What would you ask him?

President Obama will participate in a town hall at the California headquarters of social networking site LinkedIn on Sept. 26, according to the White House.

At “Putting America Back to Work,” Obama will answer questions about job creation and the economy from a live audience made up of LinkedIn members and employees, as well as questions that have been submitted from other site members. Users can submit questions in advance and watch the town hall live on LinkedIn and WhiteHouse.gov/live.

In conjunction with the Obama’s visit, LinkedIn has launched a community focused on job creation and the economy. This group will also provide opportunities for LinkedIn members to engage with the White House and administration officials following the event.

  1. McCullough says:

    For the good of the country, would you please resign?

  2. kliend says:

    Why is marijuana still not legal?

  3. LoneSQRL says:

    who is John Galt?

  4. denacron says:

    Without a compulsion for honesty would it matter what you could ask him?

  5. spsffan says:

    Why are we still at war?

  6. spsffan says:

    What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  7. andy says:

    Are the Fish biting down at the lake?

  8. EnemyOfTheState says:

    are you my daddy ?

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    What made you expect that Republicans would ever negotiate in good faith?

  10. ubiquitous talking head says:

    What coming catastrophe has necessitated all the billions recently spent on hardening our national infrastructure? It’s obviously NOT terrorism related, since only a moron would think any of the crap that Homeland Security is doing protects us from terrorists in any way.

  11. jj says:

    >>What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    African or European?

  12. Derek says:

    A few things…

    1. After blaming everything on earth on the Republicans, after forcing Obamacare, and basically being a union puppet, what made you expect that Republicans would ever negotiate in good faith?

    2. Is it because you have never held an actual job in your entire life that you cant understand that businesses need STABILITY in order to operate, not 3 years of constant CHANGE?

    3. Do you believe that it’s ok for a government in a freedom loving society to force it’s citizens to buy products they don’t want or cant afford?

    4. How does it feel to be officially the worst president this country has ever had?

    5. Why were you such a bold faced liar during your campaign?

  13. Cave Johnson says:

    Like Lincoln before you are you ready to give up on attempts to compromise with an opposition that just wants to see you fail and is willing to bring down the whole country if thats what it takes?

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Derek does a good job on covering my questions.

    McCullough’s #1 is more of a common sense statement. Over Big O’s head, I’m sure.

    McCullough, you’re not the only one thinking sane thoughts.
    This is a GREAT article on the very same subject.

  15. tcc3 says:

    Why aren’t you even half as liberal as people claim? I mean, you’re basically a Republican.

  16. foobar says:

    Why doesn’t Superman have any, um, equipment?

  17. seetheblacksun says:

    Can I get a personal bailout?

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Obama is no Lincoln.

    From my above cited article:
    “The sputtering economy is about to stall out, unemployment is high, his jobs program may not pass, foreclosures are rampant and the poor guy can’t even sneak a cigarette. … Democratic consultant James Carville had one word of advice for Obama: “Panic.” … voters will decide his middle name is Hoover, not Hussein. Why not leave of his own volition instead of waiting to get the ax? … If he runs for re-election, Obama may find that the only fate worse than losing is winning. But he might arrange things so it will be Clinton who has the unenviable job of reviving the economy, balancing the budget, getting out of Afghanistan and grappling with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Obama, meanwhile, will be on a Hawaiian beach, wrestling the cap off a Corona.”

    Something for our Liar in Chief to think about.

  19. chris says:

    Why did you run as a transformational leader when you govern as an over-cautious pussy?

  20. Guyver says:

    10, TEA Dude,


    You do realize that is a website for Obama supporters to send them links on any news source bad mouthing Obama?

  21. Dallas says:

    How did you get to be so amazing?

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, Guyver, you’re even more clueless than I thought!

    “Attackwatch.com: laughingstock of the internets.
    I was going to post about Attackwatch.com and show what an incredibly transparent collection of demagoguery it is, but before I could, it already became the laughingstock of the internet.”

    The hitler discovers attachwatch video is priceless.

  23. President Amabo says:

    Hmmm, LinkedIn is for professionals and everyone there uses their real name. No anonymous questions. Sounds like a good way to gather high value adds to the enemies list.

  24. Joe says:

    I’d ask how he could appoint a tax cheat to lead the U.S. Treasury. (And I’m an Obama supporter, at least I was until he appointed Geithner)

  25. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Leading from behind is ineffective spin. When are you going to lead from the front? Not just the front, but the far left front just as your base elected you to do?

    Have you read Suskinds Book? ((Bwhaaahahahaha!!)) Other than allowing Wallstreet to destroy America, what else did you find revealing in that book? Failure to prosecute financial fraud? What’s Up wid dat?

    ……and yet still better than McCain….or Perry. Hard to tell about Romney as he had no position on anything ==== and who knows, that could be just what politicians should be. Being ideologues certainly hasn’t panned out.

  26. Deus Ex Techimata says:

    Like any question would garner an honest, knowledgeable response?

    You said you would repeal the Patriot Act before you were hired. You lied. Why did you lie and what are you going to do about it?

    Why are we still pumping trillions of dollars into unnecessary wars on the other side of the planet?

    Hardening cockpit doors and the traveling public are the best defense on any aircraft. Why are we not disbanding the pedophilia-laden TSA and their blue gloves of love? Why don’t you have YOUR balls man-handled when you board Air-Force one?

    C’mon sheeple – vote the boxes in order. Soap, Ballot, Jury, Ammo.

    They all need to be sacked…

  27. darkwolfbc says:

    Are you a robot?

  28. McCullough says:

    I take back what I said about resigning as POTUS, unless of course, Biden gets 2 to the head first.

    Then you’re free to go sir.

  29. chuck says:

    Mr President, why do those “fat cat” “millionaires and billionaires” get a $7,000 subsidy if they buy an electric car?

    Follow-up question:
    Why do I have to pay for Warren Buffett’s health care?

  30. Faxon says:

    Why can’t your wife cover up her flabby-ass arms?


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