What would you ask him?

President Obama will participate in a town hall at the California headquarters of social networking site LinkedIn on Sept. 26, according to the White House.

At “Putting America Back to Work,” Obama will answer questions about job creation and the economy from a live audience made up of LinkedIn members and employees, as well as questions that have been submitted from other site members. Users can submit questions in advance and watch the town hall live on LinkedIn and WhiteHouse.gov/live.

In conjunction with the Obama’s visit, LinkedIn has launched a community focused on job creation and the economy. This group will also provide opportunities for LinkedIn members to engage with the White House and administration officials following the event.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Mr. Obama sir, how does it feel being the best thing to happen to the Republican party in decades??

    For further info:
    “One of the Democratic party’s leading pollsters released a survey of 60 Republican-held battleground districts today painting an ominous picture for Congressional Democrats in 2012. The poll shows Democratic House candidates faring worse than they did in the 2010 midterms, being dragged down by an unpopular president who would lose to both Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.”

  2. legendinmyownmind. says:

    How do you justify your existence?

    How did you learn to lie so well?

    Why don’t you resign right now?

  3. President Amabo says:

    Have you pooped in every bathroom in the White House yet?

  4. Drive By Poster says:

    Can you give a speech without a teleprompter to tell you what to say? Please answer without first looking at the teleprompter this time…

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey, I just had an epiphany!!


    Given his track record and unpopularity, if he stayed in office another 4 years, the Democratic party would be entirely devastated and cease to exist.

  6. Faxon says:

    Since I am a San Francisco news photographer, I would like to know what time this event occurs, since if it is on my shift (3p-11p) I will call in sick so I don’t have to be anywhere near this asshole and his nasty-ass SS officers.

  7. deowll says:

    I have paid a lot of attention to the WH since Obama was elected. He’s pretty much answered the questions that matter to me. His verbiage and his deeds rarely matched but he still answered my questions.

    I want him to retire and take up golf full time.

  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    I like Oh No’s comment: #35 “Mr. Obama sir, how does it feel being the best thing to happen to the Republican party in decades??” //// Its true. The Republican Party can’t do jack shit for anyone who makes less than a million a year. Thats not enough people to be a party==only a gang of thieves. for any “good” at all to happen, it has to come from outside that “party.”

    VOTE ALL “NO NEW TAXES” POLITICIANS OUT OF OFFICE….and their voting base off the island.

  9. Brian says:

    Mr. President, where did you hide your testicles? Does the first lady have them?

  10. McCullough says:

    Mr. President, I don’t want my tax money going to criminal bankers anymore…is there some type of opt out program for people like me.

  11. McCullough says:

    Mr. President, I don’t feel good about my hard earned cash going to murder innocent brown people, is there some type of opt out program for people like me.

    and on

    and on

  12. xjonx says:

    How do you transfer out of this chicken shit outfit?

  13. ± says:

    Mwhhuuhahahahahahahaha …. I just reported dvorak.org to attackwatch.com

  14. Phydeau says:

    1. Why have you refused to prosecute obvious lawbreakers from the Bush administration — torturers and people who spy without warrants and much more?

    2. Why have you refused to prosecute Wall Street criminals, despite lots of evidence that their illegal activities put us in this depression?

    3. Why did you introduce a rehash of the 1994 Republican health care proposal, where millions of Americans are forced to buy medical insurance from private companies? (The same kind of program that Republican Mitt Romney pushed thru in MA.)

    4. Why have you not only continued Bush’s spying programs, but claimed the right to assassinate any American anywhere in the world, without any due process — trial, jury, sentencing?

    5. Why are you talking about cutting Social Security and Medicare?

    6. Why have you hired Wall Street insiders as key aides in your administration?

    7. Why have you started more wars (Yemen, Libya) without Congressional approval?

    8. Why have you continued the tax cuts for the rich?

    And finally — why don’t you just join the Republican party? You’re obviously much more comfortable there.

  15. Phydeau says:

    #52 lol honeyman you said it much more succinctly than me. 🙂

    The answer? Corporations can’t vote — yet. Once they can, politicians can drop the pretense that they care about average Americans.

  16. Jim G says:

    So…. what flavor koolaid you gonna serve up to all those loyal Obama Cultists?

  17. Who says:

    Would you let your wife pose for National Geographic?

  18. Drive By Poster says:

    #51, Phydeau said,
    “3. Why did you introduce a rehash of the 1994 Republican health care proposal, where millions of Americans are forced to buy medical insurance from private companies? (The same kind of program that Republican Mitt Romney pushed thru in MA.)”

    You’re thinking HillaryCare in 1994, where Hillary headed up a massive health care committee with only 1 doctor and 2 nurses, and the rest were bureaucrats who reported directly or indirectly to her husband Bill. The Repubs were against it.

  19. Benjamin says:

    You say you are trying to create jobs, yet you preside over a government that is suing to block a new Boeing plant that would create thousands of jobs in South Carolina and a government that stole all the raw materials that Gibson Guitars needs to keep their factory workers employed. Aren’t those the actions of someone who wishes to destroy the jobs of American workers rather than create them?

    That is the question I would ask Barack Obama.

  20. Speedmaster says:

    Two things.

    1. How do you sleep at night?

    2. Which are you, ignorant, or malevolent?

  21. derspankster says:

    Do you ever wish you weren’t half black so people wouldn’t hate you so much?

  22. Phydeau says:

    #56 Nope. Talking about the Republican response.

  23. LibertyLover says:

    I have no questions for him. I knew this would happen.

    Warned every one of you Obama supporters. My question is for you. How does it feel to know I was right?

  24. Phydeau says:

    #56 But kudos to you for acknowledging at least part of what I wrote. Most right-wingers just can’t get their mind around the fact that Obama’s acting like a Republican. They’ve just been programmed to believe he’s the incarnation of liberal evil I guess, regardless of the reality of the situation. *shrug*

    Really, you guys should be happy — you wanted a Republican elected and you got it, though not like you expected.

  25. Cursor_ says:

    Mr. President why should not middle and lower income citizens not revolt when they have taxation without representation?


  26. Thomas says:

    Most left-wingers couldn’t get their head around the fact that when it came to spending, Bush acted like a Democrat.

  27. Grandpa says:

    Please explain why you failed the E-Verify check.

  28. Phydeau says:

    #64 Actually, Thomas, Bush spent like Reagan. With lip service to fiscal restraint and spending like mad.

    Both D’s and R’s spend. Don’t kid yourself.

    Google “Dick Cheney deficits don’t matter” for another Republican spender.

  29. MikeN says:

    Do you believe Troy Davis should have been executed yesterday after witnesses recanted?


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