What would you ask him?

President Obama will participate in a town hall at the California headquarters of social networking site LinkedIn on Sept. 26, according to the White House.

At “Putting America Back to Work,” Obama will answer questions about job creation and the economy from a live audience made up of LinkedIn members and employees, as well as questions that have been submitted from other site members. Users can submit questions in advance and watch the town hall live on LinkedIn and WhiteHouse.gov/live.

In conjunction with the Obama’s visit, LinkedIn has launched a community focused on job creation and the economy. This group will also provide opportunities for LinkedIn members to engage with the White House and administration officials following the event.

  1. President Amabo says:

    #45 – Don’t forget it was insectoid James Carville who said “If Hillary gave Obama one of her balls, they’d each have two” ROFL

  2. Howard Beale says:

    US Presidents (you included) tend to always govern from the center why do you think both the Left and Right claim you are governing from the Right and Left?

  3. Phydeau says:

    #71 Those are meaningless terms Howard… “right”, “left”, “center”. When the Republicans become even more radical and crazy, the “center” automatically moves toward them. What matters is the politicians’ stands on real-life issues.

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Mr President, You and Warren Buffet are claiming the rich should pay more taxes… And since you can pay more to the Government now… Did You or Mr Buffet, being rich, pay one penny more this year? No, didn’t think so…

  5. Drive By Poster says:

    #69, tcc3 said,
    “#56 drivebyposter

    You have a selective memory. There was also a republican proposal”

    Selective memory, nothin’. I have zero memory of it. The news media only covered HillaryCare to any extent. Be honest, in 1993 the Democrats controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate. The Repubs could propose anything they wanted to at the time and it would have ZERO chance of passage. As such, any Repub proposals at the time could not be taken seriously in terms of having a chance of becoming reality. The most the Repubs could do would be to threaten a filibuster of Dem proposals.

    As I recall, the Dems ran so rampant during their 2 years in power from ’93-’94, they ushered in the so called Republican Revolution by voter backlash.

  6. tcc3 says:

    #74 DriveByPoster

    Remember it or not, it happened, republicans voted for it, and it contained a mandate provision.

  7. LibertyLover says:


    > there is the United States of America.


    there are the United States of America.

    And again

    > there’s the United States of America.

    there are the United States of America.

    And again

    > all of us defending the United States of America.

    all of us defending these United States of America.

    > E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

    If we do not consider these States as separate entities, we are not longer many but a bunch of Senatorial and Representative Districts.

    We then become

    Multa paucis regitur

  8. Howard Beale says:

    point excepted Phydeau and I would add the nation has been slipping to the Right since Reagan but I still stand by the he is governing from the center and that the far left and far right being mad as hell at him is supports to that.

    I guess I’d change my question to “if you had known in advance how the midterm elections were to turn out would you have used the bully pulpit more in your first 2 years?

  9. Phydeau says:

    #76 Poor LL, still stuck back in the 1800s.

    #77 Howard, there isn’t any “far left” with any significant political power in the United States. The vast majority of our elected officials are rich and under the influence of rich people and corporations, because that’s where you get the money to buy TV commercials to get elected. Obama is what passes for “left” in America and if you read my post in #51 he’s pretty much Republican.

    The “left” in America wants

    — Reasonable health care for everyone

    — Rich people to pay their fair share

    — No more pointless wars

    — Jobs for Americans, not shipping jobs overseas

    All criminals prosecuted, even the rich ones

    et cetera, et cetera. By the way, that’s the position of most Americans too, as expressed in poll after poll. But the politicians aren’t listening to us. The only choices we get is the warmed-over moderate Republicanism of the Democratic party, and the far-right crazy of the Republican party.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #78, Are you suggesting we should dissolve the country as we know it and start over? It isn’t getting better. It’s been getting worse for the last 100 years.

    If you look at the amendments to the US Constitution around that time, I don’t think a single one of them made things better — easier for those in power to remain there perhaps, but nothing to actually strengthen the country.

    We’ve done nothing but become a welfare/warfare nation and Obama can do nothing about it.

    If you truly want change, repeal those amendments and let people live their own lives for a change. Now THAT is change I could believe in.

    Insults do nothing but show your propensity to bully instead of taking matters seriously.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #78, The “left” in America wants

    – Reasonable health care for everyone
    – Rich people to pay their fair share
    – No more pointless wars
    – Jobs for Americans, not shipping jobs overseas
    – All criminals prosecuted, even the rich ones

    So do Libertarians.

    We just disagree on who should pay for the first one and want to have a say in what is “fair.” Until those two items are ironed out, they should be not be implemented.

