LOL. That is funny! Funniest part, or saddest depending on how you look at it, is that some people STILL can’t rub their tummy and pat their head or keep 2 thoughts in their head at the same time. So instead of the rational, “Oh, nice display. I get it, Halloween is coming and Flu season too”. You get idiots thinking, “Obama is trying to kill us all with mandated poison flu shots”. LOL!
#8. I’m pretty sure it’s not Halloween, but I understand the marketing practice of getting the stupid consumer primed early.
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LOL. That is funny! Funniest part, or saddest depending on how you look at it, is that some people STILL can’t rub their tummy and pat their head or keep 2 thoughts in their head at the same time. So instead of the rational, “Oh, nice display. I get it, Halloween is coming and Flu season too”. You get idiots thinking, “Obama is trying to kill us all with mandated poison flu shots”. LOL!
Buy a Flue Shot HERE or DIE!!!, just like all the people who Died of the Mad Bird Cow Swine Flu SARS disease!
Funny as hell. Clueless assholes.
So–I take it that there is not a mixed message but rather two separate messages?
Get your flu shots and its Halloween? So, where is the sign for frozen turkeys?
Mixed message??
I don’t see no stinkin’ mixed message!
#8. I’m pretty sure it’s not Halloween, but I understand the marketing practice of getting the stupid consumer primed early.