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Selling the Monet
By John C Dvorak Thursday September 22, 2011
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Artwork better than SPLHCB.
This article will make your heart stop. If you look at Leninism in the 1920’s and the Obama Government today, they are one and the same.
“The proletarian state may, without changing its own nature, permit freedom to trade and the development of capitalism only within certain bounds, and only on the condition that the state regulates (supervises, controls, determines the forms and methods of, etc.) private trade and private capitalism.”
Sound familiar?
“For about four years now the left wing has been following the tactics and principles of Leninism in the trade unions. … To organize revolutionary groups within the mass trade unions to work untiringly for a Policy of class struggle … these are Leninistic policies which are building the left wing movement in the United States.”
By the way, those articles are titled,
“Role and Functions of the Trade Unions by V. I. Lenin”, and
“Lenin and the Trade Union Movement. Pamphlet issued by the Trade Union Educational League, 1924”
Read and understand. Lenin meant to control the masses by controlling labor and labor unions.
Coincidentally, Obama’s Jobs are all trade union jobs dependent on the Government.
Read and become aware.
AS a democracy..
WE the people rule(supposedly)
NOT the corp.
You must pick.
idiots running the gov?
Idiots running the corps?
After the basic laws are created, the populace can DEAL with it.
What is left for the Law makers to do..
CONTROL the corps.
IF one cant control itself, then the OTHER MUST enforce control.
corp run amok, tends to be TONS of buyouts, monopolies.. NOT understanding Plateau’s in business and selling. Advancement of products to sell us MORE/BETTER..
Corps that want to sell you the SAME THING over and over, raise the price and SELL it to you again..
CORPS that control the availability of products as well as PRICES…do not advance the economy.(look at DVR/PVR tech)
the Gov. needs to PUSH advances.
esp.. if the corps wont do it. PUSH changes and improvements. PUSH DECENT/LIVING WAGES.
If the rich are getting MORE(over time) then RAISE the wages, but DONT raise prices..(wont happen)
Yahoo filters catch outbound SPAM, as to many POSTS at 1 time..
25,000,000 unemployed??
Where is the accounting office for the pentagon??
DID we take ALL the power of the accounting office away?
It is against the law, for the gov/state to force you to use a Private company for service, business..
THEY have to supply it.
Make tony random to talk..
If you think no one is are wrong.
Tony =TT…not a terrorist..a realist.
Economic and FOOD..
we started it in the 70’s
Exactly why people keep thinking an all powerful monolithic government is going to make their lives better escapes me.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The more layers of government you have between the service provider and the public it serves the less cost effective/responsive to the needs of the public it becomes.
Thatcher was right in saying that sooner or later such governments run out of other peoples money and then those who are defenseless before it get ground under or lead wretched lives of quite desperation.
I didn’t misspell. I made a play on words.
Its a wonderful irony when someone uses Moran instead of Moron.
Unless you genuinely mean warriors among the Masai of Kenya think that only corps are corrupt. 😉