, he’s wearing shorts behind that desk.
There are way to many bad loans. In the end a lot of them are never going to be repaid.
The value of modern currency is based on people thinking that stained paper can be exchanged for goods and services.
A few years tops. All things pass. We’ve had a good run. What comes out of this is going to be a different world.
The market is NOT RULED by fear. That is just FUD. See how the F is already in that acronym? So is FU but “in context” that raises a different subject only tangentially related.
MANIPULATION rules the market. It is just a waterhole where the prey items gather for the predators to constantly cull. Think Morlocks and Eloi—without Yvette Mimieux. Sadly.
LIES rule the market. As if it were not a killing ground for the SuperRich.
SKIMMING rules the market. What do you think nano trading is all about? Its a constant skimming operation to keep the SuperRich happy waiting for larger Manipulations to come to bear.
Eat the Rich—then throw up. Its not the meal===its the killing.
Yea, verily.
#4: “When the shit really hits the fan, Goldman may be able to buy itself some Blackwater mercenaries. But the Marine corp grunt is going to be on the side of the American citizen — and I’ll take the Marines any day over Blackwater/Xe.”
Quick thought exercise…who does the marine corp take it’s orders from? Now go take a look at who goldman sachs and the other banksters bribe in every election on Your faith is sorely misplaced.
Miguel, he’s a trader.
So a guy who has said that markets are ruled by fear, who readily admits he makes most of his money from crashes, is spreading fear about an imminent crash.
The French warned about unchecked EU expansion decades ago.
#12 – like I said, the Tsar thought his troops would be loyal.
The President and Congress may be owned by Wall Street, but the Marines took an oath to defend the constitution – and unlike the President, the Marines take their oaths seriously.
OK, so everybody sees something coming. What does it mean ‘protect your assets’? Stuff the mattress?
Nano trading is about that Tiny moment wherein the crooks have information sooner that Joe Shmo. I don’t think it can hold markets up etc.
If so do tell me how.
I think the manipulation that has occurred was by fed black operations involved in direct buy/sell in amounts greater than any trader, but still not enough to hold up a crashing market.
This is what happens when you ask billionaires to pay the same tax rates as Jews.
Cgp==your insight amazes me. Substitute words/ideas then disagree inorder to think well of yourself?====BWHAAAHAHAHAH!
No doubt a market investor proud to think he knows what he is doing.
CAN’T YOU EVEN READ???? anything other than your nearly worn out talking points/insider hints? The paragraph you responded to was headed with SKIMMING. Nano trading has nothing to do with holding the market up. Its about SKIMMING THE MARKET/sheep of profits whether the market is going up or going down.
Stoopid Humans. I can see why the Super Rich don’t respect us. I’m us and I don’t either.
Good thing, I’ve got mine—screw the rest of you.
Yogy’s mate take your pills!
Anybody quessing just how high the fed’s bar account can go?
30 trillion?
100 trillion?
This fed account thingy should be named the best invention of an American ever. Ben (kite flyer) would be proud!
Can we call it hyper inflation? Does the money have a Velocity of zero or is it real fast?
The Euro zone will get external support to limp through this. The USD is still the world’s reserve currency which means it will be supported. It’ll be ugly but we’ll grind through it. This hole was 30 years in the making. It’ll take more than 2 years to climb out of it.
China, India, Brazil and Indonesia will all surge during the western slump.
I wish the rest of the world would stop including the UK with the “EuroZone”!
I don’t want that fascist and oppressive regime to fu*k up our economy as well -_-
The English people seem to have forgotten the most basic of laws… No taxation without representation.
We voted to be out of the EU, yet we still pay them tax… FU EU.
Doesn’t China take most of US money in tradable resources?
I think China is the biggest threat after the western would collapses (first quarter of 2012?)
Bunch of stories about this Alessio Rastani guy being a fake and tricking the BBC before.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Abeon, the USD still accounts for about 85% of world’s foreign exchange turnover. It’s a natural advantage to the US and why it moved off the gold standard back when Nixon was recording conversations with Elvis.
Sorry didn’t answer your question. China pays for commodities like iron ore and receives payment for manufactured goods in USD regardless of the counterparty nation.
I think I may open a bank account in USD… With the euro to USD at around 1.5, when the euro blows I may be rich… er…… Things in Europe look dire…
I’ll add this:
The truth will out. Roll yer dice. Is he, or is he not?