  12. Phydeau says:

    Yawn… we’ve gone over this countless times LL. You are a witting or unwitting tool of the big corporations. If we hamstring the federal government, we’ll be back to the “good old days” of the robber barons, when the big corporations did what they want and we had massive pollution, dangerous food (Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”), dangerous workplaces, et cetera, et cetera. You’re an idiot if you can’t see that, a tool if you can and still want to go back to that way.

    Tell you what… I’ll go with shipping all the power back to the states if we eliminate national and international corporations. Corporations can only be incorporated in the states. AT&T of Alabama. Microsoft of Washington. Cripple the corporations, and I’ll consider crippling the federal government.

    But we know that’ll never happen. So go back to your dream world, LL.

  13. President Amabo says:

    #72 – You’re correct, the Republicans are becoming radical: they’ve been shifting to the left for decades.

    I also want the rich to pay their fair share since that would mean a tax reduction for them.

  14. tcc3 says:

    #82 TeaDud

    You want to change America, the best nation on earth?!?! Why do you hate America?!?!

  15. Dallas says:

    When are you calling out Perry as a lying piece of shit for taking stimulus money to balance the Texas budget?

  16. So what says:

    Mr.President, do you give a rusty fuck what people post about you on internet message boards?

  17. tcc3 says:

    #87 TeaDud

    Its odd, I just remember when Obama ran on a platform of change, you and others jumped on him with both feet for daring to criticize “the greatest country on Earth”

    Also, *you* criticizing anyone for posting too much and not making sense? That’s rich.

  18. Cursor_ says:


    I am beyond suggesting. I am for dissolving the present union and create a new Republic with a new Constitution.

    Have been since the 1980s. But no one wants to do that because they are scared to get their hands dirty with the work of a new government. They would rather stay at hiome, bitch, whine and moan and be arm chair commentators on politics.

    All the American people can think of is what they were taught to thinks of. US is the best in the world, the declaration of independece, founding fathers, tradition for tradition’s sake. Bal blah blah.

    If you loved liberty so much you would want a new form of government that meets the needs of the 21st century people, not a return to some out of date form that helped the agrarian nation we were with an infant industrial age.

    But you don’t love liberty. You love nostalgia. Like so many do that have given up and accepted servitude under Plutarchs.

    Instead of real liberty to make your way, you wish to return to a simple old town of the past with oompa bands in shelters on the town green on a cheery summer day while eating home made pies and chicken idling the good ol’ times away.

    Some of us realise that the world has moved on and that we need new tools to deal with it. And I for one would be happy to assist in making a new constitution that fairly represents all citizens of The Republic. NOt just the rich and their corporations.


  19. Cursor_ says:

    Tea, Paul can no more make change of anything than Obama has. You are naive.

    But then you always are naive when you think that George GW Bush wasn’t in charge during the Reagan years and was the architect of more national debt and more incursion in foreign nations to impose the US will abroad.

    Reagan was busy sleeping, being a geriatric version of howdy doody and consulting astrologers to what he should do next. So much for your buffet style Christianity where you will over look him going to soothsayers even though they are in league with Satan as you would believe.

    If it is Ronnie it is different. How casually you side with your enemy and hold your hand out and say no to your King.

    How casually you will resort to eye for and eye when your King removed it. How casually when your King gave a command to love your neighbour as yourself you again say no to him.
    How casually you tell the King again and again get off that Throne I know better than you when he commanded the rich to hold feasts for the poor, sick and maimed and called upon the rich men to send their servants into the street to gather those people.

    You are a bold faced traitor to Your King. There is no other word for it. You are in full rebellion. You nail him to the cross everyday again in again with wicked glee. All the while wearing white and saying you are leading the right way.

    You are unable to love others as yourself.

    Because you don’t really love yourself. You hate yourself but say you love. Deep down you are a shattered man that wishes all others to be as shattered as you are. You spit old wine at the feet of your King.


  20. RS says:

    I am not sure THIS president can answer ANY question truthfully.

    So why bother?

    Wait… how about: “Mr President, what do you think is your best trait?”

    Might be there for hours.

  21. Dallas says:

    #95 kudos for a well written, educated lashing at our resident Christian Taliban.

    I would also add that Teabagged Dude is worthless piece of shit just a cocaine snort shy of shooting up a museum.

  22. Cursor_ says:

    Tea you are so far off.

    Only one of the “founding fathers”, Jay, was a christian. The rest either would not admit to it, like Washington, or were deists. And Jay the protestant was anti-catholic, another who won’t obey the Second Great Commandment of his King. i.e. a rebel.

    Just like you will not love your neighbour if he doesn’t think or act as you do. Very Jewish and not at all Christian.

    YOUR King SIR is your authority. Not you. Not your tea party, not your government. YOUR King SIR. You are supposed to be a vassal of your Lord. But you spit at your King. You denounce his very rule over you by not following his Commands. These are not suggestions, these are commands of his. YOUR King SIR.

    There is NO freedom for you if you are in rebellion to YOUR King SIR. Sounds like he is your King when it suits your needs. But when it becomes too hard or it goes against YOUR will he can go eff himself.

    When he commands that you love your neighbour as yourself he means it. And if you don’t then you are in rebellion to YOUR KING SIR.

    If you truly mean what you say then you would be against carnal wars because Paul, inspired by Your God, said that your war is not of flesh and blood but of the spirit.

    If you truly were a vassal of your King you would be for helping the poor not berating them when they are destitute.

    You would carry them to a safe place, and pay for treatment and for lodging as the Samaritan had.

    If you were a servant to your Master as you say you are, then you would chide the rich men for not setting a place at the feast for the poor, the sick and the maimed.

    But you don’t do those things. Neither does Ron Paul, yet another jackal that will whisper sweetness into your ears to sooth you and then dig a blade in your back with treachery after he gains your confidence. Just as Obama did, as Bush did, As Clinton did, etc. etc.

    They all coo and bring your near only to fill you with poison easier.

    They worship mammon is what YOUR King SIR would say. But you believe them as you too worship mammon. You desire to keep your wealth because you say you made it.

    But YOUR King SIR said his FATHER Made it and gave it to you. It is NOT yours in fact. It is his. And he shares it with you because you need it. And what is left over is to be shared with others less fortunate. Because that is what YOUR King SIR did.

    And IF you think that YOU should do it and not the government, then why did Paul tell you that the government is there by God’s choosing? He said that it is there as it promotes love for your neighbour. Read Romans 13 and pay very close attention to verse 8!

    Your taxes are the vehicle that pays to help those less well off that IS love for your neighbour. Ordained by God. YOUR KING SIR!

    Why will you not obey your KING? He has called you out of your old ways. Your tradition for tradition’s sake. He called you to the New Way, to be a New Wineskin, filled with New Wine.

    But you bibe old and say it tastes better. Just as The Jews do. You refuse YOUR King SIR.
    He will deny you when you call Lord Lord. Because you KNOW you are in the wrong. That YOUR King SIR would want you to be better than you have been, to love and to share what Your Father has given you.

    IF you are a Christian then OBEY YOUR KING SIR!

    If you are not, then stop saying you are with The King when you are his enemy.

    At least be honest about something.


  23. Cursor_ says:


    Though I may not be a proponent of deities I say to you that no human is shit.

    The ONLY reason why humanity is anywhere above being just dumb animals is because what we lack in fur, fang and claw to make us great we make up for by the melting together as a civilisation to make us great.

    Alone we are weak and fragile. But together we can move mountains, change the course of rivers and walk on the moon. Humanity is a powerful and great thing.

    BUT ONLY together.

    There are no shit people, there are only people who do shitty things because they lack the will to do better.

    We are better than that. And we need to all work together to get better and advance our race.

    The Human Race.


  24. President Amabo says:

    If you want to advance the race, the best thing is to make a moon race type goal for America to get 100 million 4x4s on the road by 2014. Outlaw mass transit and start building the infrastructure to support a minimum of 1 4×4 per driving age adult.

    That’ll generate some jobs.

  25. Dallas says:

    #103 hard to believe it’s 2011 and holier than thou loons still spawn 19th century mentality pieces of shit out to foster misery to people you don’t know. If there is a devil it lies in you. Your hands are bloody for driving innocent young lives to suicide.

  26. LibertyLover says:

    #81, Phydeau,

    Tell you what… I’ll go with shipping all the power back to the states if we eliminate national and international corporations. Corporations can only be incorporated in the states. AT&T of Alabama. Microsoft of Washington. Cripple the corporations, and I’ll consider crippling the federal government.

    I’ll agree to that and take you one step further. ALL corporations have to be state-based only. That includes unions and charities.

  27. LibertyLover says:


    If you loved liberty so much you would want a new form of government that meets the needs of the 21st century people, not a return to some out of date form that helped the agrarian nation we were with an infant industrial age.

    LOL. You really think the US Constitution is out of date? Puh-Leaze. We just need people who will FOLLOW it and not try to find ways around it.

    What in the Constitution do you find to not fit with 21st Century American?

  28. Thomas says:


    If you loved liberty so much you would want a new form of government that meets the needs of the 21st century people, not a return to some out of date form that helped the agrarian nation we were with an infant industrial age.

    In fact, many people in this thread are calling for exactly that: a Constitutional convention to rework the Constitution. By far the biggest problem is that people today are wholly ignorant of the fundamental idea behind the Constitution: limited Federal government. The single most important idea behind the Constitution is that it was a document in which the States granted powers to the Federal government and all other powers belonged to the States. If there is one goal in restructuring the Constitution it should be to return us to that root design of government.


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